ABAP Web dynpro button click / Action

Once you have created a button on your web dynpro for ABAP application it needs to be activated so that when a user clicks on it the required action is performed. Here are the simple steps required to implement this action and make your ABAP web dynpro application perform the appropriate functionality when the button is pressed.

Step 1 - Insert new element of type Button
Within the layout tab of your VIEW add a new element of type button and give it a name, such as find

Step 2 - Fill in the properties
With the properties section of the new button fill in the properties you require such as text, imageSource etc.

Step 3 - Assign it to an Action
Again within the properties section of the new button create an Action for it by clicking on the create button, and typing the name of the action into the following popup.

Step 4 - View your new action
Your new action will now have been created within the actions tab of your view.

Step 5 - Add code to your action
From the actions tab you can double click into your action and add your own ABAP code. For example retrieve a value from a field and then use this to populate a table within your ABAP web dynpro application. See populate table on action