tms trq tor
Warning: Undefined variable $intro in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 73*& Report ZTRQ_TO_TOR
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& SAP TMS Input Forwarding Order and Find Freight Order or Railcar Unit *& Uses database selects from the following tables to link the objects *& together. *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zmtest_trq_to_tor. TABLES: /scmtms/d_trqrot, /scmtms/d_torite, /scmtms/d_torrot. DATA: wa_trqrot TYPE /scmtms/d_trqrot, it_torite TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /scmtms/d_torite, wa_torite TYPE /scmtms/d_torite, wa_torrot TYPE /scmtms/d_torrot. PARAMETERS: p_trqid TYPE /scmtms/d_trqrot-trq_id OBLIGATORY. *********************************************************************** *START-OF-SELECTION. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: 'Forwarding Order', p_trqid, 'is found on:'. SKIP 2. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /scmtms/d_trqrot INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_trqrot WHERE trq_id EQ p_trqid. SELECT * FROM /scmtms/d_torite INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_torite WHERE orig_ref_root EQ wa_trqrot-db_key. *********************************************************************** *END-OF-SELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION. LOOP AT it_torite INTO wa_torite. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /scmtms/d_torrot INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_torrot WHERE db_key EQ wa_torite-parent_key. CASE wa_torite-ref_bo. WHEN 'TRQ'. WRITE:/ 'On Railcar Unit - '. WHEN 'TOR'. WRITE:/ 'On Train - '. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE:/ 'On - '. ENDCASE. WRITE: wa_torrot-tor_id, wa_torite-item_type. WRITE:/ wa_torite-ref_bo, wa_torite-local_item, '---', wa_torrot-tor_cat, wa_torrot-tor_type. SKIP 2. ENDLOOP.Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 209