ABAP Addition ... LINE lin>
What does it do? These additions are used to scroll vertically in the list. • TO FIRST PAGE SCROLL LIST
ABAP Alternative 1 ... TO FIRST PAGE>
What does it do? The addition TO FIRST PAGE> defines the top page in the screen segment on the first page in the list. • TO LAST PAGE SCROLL LIST
ABAP Alternative 2 ... TO LAST PAGE>
What does it do? The addition TO LAST PAGE> defines the top page in the screen segment on the last page in the list. • TO PAGE SCROLL LIST
ABAP Alternative 3 ... TO PAGE pag>
What does it do? The addition TO PAGE pag> defines the top page in the screen segment on the page specified in pag>; a type i> data object is required for pag>. If the value in pag> is 0 or less, it is processed as 1, while if it is greater than the number of pages, it is processed as if it were the same and the system enters a value of 4 for sy-subrc>. • LINE SCROLL LIST
ABAP Addition
What does it do? The addition LINE> controls which line is displayed first on the pages selected with PAGE>. Without the addition LINE>, the list is displayed starting with the first line on the selected page. If the addition LINE> is specified, the line on the selected page specified in lin> is displayed under the page header>, not counting the page header. A type i> data object is required for lin>. If the value in lin> is 0 or less, it is processed as 1, while if it is greater than the page length, it is processed as if it were the same as this length and the system enters a value of 4 for sy-subrc>. • FORWARD SCROLL LIST • BACKWARD SCROLL LIST • PAGES SCROLL LIST
ABAP Alternative 4 ... {FORWARD|BACKWARD} [n PAGES]>
What does it do? The additions FORWARD> and BACKWARD> withoutn PAGES> move the current screen segment up or down by the current number of lines in the window (sy-srows>). The page header> of the top page displayed is always displayed first.
The additions FORWARD> and BACKWARD> with n PAGES> define the top page in the screen segment on the page derived by adding or subtracting the value in n> from the current top page, where a type i> data object is required for n>. If the resulting value is 0 or less or is greater than the number of pages, it is processed as 1 or as if it were the same as the number of pages, in which case the system enters a value of 4 for sy-subrc>. The resulting page is displayed starting with the first line.