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WRFBAPIEINE - Displ./List Transfer Struct.: Purch. Info (Purch. Org. Data)

WRFMATBSTAT - Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement

WRFMATBSTATT - Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement

WRFMATCOPYDESCRIPTION - Retail Data Transfer: Header Segment with Control Info

WRFMATCOPY_HEAD_KEY - Material head key


WRFMATDATAX - Checkbox Structure for External Material Data

WRFMATFGROUP - Field Groups - Seasonal Procurement

WRFMATFGROUPT - Field Group Names - Seasonal Procurement

WRFMATFIELD - Permitted Fields - Seasonal Procurement

WRFMATRETURN - Return Parameter(s)

WRFMATTEMPLATE - Reference Values: Core Material Master Data Maintenance

WRFMATVALUES - Transfer Structure for Field Values

WRFTABKEY - Key Field of a Database Table

WRFVALKEY - Key Fields for Material Processing

WRF_ACC_DOC_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Additional Table for ACC_DOC (Created Accounting Docs)

WRF_ACP_S - Last Actual Booking for a item

WRF_ADD - Extras for Seasonal Procurement Add-On

WRF_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Additional Fields for Add-On Seasonal Procurement

WRF_AKTNR_AKART_STY - Structure with Promotion and Promotion Type

WRF_AL - Material List

WRF_ALVHDDATA_APPEND - Characteristic Value

WRF_ALVHD_TEXT_APPEND - Material Characteristic Values

WRF_ALV_BOM_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Bill of Material' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_CHARACTER_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Characteristics' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_GDS_SELECTION - Item: Attribute Part

WRF_ALV_ITEM_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Item' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_PRICE_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Prices' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_SCALES_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Scales' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_TEXT_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Texts' in PRICAT

WRF_ALV_UNIT_STY - Structure for ALV Display 'Units of Measure' in PRICAT

WRF_AL_ARTICLE - Material Update

WRF_AL_ARTICLE_STY - Extension Structure for Material List

WRF_AL_EXPORT_FILE_STY - Structure for exporting Article List

WRF_AL_REORG_TREE_LINE - Detail ALV tree line for Article List Reorganization program

WRF_AL_SELECT - Update Selection Criterion

WRF_AMOUNT_STY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WRF_AM_DATA_KEY_STY - Part from am_data for Batch Add-In IDoc Generation + Receive

WRF_APCI_ASORT_ASGN_STY - Assigned Quantities of a Purchasing List Item

WRF_APCI_ASORT_PLN_STY - Planned Quantities of a Purchasing List Item

WRF_APCI_CHARVAL_STY - Characteristic Values in Purchasing List Items / Materials

WRF_APCI_CVAL_ASGN_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Char. Value Assignment for Material

WRF_APCI_EXTEND_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Extension Structure

WRF_APCI_ITMATTR_STY - Purchasing List Item Attribute Structure

WRF_APCI_MAT_BASIC_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Material Basic Data

WRF_APCI_MQUOTA_STY - Manually Entered Quota Values / Purchasing List Inbound

WRF_APCI_OASG_STY - Purchasing List Organisational Assignment

WRF_APCI_PLITEM_STY - Purchasing List Item Structure

WRF_APCI_PLMSG_STY - Purchasing List Message Structure

WRF_APCI_PPGEN_STY - Information for Prepack Generation / Purchasing List Inbound

WRF_APCI_PUR_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Material Purchasing Data

WRF_APCI_QTYASGN_STY - Assigned Quantities of a PL Item / Assortment

WRF_APCI_QTYPLN_STY - Planned Quantities of a PL Item / Assortment

WRF_APCI_SD_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Material Sales Data

WRF_APCI_STEXT_STY - Purchasing List Inbound: Description (PL, Material)

WRF_APCI_TARGET_STY - Purchasing List Target Data (Quantity and Value)

WRF_APC_1ROWCV_SELECTED_STY - List of prepack number and characteristic values selected

WRF_APC_2ROWCV_SELECTED_STY - List of prepack number and characteristic values selected


WRF_APC_ALRETURN_DETAIL_STY - Return Structure for Allocation Table Generation, Details

WRF_APC_ALRETURN_STY - Return Structure for Allocation Table Generation

WRF_APC_ALSELECT_STY - Operational APC: Selection for Allocation Table Generation

WRF_APC_ARTICLE_COL_STY - Describes the int. table used to hold the article collection

WRF_APC_ART_STY - Article structure type

WRF_APC_ASGN_SUM_1ROW_STY - Assignments summary by first row characteristic (eg. Color)

WRF_APC_ASGN_SUM_VAR_STY - Assignments summary by variants

WRF_APC_ASORTSEL_TREEITEM_STY - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + Assortment

WRF_APC_ASORT_COL_XREF_STY - X-Ref between assortment and ALV grid column

WRF_APC_ASORT_LIST_STY - List of assortments involved in the variant assignment

WRF_APC_ASORT_SELROW_STY - Assortment selected for the dialog matrix rows

WRF_APC_ASORT_STY - OAPC: Assortments for Listing

WRF_APC_ASRT_BADI_STY - Assortment information which can be changed via a BAdI

WRF_APC_ASRT_NAMING_STY - Assortment naming

WRF_APC_ASRT_RATIO_STY - OAPC: Assortment Ratio for Put Away Quantity Distribution

WRF_APC_ASRT_RSTY - Selection structure for the assortment

WRF_APC_ASRT_STORE_TOTAL_STY - Total per assortment/key figure structure

WRF_APC_ASRT_STY - Assortments table

WRF_APC_ASRT_TYPE_RSTY - Selection Structure For Assortment Type

WRF_APC_ASRT_VIS_RESTR_STY - Parameters of assortment visibility (for auto restriction)

WRF_APC_ASRT_VIS_RESTR_X_STY - Additional criterias to restrict visibility of assortments

WRF_APC_ASSORTYP_RSTY - Selection structure for assortment type

WRF_APC_AUTO_COMP_QTY_STY - Assigned Quantity VS Planned Quantity Auto Comparison

WRF_APC_CDTX_KEY_STY - Key For Planning Node / Hierarchy Level Exceptions

WRF_APC_CHARPOS_STY - Characteristics sequenced by their positions

WRF_APC_CHARVALU_ASGN_STY - Characteristic values assigned to an article

WRF_APC_CHARVALU_SELROW_STY - Characteristic values selected for the dialog matrix rows

WRF_APC_CHARVALU_STY - Characteristic values

WRF_APC_CHAR_DSP_INFO_STY - Characteristic information for the dialog matrix

WRF_APC_CHAR_STY - Characteristic

WRF_APC_CLASS_COL_STY - Describes the int. table used to hold the class. collection

WRF_APC_CMPD_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the components definition ALV grid

WRF_APC_CMP_CHAR_VALU_STY - Char. values that belong to each component of type variant

WRF_APC_COMPARE_TARGET_QTY_STY - Structure to compare the planned quantities with target qty

WRF_APC_COMPARISON_SUM_COL_STY - Hold a collection of assigned vs planned comparison window

WRF_APC_COMPONENTS_BUFFER_STY - Components buffer for cut/paste operation in prepack defn.

WRF_APC_COMPONENT_STY - Describes one prepack component with its charact. values

WRF_APC_COMP_SUM_ALVDATA_STY - Assigned Quantity VS Planned Quantity Comparison ALV grid

WRF_APC_COMP_SUM_DATA_STY - Assigned Quantity VS Planned Quantity Comparison

WRF_APC_CONTEXT_INFO - Context information for the dialog popup

WRF_APC_CORE_MATRIX_ROW_STY - Define the rows of the core variant matrix of a gen. art.

WRF_APC_CVSEL_TREEITEM_STY - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + Characteristic Values

WRF_APC_CV_COL_XREF_STY - X-Ref between char. value and ALV grid column

WRF_APC_DATE_STATUS_RSTY - Selection Structure Date Status

WRF_APC_DCHAIN_STY - Operational APC: Distribution Chain Information

WRF_APC_DC_RSTY - Selection Structure Distribution Center

WRF_APC_DPAQ_STY - Structure for Distribution of Put Away Quantity calculation

WRF_APC_EBELN_RSTY - Selection Structure for Purchase Order Number

WRF_APC_EKGRP_RSTY - Selection Structure for Purchasing Group

WRF_APC_EKORG_RSTY - Selection Structure for Purchasing Group

WRF_APC_FEEDBACK_STY - Feedback Structure for PO / Allocation Table - oAPC

WRF_APC_GRDAT_DC_RSTY - Selection Structure Delivery Date DC

WRF_APC_IBID - Purchasing List Inbound Interface Detailed Totals

WRF_APC_IBID_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_IBID

WRF_APC_IBID_DATA_STY - Inbound interface detail: structure


WRF_APC_IBIT - Purchasing List Inbound Interface Totals

WRF_APC_IBIT_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of table WRF_APC_IBIT

WRF_APC_IBIT_DATA_STY - Inbound interface total values: Structure


WRF_APC_ITEMCOPY_STY - Screen Structure for Purchasing List Item Copy

WRF_APC_ITEMS_IDX_STY - Index structure for purchasaing list ALV grid

WRF_APC_ITEM_COL2_STY - Purchasing list item collection table - Index by pl item key

WRF_APC_ITEM_COL3_STY - Purchasing items collection

WRF_APC_ITEM_COL_STY - Describes the internal table used to hold the items collec.

WRF_APC_ITEM_DEL_STY - PL item: delete structure

WRF_APC_KEYFIG_RSTY - Selection structure for OAPC key figures

WRF_APC_KFIG_LIST_STY - Key figure(s) involved in the prepack assignment

WRF_APC_KFIG_RSTY - Range structure for key figure selection

WRF_APC_KFIG_STY - Key figures structure

WRF_APC_LAYOUT_STY - Operative APC layout structure

WRF_APC_MATCHAR_STY - Operational APC: Characteristic Values for Material

WRF_APC_MATNR_DIALOG_STY - Material number for entry screen

WRF_APC_MATNR_RSTY - Selection Structure For Material

WRF_APC_MATPUR_STY - Operational APC: Purchasing Price Information for Material

WRF_APC_MATSALE_STY - Operational APC: Sales Price Information for Materials

WRF_APC_MAT_OTHER_DATA_STY - Complex Structure For Additional Material Data (Interface)

WRF_APC_MPA - Markdown Profile Assignment

WRF_APC_MPA_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_MPA

WRF_APC_MPA_BW_STY - Communication Structure MDProfile Assignment in BW

WRF_APC_MPA_DCHAIN_STY - Distribution Chain in Markdown Profile Assignment


WRF_APC_MTART_RSTY - OAPC: Range Structure for Material Types

WRF_APC_NODE_RSTY - Selection Structure for Hierarchy Node

WRF_APC_OTB_DATA_STY - Example Structure For OTB Data Display (Operational APC)

WRF_APC_PABD - Planned Article Basic Data

WRF_APC_PABD_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PABD

WRF_APC_PABD_KEY_STY - Planned Article Basic Data - Key

WRF_APC_PACDT - Planned Article Assignment into CDT

WRF_APC_PACDT_KEY_STY - Planned Article Assignement into CDT - Key

WRF_APC_PACHR - Planned Article Characteristics and Characteristic Values

WRF_APC_PACHR_DISPLAY_STY - display planned article Characteristics

WRF_APC_PACHR_KEY_STY - Planned Article Characteristics and Char. Values - Key

WRF_APC_PADA - Planned Article Dynamic Attributes

WRF_APC_PADA_KEY_STY - Planned Article Dynamic Attributes - Key

WRF_APC_PADSC - Planned Article Descriptions

WRF_APC_PADSC_KEY_STY - Planned Article Descriptions - Key

WRF_APC_PALT - Planned Article Long Texts

WRF_APC_PALT_KEY_STY - Planned Article Long Texts - Key

WRF_APC_PAPUR - Planned Article Purchasing Data and Prices

WRF_APC_PAPUR_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PAPUR

WRF_APC_PAPUR_KEY_STY - Planned Article Purchasing Data - Key

WRF_APC_PASD - Planned Article Sales Data

WRF_APC_PASD_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PASD

WRF_APC_PASD_KEY_STY - Planned Article Sales Data - Key

WRF_APC_PASF_STY - Planned Material Screen Fields

WRF_APC_PAUOM - Planned Article Units of Measure

WRF_APC_PAUOM_KEY_STY - Planned Article Units of Measure - Key

WRF_APC_PAVAR - Planned Article Variants

WRF_APC_PAVAR_KEY_STY - Planned Article Variants - Key

WRF_APC_PLAQ_STY - purchasing list item - article quantities structure

WRF_APC_PLAS - Purchasing List Assigned Quantities

WRF_APC_PLAS_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLAS

WRF_APC_PLAS_CHANGED_STY - Purchasing list item: Changed assigned data


WRF_APC_PLAS_SYNC_OUTPUT_STY - PL synchronisation: output fields (PLAS level)

WRF_APC_PLDC - Purchasing List Supplying DCs

WRF_APC_PLDC_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLDC


WRF_APC_PLDC_SYNC_OUTPUT_STY - PL synchronisation: output fields (PLDC level)

WRF_APC_PLDC_SYNC_STY - PL synchronisation: output fields (PLDC level)

WRF_APC_PLDF_STY - Fields that can be added to the purchasing list dialog

WRF_APC_PLH - Purchasing List Header Data

WRF_APC_PLHT - Purchasing List Description

WRF_APC_PLHT_KEY_STY - Key Fields of Purchasing List Description

WRF_APC_PLH_ALVDATA_STY - Purchasing list header structure for ALV grid display

WRF_APC_PLH_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLH



WRF_APC_PLH_SCR_STY - Screen Fields For Purchasing List Processing / Selection

WRF_APC_PLH_STY - Op. APC header data

WRF_APC_PLI - Purchasing List Items

WRF_APC_PLID_RSTY - Selection structure for purchasing list

WRF_APC_PLIP - OAPC: Purchasing List Item Prepack Information

WRF_APC_PLIP_ATTRIB_STY - Attribute (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLIP


WRF_APC_PLIST_LOG_STY - Purchasing List Messages Log

WRF_APC_PLITEM_RSTY - Selection structure for PLITEM

WRF_APC_PLI_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLI

WRF_APC_PLI_KEYD_STY - PL items (non-seasonal materials) to be added to current PL


WRF_APC_PLI_SCR_STY - Purchasing List Item Attributes: Screen Structure

WRF_APC_PLI_STY - Purchasing item data structure

WRF_APC_PLPL - Purchasing List Planned Data

WRF_APC_PLPL_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLPL

WRF_APC_PLPL_DERIVED_STY - Derived planned quantities for components of structured mat.


WRF_APC_PLPL_REPAIR_STY - Structure to display wrong entries of wrf_apc_plpl

WRF_APC_PLPL_SYNC_OUTPUT_STY - PL synchronisation: output fields (PLPL level)

WRF_APC_PLPOQ - Purchasing List Purchase Order Quantities

WRF_APC_PLPOQ_ACT_STY - PLPOQ Actual Values (PO / Allocation Table Feedback)


WRF_APC_PLPOQ_ATTRIB_STY - Attributes (no Key Fields) of Table WRF_APC_PLPOQ


WRF_APC_PL_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the purchasing list ALV grid

WRF_APC_PL_ALVDT_COLLAPSED_STY - Line of table of alv rows collapsed by user during filtering

WRF_APC_POKEY_STY - Purchase Order Item Key

WRF_APC_POLITM_COL_STY - oAPC: Purchase Order List Item Collection

WRF_APC_POPER_STY - Posting Period in Purchasing Lists

WRF_APC_PPA_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the prepack assignment ALV grid

WRF_APC_PPA_AUTO_SUGGEST_STY - Preparation structure for the automatic prepack assignment

WRF_APC_PPCMP - Planned Article Prepack Components

WRF_APC_PPCMP_KEY_STY - Planned Article Prepack Components - Key

WRF_APC_PPD_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the prepack definition ALV grid

WRF_APC_PPD_MATRIX_COL_STY - Define the columns of the dialog matrix used in PP defn.

WRF_APC_PPD_MATRIX_ROW_STY - Define the rows of the dialog matrix used in PP definition

WRF_APC_PPLIST_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the prepack list ALV grid

WRF_APC_PRICAT_ALL_STY - Complex Structure Containing Pricat Tables



WRF_APC_PRICAT_SEL_STY - PRICAT: Article selection structure


WRF_APC_PROC_COL_STY - Operational APC: Procurement Check Collection

WRF_APC_PROC_STY - Operational APC: Buffer Structure Procurement Check Result

WRF_APC_PR_FIXING_SCHEME_STY - Price fixing scheme

WRF_APC_PSCD_ATTR_STY - Attributes For Item Date Settings in Purchasing Lists

WRF_APC_PSCD_KEY_STY - Key For Item Date Settings in Purchasing Lists

WRF_APC_PSCD_STY - Item Date Settings in Purchasing Lists

WRF_APC_PURCH_LIST_COL2_STY - structure that describe the purchasing list collection

WRF_APC_PURCH_LIST_COL_STY - Structure that describe the purchasing list collection

WRF_APC_QS_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the quota scale selection ALV grid

WRF_APC_QS_CALC_STY - Quota scales: Calculation

WRF_APC_QS_DIST_STY - Quota scales: Distribution (size curve)

WRF_APC_QS_HEADER_STY - Quota scales: Header Data

WRF_APC_QS_TEXT_STY - Quota scales: Description

WRF_APC_QUANTITIES_TOTAL_STY - Used to calculate total for each characteristic level

WRF_APC_SAITY_RSTY - Selection structure for rollout

WRF_APC_SCR_CHAR_STY - Characteristics positions for Operative APC screen

WRF_APC_SELQS - Operational APC: Select Quota Scales per Hierarchy Node

WRF_APC_SOTYP_RSTY - Range Structure for the Assortment Category

WRF_APC_SSMPROFPE_BW_STY - Markdown Profile Periods (Data Transfer BW - ERP)

WRF_APC_STORES_PER_DC_STY - Number of stores per distribution center

WRF_APC_SUBMI_BUFFER_STY - OAPC: Buffer Collective Number Information


WRF_APC_TREE_PLSYNC_STY - Output fields for the ALV tree / PL syncronsation report


WRF_APC_VARA_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the variants assignment ALV grid

WRF_APC_VARA_MATRIX_COL_STY - Define the columns of the dialog matrix used in VAR asgn.

WRF_APC_VARA_MATRIX_ROW_STY - Define the rows of the dialog matrix used in VAR assignment

WRF_APC_VARA_POSITION_STY - Position information for the variants assignment ALV grid

WRF_APC_VARCV_STY - Characteristic value (for variant access)

WRF_APC_VARD_ALVDATA_STY - Line of data for the variants definition ALV grid

WRF_APC_VARD_MATRIX_COL_STY - Define the columns of the dialog matrix used in VAR defn.

WRF_APC_VARD_MATRIX_ROW_STY - Define the rows of the dialog matrix used in VAR definition

WRF_APC_VARIDX_STY - Cross-reference between characteristic values and variants

WRF_APC_VAR_ASGN_STY - Characteristic values assigned to each variant

WRF_APC_VAR_STY - Variants

WRF_APC_VENDOR_ALVDATA_STY - List of data for the vendor list ALV grid

WRF_APC_VENPRC_STY - OAPC: Screen Structure Copy Vendor Price

WRF_APC_V_CAWNT - Generated Table for View

WRF_APC_V_DD02L - Generated Table for View

WRF_APC_V_PABDH - Generated Table for View

WRF_APC_WLPL - Worklist of Purchasing List Items for Follow-Up Processes

WRF_APPL_SET - Hierarchy Control Table


WRF_ARTICLE_ASSIGM_FLAG_STY - Multiple Assignment: Article/Flag Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_ASSIGM_NODE_STY - Multiple Assignment: Article/End Node Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_ASSIGN_ALV_STY - Article Assignment (Text)

WRF_ARTICLE_ASSIGN_MAIN_STY - Node Assignment (Text)

WRF_ARTICLE_ASSIGN_STY - Article Assignment (Text)

WRF_ARTICLE_CL_NODE_STY - Article Classification: Article/Node Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_CL_PATH_STY - Article Classification: Path Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_EPRGR_STY - Price Point Group Determ.: Article/Price Point Group Struct.

WRF_ARTICLE_LIST_STY - Node Assignment Determination: Article Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_NODE_ASS_STY - Node Assignment Determination: Article/Node Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_NODE_STY - Node Assignment Determination: Article Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_PPT_STY - Price Point Group Determination: Article Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_STY - Article Classification: Article Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_VALIDITY_STY - Validity Check: Article/Node Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_VAL_FROM_STY - Validity: Material Structure

WRF_ARTICLE_VAL_TO_STY - Validity: Material Structure

WRF_ARTLIST - Transfer Structure for Material List from the BW

WRF_ART_CHAR - Input structure for article characteristics

WRF_ASGMT_DEL - Deletion Table for Fixture Assignments

WRF_ASORT_CREA - Assign Attachment Mode to Number Range Assortments

WRF_ASORT_CREA_T - Text Table Assignment Creation Mode for No. Range Assortment

WRF_ASORT_RANG_STY - Range for Assortments (Data Element: ASORT)

WRF_ASPO_EKET_SYNC_STY - Order Delivery Scheduling Data (Changeable)

WRF_ASPO_EKKO_DATA_STY - Header Data of Purchase Order (Not Changeable)

WRF_ASPO_EKPO_DATA_STY - Item Data of Purchase Order (Not Changeable)

WRF_ASPO_EKPO_SYNC_STY - Purchase Order Item Data (Changeable)

WRF_ASPO_SYNC_DATA_STY - Changeable Data in PO Items and Schedule Lines

WRF_ASRTPLN_LIST_MSG_STY - Assortment Plan List

WRF_ASRTPRDVRS_FIXTURE_STY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WRF_ASRTPRDVRS_LIST_MSG_STY - Assortment Product Version List

WRF_ASRTPRDVRS_LIST_STY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WRF_ASRTPRDVRS_STY - Assortment Product Version

WRF_ASSIGN_GRP - Assignment Test Group

WRF_ASSIGN_HEADER - Assignment Test: Additional Data for Invoice Header

WRF_ASSIGN_RBKPV - Generated Table for View

WRF_ASSORTMENT_PLAN_LIST_STY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WRF_ASSORTMENT_PLAN_STY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

WRF_ASSORT_IN_OUT_STY - Assortment ID Mapping

WRF_ASSORT_MATNR_STY - Assortment ID - Materials

WRF_ASSORT_MODULE_MATNR_STY - Assortment ID - Module & Materials

WRF_ATINN_CHARVAL_STY - Change Structure for Char. Value Assignment of a Material

WRF_ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE_STY - Interface for Maintenance Dialog Material Attributes

WRF_ATTRIBUTE_RFS_STY - Structure with Reference Determ. Schema and Description

WRF_ATTR_DIALOG_STATUS_STY - Status Dialog for Material Attributes

WRF_ATTR_FNAME_STY - Attribute: Field Name of Internal Table


WRF_AT_ABELN_STTY - Range Structure for Allocation Table Number

WRF_AT_ABELP_STTY - Range Structure for Item Number of Allocation Table

WRF_AT_AEDAT_STTY - Range Structure for Creation Date

WRF_AT_AKTNR_STTY - Range Structure for Promotion Number

WRF_AT_ATTYP_STTY - Range Structure for Material Category

WRF_AT_AUREL_STTY - Range Structure for Relevant to Allocation Table Indicator

WRF_AT_BSAKZ_STTY - Range Structure for Control Indicator of Purchasing Document

WRF_AT_DELPHASE_CONSTRAINT_STY - Fast Entry Restrictions: Delivery Phase

WRF_AT_EBELN_STTY - Range Structure for Purchasing Document Number

WRF_AT_EKGRP_STTY - Range Structure for Purchasing Group

WRF_AT_EKORG_STTY - Range Structure for Purchasing Organization

WRF_AT_ERNAM_STTY - Range Structure for Name of Creator

WRF_AT_FCODE_STY - General FCODE Structure

WRF_AT_FILNR_INFO_STY - Structure: Store Number and Info Field

WRF_AT_GEN_REFER - Allocation Table: References to Generated Allocation Tables

WRF_AT_LIFNR_STTY - Range Structure for Vendor Number

WRF_AT_LIST_HEADER - Header Data for Allocation Table List

WRF_AT_LIST_HEADER_ALV - Header Data for Allocation Table List for ALV

WRF_AT_LIST_ITEM - Item Data for Allocation Table List

WRF_AT_LIST_ITEM_ALV - Item Data for Allocation Table List for ALV

WRF_AT_LOEKZ_STTY - Range Structure for Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Doc.

WRF_AT_MATKL_STTY - Range Structure for Material Group

WRF_AT_MATNR_INFO_STY - Structure: Material Number and Info Field

WRF_AT_MTART_STTY - Range Structure for Material Category

WRF_AT_MTRX_LABEL_STY - Title and Names of Matrix

WRF_AT_RESWK_STTY - Range Structure for Number of Issuing Plant

WRF_AT_RETPO_STTY - Range Structure for Returns Item

WRF_AT_SCHED_STY - AT Data for Scheduling

WRF_AT_SITE_CONSTRAINT_STY - Constraint Parameters for Fast Change at Allocation Table

WRF_AT_STAPO_STTY - Range Structure for Item Is Statistical Indicator

WRF_AT_STATU_STTY - Range Structure for Status of Purchasing Document

WRF_AT_WERKS_STTY - Range Structure for Plant Number

WRF_AUBSI_CONS - SeasPr: Enhancement of Allocation Table by Consignment Proc.

WRF_AUPO - Seasonal Procurement: Enhancement for AUPO Allocation Item

WRF_AUPO_EA - Append AUPO Enterprise Add-On

WRF_AUPO_SCHED_STY - AT - Item Data for Scheduling (Obsolete)

WRF_AUUMI_CONS - SeasPr: Enhancement of Allocation Table by Consignment Proc.

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