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Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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Standard SAP Help for DATA
ABAP Reference > ABAP Code Snippet
ABAP Syntax DATA BEGIN OF struc [READ-ONLY] [OCCURS n]. ... DATA ... [BOXED]. ABAP Code Snippet ... DATA END OF struc [VALID BETWEEN intlim1 AND intlim2]. > ABAP Code Snippet
What does it do? Declares a data object or instance attribute struc> . This variant of the statement DATA> creates a structure whose components can be declared using DATA> statements or copied from ABAP Code Snippet
ABAP AdditionREAD-ONLY>> Protects a non-private structure from write access from outside its own class. OCCURS n>> Obsolete:> Creates an internal table with a structured row type, standard key>, a header line>, and initial memory requirement n>.
BOXED>> Declares a substructure as a static box>>. VALID BETWEEN intlim1 AND intlim2> > Obsolete:> Defines the columns intlim1> and intlim2> in an internal table, created using OCCURS>, as interval limits for the obsolete short form of PROVIDE> >.