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Background to the SAPTalk application
SapTALK User Messaging service
Example SAPTalk Screens
SAPTalk create screen 0100 with the following elements (see below screen shots for layout):
Create function module Z_SEND_MESSAGE
Create function module Z_ENQUE_SLEEP
Creation of GUI Status FEEDBACK
Creation of GUI Status 'MESS'
Creation of GUI Status 'OPTIONS'
Creation GUI Status 'ULIST'
SAPTalk - MSM messenger application for SAP
Code listings for SAPTALK includes
Code listing for ZSAPTALKF01(include)
Code listing for ZSAPTALKI01(include)
Code listing for ZSAPTALKO01(include)
Code listing for ZSAPTALKTOP(include)

SAPTALK - table creation
Code listing for ZMESSCLEARUP
ZMESS: Function group creation details
Code listings for SAPLZMESS(fgroup)
Code listings for SAPLZMESS includes
SAPLZMESS(fgroup ZMESS) - Screen creation
SapTALK: Report creation details
Code listing for SAPTALK
SAPTALK - Include creation
SAPTALK - Screen creation
SAPTALK - GUI Status creation
SAPTALK - GUI Title creation
SapTALK - Transaction creation
Create SAPTalk SAP tables
Create table ZMESSTAB
SAPLZMESS(fgroup)- Function module creation
Message Class and messages
SAPTalk Parameter ID's
SAPTAlk clearup tranasction code