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Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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Short Reference > • EDITOR-CALL FOR itab ABAP Statement
ABAP Syntax(Obsolete)EDITOR-CALL FOR itab [TITLE title]> [{DISPLAY-MODE}|{BACKUP INTO jtab}].>
ABAP Addition 1 ... TITLE title> 2 ... DISPLAY-MODE> 3 ... BACKUP INTO jtab>
What does it do? This statement passes the content of the internal tableitab> to a text editor and starts this text editor. The internal table has to be a standard table> without secondary table keys> with a character-like row type.
The text editor is based on a GUI control displayed in the current window and has its own GUI status, part of which is the same as in ABAP Editor. The text editor has, depending its configuration, a line width of 255 or 72 characters. This setting can be made in the GUI status and also applies to ABAP Editor.
The content of the table rows is converted row by row in accordance with the conversion rules for elementary data types> into a field of the type c> with length 255 or 72 and passed to the text editor. If the text editor is exited using the function Save>, then the previous content of the table is deleted and the content of each row of the editor is appended (from top to bottom) to the internal table. If necessary, this process involves a conversion of the type c> of length 255 or 72 to the row type of the internal table.
ABAP_SUBRC_GENERAL sy-subrc>>Meaning> 0The text editor was exited using the Save> function after the content was modified. 2The text editor was exited using the Save> function and no content was modified. 4The text editor was not exited using the Save> function.
Latest notes:This statement is replaced when usingControl Framework>. Here, the class CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT>> wraps the corresponding GUI control>. • TITLE EDITOR-CALL FOR itab (obsolete)
ABAP Addition
What does it do? A character-like data object title> can be specified after the addition TITLE>. The first 50 characters of title> are displayed in the header of the text editor. • DISPLAY-MODE EDITOR-CALL FOR itab (obsolete)
ABAP Addition
What does it do? If the addition DISPLAY-MODE> is specified, the text editor is started in display mode.
Latest notes:The text editor is started in display mode but can be toggled to change mode using a key combination. • BACKUP INTO EDITOR-CALL FOR itab (obsolete)
ABAP Addition
What does it do? If the addition BACKUP INTO> is specified, the content of the internal table itab> is assigned to an internal table jtab> before the text editor is called. jtab> can have any table category. The row types have to be compatible> or convertible>.
Example ABAP Coding Calls a text editor for a text table. The processing in the IF> control structure is only executed if the content of the table was actually modified; sy-subrc> = 0 does not necessarily indicate this. TYPES text TYPE c LENGTH 255.
DATA: text_tab TYPE TABLE OF text, back_tab LIKE text_tab.
EDITOR-CALL FOR text_tab BACKUP INTO back_tab.
IF sy-subrc = 0 AND text_tab <(><<)>> back_tab. ... ENDIF.