Execute SQL statements on the fly in Open or Native SQL
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This is an SQL tool for SAP ABAP Programmers (BOTH OPEN & NATIVE SQLs) to allow them to see JOINS in SAP to confirm or discover relationships
and to see Data side by Side
How to implement
1. Create an ABAP report
Using the below ABAP code create a SAP report program. Aternatively access ABAP code .txt file.
2. Download SAP screen .txt file
In-order to download the SAP screen file to your PC simply right click the above link and select 'Save Target As'...
3. Create screen '0100' From the downloaded .txt
Within the created ABAP report create a new SAP screen 0100. Then from within the 'flow logic' tab choose menu option utilities->more utilities->upload/download->upload
4. Create GUI-title TITLEYES4SQL and GUI-status MAIN100
Create 2 buttons on ABAP Status MAIN100 with function codes 'EXIT' and 'EXEC'.
5. Further information
Further help and information about this SQL tool for SAP ABAP Programmers
6. Screen Shot
7. SQL Examples
Here are a few SQL Examples
A big thank you to Jayanta for submitting this program to the SAP Development web community. If you have any queries or suggestions then please feel free to contact Jayanta or myself.
* SQL tool for SAP ABAP Programmers - BOTH OPEN & NATIVE SQLs * very light - approx. 20KB * * Objective - to see JOINS in SAP to confirm or discover relationships * and to see Data side by Side * Read "SAP Table and Field search strategies" * in http://sapabap.iespana.es/sapabap/sap/info/search_fields_tables.htm * Use SAP_TABLES.exe Document in http://www.sap-img.com * and many other excellent resources to navigate the cryptic tables & Colums of SAP * * SE16N is the best for 1 table inspection & you can open several sessions if you have more than 1 table. * You may "hate joins" and prefer looping matches on Internal Tables. * However if you wish to see the relationships in DATA VISIBLE format NOTHING succeeds like JOINs * I came in with a Strong Oracle TOAD background and feel comfortable in seeing DATA together * The decision to use JOIN or use iterative Internal Table match with single select * does not detract from the visibility of tracking relationships * SQL Must be SELECT * List of Columns Selected given in a BEGIN END nest * 1st Field 2nd type(optional) "comments * if type is omitted then type is taken to be same as field * there should not be any line break by word wrap in text copntrol * SUM MIN MAX AVG COUNT COUNT( *) supported * SUM( table~COLUMN ) * OPEN SQL & NATIVE SQL syntax must be correct * If you use NATIVE SQL make sure you have :SY-MANDT filter in WHERE Clause * Program generates c:\tmp\jnc.ab4 * jnc.ab4 is the generated ABAP program for diagnostics and possible reuse * JOINs and SUBQUERIES are NOT ALLOWED for * Pooled Tables, Clustered Tables & Projection Views * Even AGGREGATE Functions are NOT ALLOWED! -- thse restrictions are inherent in SAP * So this tool is more useful for TRANSPARENT TABLES only! * For Pool & Cluster use SE16N * Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri * Flat 302 * 395 Jodhpur Park * Kolkata 700 068 * Email ssscal@gmail.com * URL: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc * TextEdit Control Tool Code Copied from SAP Standard Example saptextedit_demo_3 * This is FREE software with FULL responsibility on USER & anyone changing sourcecode! REPORT yes4sql. DATA: * reference to wrapper class of control based on OO Framework g_editor TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit, * reference to custom container: necessary to bind TextEdit Control g_editor_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, * other variables g_ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm, " return code from screen g_repid LIKE sy-repid. DATA: rows(8) TYPE c, isopen TYPE c, "Radio Button isnatv TYPE c, delim TYPE c. DATA: code TYPE TABLE OF rssource-line, prog(8) TYPE c, msg(120) TYPE c, lin(3) TYPE c, wrd(10) TYPE c, off(3) TYPE c. DATA: onelinecode LIKE LINE OF code. TYPE-POOLS : slis. DATA : fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv. DATA : wcat LIKE LINE OF fcat. CONSTANTS: c_line_length TYPE i VALUE 255. * define table type for data exchange TYPES: BEGIN OF mytable_line, line(c_line_length) TYPE c, END OF mytable_line. * table to exchange text DATA gt_mytable TYPE TABLE OF mytable_line. DATA gt_sql TYPE TABLE OF mytable_line. DATA: myline LIKE LINE OF gt_mytable. DATA: first TYPE i, numcols TYPE i, aggfun TYPE i, numrows TYPE i, numhdrs TYPE i, rownum TYPE i, mystring TYPE string, mystring2 TYPE string, nrows(8) TYPE n, myoff TYPE i, mylen TYPE i, repheader(50) TYPE c, wcomment TYPE string. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_fldtyp, fld TYPE string, typ TYPE string, hdr(10) TYPE c, END OF t_fldtyp. DATA: gt_fldtyp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_fldtyp, wa_fldtyp TYPE t_fldtyp. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_fldtyp> TYPE t_fldtyp. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_token, token(40) TYPE c, END OF t_token. DATA: gt_token TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_token, wa_token TYPE t_token, w_hash TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_token> TYPE t_token. * CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>NEWLINE. CONSTANTS: con_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab . * HORIZONTAL_TAB * VERTICAL_TAB * NEWLINE * CR_LF * FORM_FEED * BACKSPACE * SPACE_STR * necessary to flush the automation queue CLASS cl_gui_cfw DEFINITION LOAD. PARAMETERS: p_pass TYPE char8 OBLIGATORY. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN. CHECK screen-name EQ 'P_PASS'. MOVE: 1 TO screen-invisible. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDLOOP. START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM f_encrypt. IF w_hash <> 587. MESSAGE e999(zmsgs) WITH 'Password Mismatch'. ENDIF. MOVE `X` TO isnatv. CLEAR isopen. MOVE '1000' TO rows. CALL SCREEN 100. ************************************************************************ * P B O ************************************************************************ MODULE pbo OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS `MAIN100`. SET TITLEBAR `TITLEYES4SQL`. IF g_editor IS INITIAL. * initilize local variable with sy-repid, since sy-repid doesn`t work * as parameter directly. g_repid = sy-repid. * create control container CREATE OBJECT g_editor_container EXPORTING container_name = `MYEDIT` EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5. IF sy-subrc NE 0. * add your handling ENDIF. * create calls constructor, which initializes, creats and links * a TextEdit Control CREATE OBJECT g_editor EXPORTING parent = g_editor_container wordwrap_mode = cl_gui_textedit=>wordwrap_at_fixed_position wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode = cl_gui_textedit=>true EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `Create Object Failed` txt1 = `to make TextEditor Control`. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. ENDIF. " Editor is initial * remember: there is an automatic flush at the end of PBO! ENDMODULE. " PBO ************************************************************************ * P A I ************************************************************************ MODULE pai INPUT. CASE g_ok_code. WHEN `EXIT`. PERFORM exit_program. WHEN `EXEC`. * retrieve table from control CLEAR gt_mytable. CALL METHOD g_editor->get_text_as_r3table IMPORTING table = gt_mytable EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `Get_Text_As_R3Table Failed` txt1 = `Unable to Store SQL`. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. * if you would like to work with the table contents * perform a explicit flush here allthough the method * flushes internally (at least up to release 4.6D). * The reason: don`t rely on internal flushes of control * wrappers. These might vanish in the future leading to a * malfunction of your transaction. The additional flush here * does no harm. The autmation queue is empty and NO additional * roundtrip to the frontend will be triggered. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `cl_gui_cfw=>flush Failed` txt1 = `Exiting Program`. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. PERFORM f_runsql. ENDCASE. CLEAR g_ok_code. ENDMODULE. " PAI ************************************************************************ * F O R M S ************************************************************************ *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form EXIT_PROGRAM *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM exit_program. * Destroy Control. IF NOT g_editor IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD g_editor->free EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `g_editor->free Failed` txt1 = `Exiting Program`. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. * free ABAP object also FREE g_editor. ENDIF. * destroy container IF NOT g_editor_container IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD g_editor_container->free EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE E002 WITH F_RETURN. ENDIF. * free ABAP object also FREE g_editor_container. ENDIF. * finally flush CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `cl_gui_cfw=>flush Failed` txt1 = `Exiting Program`. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDFORM. " EXIT_PROGRAM *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form F_RUNSQL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_runsql. IF rows IS INITIAL. MOVE 99999999 TO rows. ENDIF. CLEAR: code, gt_fldtyp. MOVE 0 TO : first, numhdrs. LOOP AT gt_mytable INTO myline. ADD 1 TO numhdrs. IF STRLEN( myline ) = 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF con_tab IN myline WITH space. CONCATENATE ` ` myline ` ` INTO myline. IF first = 0. FIND ` Begin ` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `BEGIN of Types Missing` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. MOVE 1 TO first. PERFORM f_get_comment. MOVE wcomment TO repheader. CONTINUE. ENDIF. FIND ` END ` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. EXIT. ENDIF. FIND ` Select ` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `END of Types is missing` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. SPLIT myline AT space INTO TABLE gt_token. CLEAR: numcols, wa_fldtyp. LOOP AT gt_token ASSIGNING <fs_token>. IF STRLEN( <fs_token>-token ) = 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ADD 1 TO numcols. IF numcols = 1. MOVE <fs_token>-token TO wa_fldtyp-fld. ENDIF. IF numcols = 2 AND <fs_token>-token+0(1) <> '"'. MOVE <fs_token>-token TO wa_fldtyp-typ. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF wa_fldtyp-typ IS INITIAL. MOVE wa_fldtyp-fld TO wa_fldtyp-typ. ENDIF. TRANSLATE wa_fldtyp-fld TO LOWER CASE. TRANSLATE wa_fldtyp-typ TO LOWER CASE. PERFORM f_get_comment. MOVE wcomment TO wa_fldtyp-hdr. APPEND wa_fldtyp TO gt_fldtyp. ENDLOOP. IF LINES( gt_fldtyp ) = 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `No Fields and Types found` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. MOVE 0 TO : first, aggfun. REFRESH gt_sql. LOOP AT gt_mytable INTO myline. IF STRLEN( myline ) = 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. IF sy-tabix <= numhdrs. CONTINUE. ENDIF. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF con_tab IN myline WITH space. CONCATENATE ` ` myline ` ` INTO myline. IF first = 0. FIND ` Select ` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `SELECT DMLs Only Please!` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. SPLIT myline AT space INTO TABLE gt_token. LOOP AT gt_token ASSIGNING <fs_token>. IF STRLEN( <fs_token>-token ) = 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. TRANSLATE <fs_token>-token TO UPPER CASE. IF <fs_token>-token <> 'SELECT'. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `SELECT DMLs Only Please!` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. EXIT. ENDLOOP. MOVE 1 TO first. ENDIF. FIND ` SUM(` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 1 TO aggfun. ENDIF. FIND ` MAX(` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 1 TO aggfun. ENDIF. FIND ` MIN(` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 1 TO aggfun. ENDIF. FIND ` AVG(` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 1 TO aggfun. ENDIF. FIND ` COUNT(` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 1 TO aggfun. ENDIF. APPEND myline TO gt_sql. ENDLOOP. IF LINES( gt_sql ) = 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `No SQL found` txt1 = `Correct & Retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. APPEND `PROGRAM jncsProgram.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `DATA : BEGIN OF i_tab OCCURS 0,` TO code. LOOP AT gt_fldtyp INTO wa_fldtyp. CONCATENATE ` ` wa_fldtyp-fld ` TYPE ` wa_fldtyp-typ `,` INTO mystring. APPEND mystring TO code. ENDLOOP. APPEND ` END OF i_tab.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `DATA : r_tab LIKE LINE OF i_tab,` TO code. APPEND ` l_kount TYPE i.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `DATA : mystring TYPE string.` TO code. APPEND `DATA : mytitle TYPE lvc_title.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `DATA: rows TYPE i.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `*&--------------------------------------------------------------------*` TO code. APPEND `*& Form DoSQL` TO code. APPEND `*&--------------------------------------------------------------------*` TO code. APPEND `FORM DoSQL.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. IF rows IS INITIAL. MOVE '99999999' TO rows. ELSE. MOVE rows TO nrows. ENDIF. IF nrows IS INITIAL. MOVE 99999999 TO nrows. ENDIF. CONCATENATE ` MOVE` nrows `TO rows.` INTO mystring SEPARATED BY space. APPEND mystring TO code. APPEND `` TO code. CONCATENATE ` MOVE '` repheader `' TO mytitle.` INTO mystring. APPEND mystring TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` TRY.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. IF isopen <> `X`. APPEND ` CLEAR l_kount.` TO code. APPEND ` EXEC SQL.` TO code. APPEND ` OPEN c1 FOR ` TO code. ENDIF. MOVE 0 TO first. LOOP AT gt_sql INTO myline. IF isopen = `X` AND first = 0. FIND ` From ` IN myline IGNORING CASE. IF sy-subrc = 0. APPEND `INTO TABLE i_tab` TO code. IF aggfun = 0. APPEND `UP TO ROWS rows` TO code. ENDIF. MOVE 1 TO first. ENDIF. ENDIF. APPEND myline TO code. ENDLOOP. IF isopen = `X`. IF first = 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `Open SQL Without a FROM` txt1 = `Correct & retry`. RETURN. ENDIF. APPEND `.` TO code. ELSE. APPEND ` ENDEXEC.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` DO.` TO code. APPEND ` EXEC SQL.` TO code. APPEND ` FETCH NEXT c1 INTO :r_tab ` TO code. APPEND ` ENDEXEC.` TO code. APPEND ` IF sy-subrc <> 0.` TO code. APPEND ` EXIT.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDIF.` TO code. APPEND ` APPEND r_tab TO i_tab.` TO code. APPEND ` ADD 1 TO l_kount.` TO code. APPEND ` IF L_KOUNT >= ROWS.` TO code. APPEND ` EXIT.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDIF.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDDO.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` EXEC SQL.` TO code. APPEND ` CLOSE c1` TO code. APPEND ` ENDEXEC.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. ENDIF. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` PERFORM zjnc_dump_list USING ``I_TAB[]`` ``I_TAB`` mytitle.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` CATCH CX_ROOT.` TO code. IF isopen <> `X`. APPEND ` EXEC SQL.` TO code. APPEND ` CLOSE c1` TO code. APPEND ` ENDEXEC.` TO code. ENDIF. APPEND ` CALL FUNCTION ``POPUP_TO_INFORM``` TO code. APPEND ` EXPORTING` TO code. APPEND ` titel = ``jncDynamicSub``` TO code. APPEND ` txt2 = ``Generate SUBROUTINE POOL Succeeded BUT SQL failed``` TO code. APPEND ` txt1 = ``Possible Wrong SQL - see c:\tmp\jnc.ab4``.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDTRY.` TO code. APPEND `ENDFORM. "DoSQL.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `*&--------------------------------------------------------------------*` TO code. APPEND `*& Form ZJNC_DUMP_LIST Our Good Old ALV list - RECOMMENDED!` TO code. APPEND `*&--------------------------------------------------------------------*` TO code. APPEND `FORM zjnc_dump_list USING value(p_it_name) TYPE c` TO code. APPEND ` value(p_wa_name) TYPE c` TO code. APPEND ` value(p_heading) TYPE c.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` TYPE-POOLS: slis.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` DATA:` TO code. APPEND ` stru_ref TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,` TO code. APPEND ` comp_tab TYPE abap_compdescr_tab,` TO code. APPEND ` one_comp TYPE abap_compdescr,` TO code. APPEND ` one_name TYPE string,` TO code. APPEND ` type_ref TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,` TO code. APPEND ` is_ddic TYPE abap_bool,` TO code. APPEND ` lt_ddic TYPE dd_x031l_table,` TO code. APPEND ` wa_ddic TYPE x031l,` TO code. APPEND ` lt_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,` TO code. APPEND ` wa_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,` TO code. APPEND ` ls_layo TYPE slis_layout_alv,` TO code. APPEND ` l_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_type> TYPE ANY,` TO code. APPEND ` <fs_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,` TO code. APPEND ` <fs_line> TYPE ANY.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ASSIGN (p_it_name) TO <fs_table>.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ASSIGN (p_wa_name) TO <fs_line>.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ls_layo-colwidth_optimize = ``X``.` TO code. APPEND ` ls_layo-zebra = ``X``.` TO code. APPEND ` ls_layo-window_titlebar = p_heading.` TO code. APPEND ` ls_layo-box_tabname = p_it_name.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` stru_ref ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_line> ).` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` comp_tab = stru_ref->components.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` LOOP AT comp_tab INTO one_comp.` TO code. APPEND ` CLEAR wa_fcat.` TO code. APPEND ` wa_fcat-tabname = p_it_name.` TO code. APPEND ` wa_fcat-fieldname = one_comp-name.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` CONCATENATE p_wa_name ``-`` one_comp-name INTO one_name.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ASSIGN (one_name) TO <fs_type>.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` type_ref ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_type> ).` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` is_ddic = type_ref->is_ddic_type( ).` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` IF is_ddic = abap_true.` TO code. APPEND ` lt_ddic = type_ref->get_ddic_object( ).` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` LOOP AT lt_ddic INTO wa_ddic.` TO code. APPEND ` CLEAR wa_ddic-tabname.` TO code. APPEND ` SELECT SINGLE` TO code. APPEND ` dd03l~tabname` TO code. APPEND ` INTO wa_ddic-tabname` TO code. APPEND ` FROM dd03l` TO code. APPEND ` WHERE dd03l~fieldname = wa_ddic-fieldname` TO code. APPEND ` AND dd03l~tabname NOT LIKE ``/%``. " only normal namespace` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` wa_fcat-ref_tabname = wa_ddic-tabname.` TO code. APPEND ` wa_fcat-ref_fieldname = wa_ddic-fieldname.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` SELECT SINGLE` TO code. APPEND ` dd04t~scrtext_s` TO code. APPEND ` dd04t~scrtext_m` TO code. APPEND ` dd04t~scrtext_l` TO code. APPEND ` INTO (wa_fcat-seltext_s, wa_fcat-seltext_m, wa_fcat-seltext_l)` TO code. APPEND ` FROM dd04t` TO code. APPEND ` WHERE dd04t~rollname = wa_ddic-fieldname` TO code. APPEND ` AND dd04t~ddlanguage = sy-langu.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ENDLOOP.` TO code. APPEND ` ELSE.` TO code. APPEND ` MOVE one_comp-name TO wa_fcat-seltext_s.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDIF.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. LOOP AT gt_fldtyp ASSIGNING <fs_fldtyp>. IF <fs_fldtyp>-hdr IS NOT INITIAL. TRANSLATE <fs_fldtyp>-fld TO UPPER CASE. CONCATENATE ` IF one_comp-name = '` <fs_fldtyp>-fld `'.` INTO mystring. APPEND mystring TO code. CONCATENATE ` MOVE '` <fs_fldtyp>-hdr `' TO wa_fcat-seltext_s.` INTO mystring. APPEND mystring TO code. * APPEND ` CLEAR: wa_fcat-ref_tabname, wa_fcat-ref_fieldname.` TO code. APPEND ` ENDIF.` TO code. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` MOVE wa_fcat-seltext_s TO: wa_fcat-seltext_m, wa_fcat-seltext_l.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` APPEND wa_fcat TO lt_fcat.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` ENDLOOP.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND ` CALL FUNCTION ``REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY``` TO code. APPEND ` EXPORTING` TO code. APPEND ` is_layout = ls_layo` TO code. APPEND ` it_fieldcat = lt_fcat` TO code. APPEND ` TABLES` TO code. APPEND ` t_outtab = <fs_table>.` TO code. APPEND `` TO code. APPEND `ENDFORM. "ZJNC_DUMP_LIST` TO code. CALL FUNCTION `GUI_DOWNLOAD` EXPORTING filename = `c:\tmp\jnc.ab4` TABLES data_tab = code. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. GENERATE SUBROUTINE POOL code NAME prog MESSAGE msg LINE lin WORD wrd OFFSET off. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `Generate SUBROUTINE POOL Failed` txt1 = `Possible Nonconformant SQL - see c:\tmp\jnc.ab4`. ELSE. PERFORM dosql IN PROGRAM (prog). IF sy-subrc <> 0. CALL FUNCTION `POPUP_TO_INFORM` EXPORTING titel = g_repid txt2 = `Generate SUBROUTINE POOL Succeeded BUT Call failed` txt1 = `Possible Wrong SQL - see c:\tmp\jnc.ab4`. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "F_RUNSQL *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_get_comment *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_get_comment. CLEAR: wcomment, myoff. FIND `"` IN myline MATCH OFFSET myoff. IF myoff IS NOT INITIAL. mylen = STRLEN( myline ). mylen = mylen - myoff. ADD 1 TO myoff. IF mylen <> 0. MOVE myline+myoff(mylen) TO wcomment. CONDENSE wcomment. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF `'` IN wcomment WITH ''. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "f_get_comment *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_encrypt *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_encrypt. DATA: w_char TYPE c, offset TYPE i, w_int TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_byte> TYPE x. CLEAR w_hash. DO 8 TIMES. COMPUTE offset = sy-index - 1. MOVE p_pass+offset(1) TO w_char. ASSIGN w_char TO <fs_byte> CASTING. MOVE <fs_byte> TO w_int. ADD w_int TO w_hash. ENDDO. ENDFORM. "f_encrypt *GUI Texts *---------------------------------------------------------- * TITLEYES4SQL --> SQL Queries for SAP Data Inspection
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