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WSDIR_ENTRY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSDISK - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSDISK_HISTORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WSDL_DATA - Web Service / Proxy Object: Source of WSDL Source

WSDL_LIKP_XTR - SAP Retail Store GM: Extract from LIKP for Search

WSDL_LIPS_XTR - SAP Retail Store GM: Extract from LIPS for Search

WSDL_SD_DOC_CAT_F4 - SAP Retail Store GM: Selection Box- SRS SD Document Category

WSDL_SHDOC_CR - SAP Retail Store DL: Search Criteria Delivs/Inbound Delivs

WSDL_SHDOC_CRE - SAP Retail Store GM: Extended Search Criteria

WSDL_SHDOC_CR_DARK - SAP Retail Store GM: Dark Search Criteria Delivery

WSDL_SHDOC_CR_SC - SAP Retail Store DL: Srch Criteria Deliv/Inb. Deliv Fld Att.

WSDL_SHDOC_RH - SAP Retail Store DL: Search Result Delivery Document Headers

WSDL_SHDOC_RH_SC - SAP Retail Store DL: Srch Res. Del. Doc. Headers - Fld Attr.

WSDL_SHDOC_RI - SAP Retail Store DL: Search Result Item Data

WSDL_SHDOC_RI_SC - SAP Retail Store DL: Search Result Item Data - Fld Attribute

WSDL_SOURCE_DATA - Web Service/XI Proxy: Data for Source of WSDL Description

WSDNAME_INT - Internal Name of a Web Service Definition

WSDNAME_INT_EXT - Web Service Definition Name, Internally and Externally

WSDSHORTTEXT - Short Text Structure

WSDT_APPL - Applications (for Material Enhancements)

WSDT_APPLT - WSD Applications Descriptions

WSDT_APPL_TRANS - Assign Transactions to Application

WSDT_BASIC_CFG - Basic Configuration for Counter Sales

WSDT_CBP_DH - Display Hierarchy Close-by Plants

WSDT_CBP_DHSEQ - Display Grouping Sequence for Close-by Plants

WSDT_CBP_DHTEXT - Display Hierarchy Text for Close-by Plants

WSDT_FEATURE_PROPERTY - A feature with its corresponding properties and values

WSDT_MAT_GROUP - Name of the Grouping in Material Layout

WSDT_MAT_GROUPT - Grouping in Material Layout: Description

WSDT_MAT_LANG - Languages supported in WSD Material Creation

WSDT_MAT_LAYOUT - Customizing for Material Creation

WSDT_MAT_MTART - Material Type available in Material Creation

WSDT_MAT_SEARCH - Material Search Configuration

WSDT_MV_CFG - Material View Configuration

WSDT_PREL_C_OPT - Identification Option for Special Price Elements

WSDT_T683S_PREL - Predefined Price Elements in Pricing Procdure

WSDT_T683S_PUR - Predefined Price Elements in Pricing Procdure for purchasing


WSDYNPFIEL - Screen Fields of Web Service

WSD_ADDITIONAL_DIS_PARAM_STY - Additional display paramteres for EMS

WSD_ADDTIONAL_INPUT_FLDS - Additional Input Fields for search criteria

WSD_ALLOCATION_MESSAGE_STY - Structure for Allocation table error messages

WSD_APPEND_CATALOG_DATA_STY - Structure to append new fields in catalogue structure

WSD_APPEND_CAT_MFR_DATA_STY - Catalog Append Structure for Manufacturing fields

WSD_ATTRIBUTE_STY - Attribute data structure

WSD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STY - Attribute value data structure

WSD_BASIC_CFG_STY - Basic Configuration-Additional Fields

WSD_BASIC_MAT_STY - Basic material data

WSD_BOM_STY - Bill of Material assignments

WSD_CATALOG_DATA_STY - Catalog Data for Material Search

WSD_CATALOG_KEY_STY - Catalog key data for Material extraction

WSD_CBP - Close-By Plants

WSD_CBP_CITYC_DESC_STY - Description of T001W-Regio for Close-by Plants

WSD_CBP_FIELD_DESC_STY - Information to retrieve field description for CBP

WSD_CBP_ID_ELEMENT_STY - One WebDynpro Element entry to access via CBP

WSD_CBP_LAND1_DESC_STY - Description of T001W-Land1 for Close-by Plants

WSD_CBP_NODE_DATA_STY - Info to display and manage a tree node in Close-by plants

WSD_CBP_PLANTS_FILTER_STY - Field name and value for a Close-by plants

WSD_CBP_PLANTS_INDEX_STY - Plants 'FROM' and 'TO' index in sorted list of all plants

WSD_CBP_REGIO_DESC_STY - Description of T001W-Regio for Close-by Plants

WSD_CBP_REMAP_SALV_NODE_STY - Structure to allow to remap SALV nodes





WSD_CBP_WERKS_DESC_STY - Description of T001W-Regio for Close-by Plants

WSD_CONDITION_SCALE_STY - Structure for material view - price scale data

WSD_CREATESCREENVALUES - Header Structure: Core Material Master Data Maintenance Copy

WSD_DISPLAY_PARAM_STY - Structure for additional display attributes

WSD_DYNAMIC_FIELDS_STY - Dynamic fields used in Material creation

WSD_DYNAMIC_FIELD_STY - Dynamical fields used for material maintenance

WSD_EINA_STY - Enhancement of EINA

WSD_FREE_STOCK_ATP_STY - Structure for free stock / ATP data

WSD_FREE_STOCK_STY - Material free stock info

WSD_GROSS_PUR_PRICE_STY - Elements for gross price in purchasing


WSD_INDX - System Table INDX

WSD_INPUT_FIELDS_STY - Helper structure for input fields support

WSD_KEYWORD - Keyword Definition

WSD_KEYWORD_AS - Keyword Assignment


WSD_KWD_SYNC_KLAH_STY - Structure on KLAH Table

WSD_KWD_SYNC_MESSAGE_STY - Structure for keyword message Log

WSD_KWD_SYNC_T023_STY - Structure on Table T023

WSD_LIST_PRICE_STY - Material List Price

WSD_MANDATORY_CHECK_STY - Used in Mandatory check in creating a material

WSD_MATERIAL_STY - Lean material structure


WSD_MAT_CREATE_INIT_STY - Structure for material creation init screen

WSD_MAT_CREATION_PRICAT_STY - structure required for material creation using pricat

WSD_MAT_DESC_STY - Material description

WSD_MAT_TYPE_STY - Material type for wsd material creation

WSD_MESSAGE_STY - Structure for WSD exception messages

WSD_MS_ALV_ROW_DATA - Mat. search technical structure for row data of ALV grid

WSD_MS_ALV_TECH - Material Search technical structure for ALV control

WSD_MS_CONFIG_STY - Material search customization structure type

WSD_MS_DISPLAY_STY - All supported data elements for material search structure

WSD_MS_INITIAL_PARAMS_STY - Material search component interface structure

WSD_MS_INPUT_FIELDS - Helper structure for input fields support

WSD_MS_PERSONAL_SETTINGS_STY - Material Search structure for Personal Settings

WSD_MS_PLANT_STY - Plant data structure for material search

WSD_MS_QUERY_STY - Material search query line type

WSD_MS_RESULT_STY - Material search result structure

WSD_MS_RETURN_STY - Material search return structure

WSD_MS_SALES_STY - Material search sales price

WSD_MV_ALT_MAT_STY - Structure for alternate materials

WSD_MV_ATP_STY - Structure for material view - availability data

WSD_MV_BASIC_STY - Structure for material view basic data

WSD_MV_LAST_ORDERS_STY - Structure for customer last order to display in ALV Grid

WSD_MV_LAST_SO_STY - Structure for material view - customer last order

WSD_MV_MATERIALS_STY - Import structure for Material View

WSD_MV_MAT_PRICE_STY - Material Price list

WSD_MV_SALES_STY - Structure for material view - sales price data

WSD_MV_SO_STY - Structure for material view - customer last order

WSD_MV_VENDOR_STY - Structure for material view - regular supplier data

WSD_NET_PRICE_STY - Net price information

WSD_PARAMS_STY - Additional Parameters for Enhanced Material Search

WSD_PLANT_STY - Plant data

WSD_PRICAT_DATA_STY - Pricat related fields

WSD_PRICE_DETERMINE_STY - Help structure for price determination

WSD_PRICE_ELEM - Predefined Price Elements

WSD_PRICE_ELEM_T - Description and Field Labels for Predefined Price Elements

WSD_PRICE_GROSS_STY - WSD general structure to hold price information

WSD_PRICE_STY - WSD general structure to hold price information

WSD_PRICE_WITH_SCALE_STY - WSD general structure to hold price information

WSD_PURCHASING_GEN_STY - Purchasing General Data

WSD_PURCHASING_ORG_STY - Purchasing Organization Data

WSD_PURCHASING_STY - Purchasing data

WSD_REF_MATERIAL - Reference Materials

WSD_REF_MATERIAL_MAINTAIN_STY - Maintenance structure for definition reference materials

WSD_SALES_STY - Sales data


WSD_SYNC_KWD_INPUT_STY - Keyword Synchronization input structure

WSD_S_CONFIG - Structure: Configurations


WSD_VALKEY - Key Fields for Retail Material Processing

WSD_VALUATION_STY - Valuation data

WSD_V_KEYWORD - Generated Table for View

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