SapTALK User Messaging service

Below are the steps needed to create the SAPTalk Instant messaging program or SAP.

1) Create new database tables using SE11 or SE80

2) Create a new report program(executable) called 'ZSAPTALK'

3) Place the following code listing into program (ZSAPTALK)

4) Create INCLUDES for SapTALK program

5) Create SCREENS for SapTALK program

6) Create GUI STATUSES for SapTALK program

7) Create GUI TITLES for SapTALK program

8) Create TRANSACTION code for SapTALK program

9) Create a new report program(executable) called 'ZMESSCLEARUP'

10) Place the following code listed into program (ZMESSCLEARUP)

11) Create TRANSACTION code for ZMESSCLEARUP program

12) Create new FUNCTION GROUP called 'ZMESS'

13) Place the following code listed into program SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS)

14) Create INCLUDES for program SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS)

15) Create SCREEN for program SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS)

16) Create GUI STATUS for program SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS)

17) Create FUNCTION MODULES for program SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS)

18) Create Parameter ID's

19) Create Message class and message

Related Articles

Instant messenger for SAP
Nugget file for Instant messaging service for SAP
Message Class 'ZUMESS' and message '000'
SAPTalk Parameter ID's
Screen shots of Instant messenger for SAP
Background to the SAPTalk application
Example SAPTalk Screens
SAPTalk create screen 0100 with the following elements (see below screen shots for layout):
Create function module Z_SEND_MESSAGE
Create function module Z_ENQUE_SLEEP
Creation of GUI Status FEEDBACK
Creation of GUI Status 'MESS'
Creation of GUI Status 'OPTIONS'
Creation GUI Status 'ULIST'
SAPTalk - MSM messenger application for SAP
Code listings for SAPTALK includes
Code listing for ZSAPTALKF01(include)
Code listing for ZSAPTALKI01(include)
Code listing for ZSAPTALKO01(include)
SAPTalk selection screen parameters
Code listing for ZSAPTALKTOP(include)

SAPTALK - table creation
Code listing for ZMESSCLEARUP
ZMESS: Function group creation details
Code listings for SAPLZMESS(fgroup)
Code listings for SAPLZMESS includes
SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS) - Screen creation
SapTALK: Report creation details
Code listing for SAPTALK
SAPTALK - Include creation
SAPTALK - Screen creation
SAPTALK - GUI Status creation
SAPTALK - GUI Title creation
SapTALK - Transaction creation
Create SAPTalk SAP tables
Create table ZMESSTAB
SAPLZMESS(fgroup)- Function module creation
Message Class and messages
SAPTalk Parameter ID's
SAPTAlk clearup tranasction code