SAP Function Module search on EU

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EUP_BSP_DELETE_IV_CTX - Delete the bsp input context. Not to be called by the BSP application.

EUP_CALLABLE_OBJECT_EXECUTE - Executes a callable object.

EUP_CO_EXECUTE_WITH_FIELDS - Execute callable object with fields.

EUP_CREATE_BSP_OUTPUT_STRUCT - Creates top level strucutre for BSP callable object output parameters.

EUP_GENERATE_IFORM_WITH_FIELDS - Generate interactive form with fields.

EUP_GENERATE_INTERACTIVE_FORM - Generate interactive form.

EUP_GET_BSP_INPUT_DATA - Gets the input data for bsp co. The data is deleted.

EUP_GET_BSP_OUTPUT_DATA - Called by the J2EE to get the output data.

EUP_GET_PROCESS_INSTANCE - Returns a running workflow instance and all its data, so structure, status

EUP_START_PROCESS - Starts a given workflow.

EUP_START_PROCESS_WITH_FIELDS - Start process with fields.

EUP_STORE_BSP_INPUT_DATA - Called by the J2EE to store the input data.

EUP_STORE_BSP_OUTPUT_DATA - Used to store the bsp co output data.

EU_TAX_NUMBER_CHECK - Check of VAT registration number (EU tax number)

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