SAP Function Module search on SMO4

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SMO4_BDM_GETBDOCLOCKSTATUS - Returns the Locked status of a BDoc

SMO4_BDM_GETDATAELEMENT - Read all the Data Element

SMO4_BDM_GETDOMAINLIST - Get the list of all Domain

SMO4_BDM_GETGENERATIONLOG - Returns the Generation Log for BDocs.

SMO4_BDM_GETSQLTYPELIST - Read all the SQL Data Type

SMO4_BDM_GETSYSTEMTYPE - Returns whether the system is a SAP or Customer system

SMO4_BDM_GETTABLE - Interface to get the information of a table

SMO4_BDM_GETTABLES - To Get The List Of Tables Defined In TRDB

SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSDATA - To get all Transactional Details

SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSLIST - To Get The List Of The Transactions Defined In TRDB



SMO4_BDM_SETBDOCLOCKSTATUS - Funciton to lock and unlock BDocs

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_ACTIVATE_I01 - Transaction Activate: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_COPY_I01 - Transaction Copy: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_COPY_INC_I01 - Incompatible transaction copy: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DATA_CHECK - Transaction data check: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DELETE_I01 - Deletes both Active and Edit copy of transaction

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DISCARD_I01 - deletes edit copy of a transaction

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_FROM_ARCH_I01 - Transaction from archive as mod. ver: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_INACT_DEL_I01 - Transaction Copy: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_NEW_I01 - Transaction Copy: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_RELEASE_I01 - Transaction Release: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_SNAME_CHECK - Checks segment name and short name in repository and DDIC

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_UPLOAD_I01 - Transaction Upload: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRANS_UPLOAD_TEST - Transaction Upload: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRDATATYPE_UPLOAD_I01 - TR Datatype Upload: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_TRTBLINDX_UPLOAD_I01 - TR Table Upload: Repository Interface

SMO4_BDM_VERSIONDATA - Get details about the version.

SMO4_BULK_GET_DATA - Gets segment name and ddic name needed in Bulk template


SMO4_BULK_TABLE_MAPPED_SEGMENT - finds the segment mapped to a table


SMO4_CLEANUP_SMOG_TABLE - Removes table definitions from smog_table not in smog_mstab

SMO4_FILL_R3FLD_R3KEY - adds r3fld and r3key to SMOG_TFLD and smog_sfld

SMO4_GET_DATA_TYPE - fn to get data types fron repository via TM

SMO4_GET_MAPPING - fn to get mapping information from repository layer via TM

SMO4_GET_MAPTR - fn to add transaction short text

SMO4_GET_STYPE - returns stype table

SMO4_GET_TABLE - fn to get table and its related tables from repository through TM

SMO4_GET_TABLE_LIST - gets the list of all transaction for the specified version

SMO4_GET_TRANSACTION - Get the transactions from the repository db

SMO4_GET_TRANSACTION_LIST - gets the list of all transaction for the specified version

SMO4_GET_VERSION - fn to get version table from repository

SMO4_GET_VERSION_LIST - Fn to get version information

SMO4_PUT_DATA_TYPE - fn to put data types in repository through TM

SMO4_PUT_DATA_TYPE_FROM_DDIC - fn for TM to fill SMOG tables from DDIC tables

SMO4_PUT_MAPPING - function to put table mapping information in the repository

SMO4_PUT_MAPPING1 - function to put table mapping information in the repository

SMO4_PUT_STYPE - function to put SType Table from Workbench

SMO4_PUT_TABLE - to fill repository physical model

SMO4_PUT_TABLE_FROM_DDIC - function to inport smog_table entries from ddic

SMO4_PUT_TABLE_FROM_DDIC_COPY - function to inport smog_table entries from ddic

SMO4_PUT_TRANSACTION - Put the transaction records in the repository db

SMO4_PUT_VERSION - fill the version details into the repository db.

SMO4_TEST_FN - Test fn for DCOM Rfc

SMO4_TRANSACTION_GETLIST - Downloads transaction header data for a certain version

SMO4_TRANSACTION_READ - Reads all transaction data from TR

SMO4_TRANSACTION_WRITE - Uploads transaction data to TR

SMO4_TRANS_TAB_LIST - Get the list of tables of a transaction

SMO4_TRTABLEINDX_WRITE - Uploads table data to TR

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