Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table

Standard SAP Help for GROUPBY_CLAUSE


Short Reference

ABAP Syntax ... GROUP BY { {col1 col2 ...} | (column_syntax)
} ... .

What does it do? The addition GROUP BY combines groups of rows that have the same content in their specified columns col1 col2 ... in the resulting set into a single row.

The use of GROUP BY has the prerequisite that SELECT only individual columns, not all the columns, are specified using *. If GROUP BY is used, all columns that are specified directly after SELECT and not specified as an argument of an aggregate function must be listed there. This means that columns not listed after GROUP BY can only be listed after SELECT as the argument of an aggregate function. The aggregate functions define how the content of these columns is determined in the combined row from the contents of all the rows of a group.

After GROUP BY, the same column identifiers must be specified as after SELECT. This can either be specified statically as a list col1 col2 ... or dynamically as a parenthesized data object column_syntax that, when the statement is executed, contains the syntax of the static specification or is initial. For column_syntax, the same applies as to specifying columns dynamically after SELECT.

If the content of column_syntax initial, either all the rows or no rows at all are grouped together. The columns after SELECT must then be listed either solely as arguments of aggregate functions or solely directly. If not, this would trigger an exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB that can be handled.

Columns specified after GROUP BY cannot be of the type STRING, or RAWSTRING.
ABAP Code Snippet

Security Note

ABAP Code Snippet If used wrongly, dynamic programming techniques can present a serious security risk. Any dynamic content that is passed to a program from the outside must be checked thoroughly or escaped before being used in dynamic statements. This can be done using the system class CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG or the predefined function escape.
ABAP Code Snippet
ABAP Code Snippet See SQL Injections Using Dynamic Tokens.

Latest notes:The addition GROUP BY cannot be specified for pool tables and cluster tables. With the use of GROUP BY, the statement SELECT avoids the SAP buffering. I a column specified after GROUP BY contains null values in the results set, these values are not part of the group of ABAP-specific initial values and create a distinct group instead. Using GROUP BY and aggregate functions ensures that aggregates and groups are assembled by the database system, not the application server. This can considerably reduce the volume of data that has to be transported from the database to the application server.
The class CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG contains methods that support the creation of correct and secure dynamic column specifications.

Example ABAP Coding
The rows of database table
SFLIGHT that have the same contents in column CARRID are combined. The lowest and highest values in column PRICE are determined for each of these groups and placed into the combined row. DATA:
carrid TYPE sflight-carrid,
minimum TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
maximum TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
END OF wa.

SELECT carrid MIN( price ) MAX( price )
FROM sflight
INTO (wa-carrid, wa-minimum, wa-maximum)
GROUP BY carrid.
cl_demo_output=>write_data( wa ).
cl_demo_output=>display( ).

Example ABAP Coding
After entering any column of database table
SPFLI the selected data is organized according to this column, which means that similar entries are combined. In count the number of flight connections for the different values in column spflicol is determined. If , for example, 'CITYFROM' is entered as spflicol, then the number of destinations for each departure city is determined in count. Various possible exceptions are handled in TRY control structures. In particular, user input is tested for validity using a method of the class CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG . PARAMETERS spflicol TYPE c LENGTH 20.

DATA: dref TYPE REF TO data,
long_name TYPE string,
count TYPE i,
fieldlist TYPE string.

FIELD-SYMBOLS <(><<)>fs> TYPE any.

cl_abap_dyn_prg=>check_column_name( spflicol ).
CATCH cx_abap_invalid_name.
MESSAGE 'Not allowed' TYPE 'E'.

long_name = 'spfli-' <(> <)><(> <)> spflicol.
CREATE DATA dref TYPE (long_name).
ASSIGN dref->* TO <(><<)>fs>.
CATCH cx_sy_create_data_error.
MESSAGE 'Not allowed' TYPE 'E'.

fieldlist = spflicol <(> <)><(> <)> ' count(*)'.

INTO (<(><<)>fs>, count)
FROM spfli
GROUP BY (spflicol).
cl_demo_output=>write( |{ <(><<)>fs> } {
count }| ).
cl_demo_output=>display( ).
CATCH cx_sy_dynamic_osql_error.
MESSAGE 'Not allowed' TYPE 'E'.

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