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WPMTCO_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADDR_REPRSNTATION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADDR_USAGE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADGRPHC_TEXT_COLL - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Text Collection

WPMTCO_ADGRPRPLRQATTFLDRDOC - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Document

WPMTCO_ADGRPRPRQAFDOCFVCNT - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: File Variant -> Content

WPMTCO_ADVERTISINGMEDIUMTC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADVERTISING_MEDIUM_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADVERT_GRAPHIC_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADVERT_GRPHC - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Advertisement Graphic

WPMTCO_ADVERT_GRPHC_PARTY_S - Advertisement Graphic Party details

WPMTCO_ADVERT_GRPHC_RPLC_S - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: File Variant

WPMTCO_ADVERT_GRPHC_RPL_ORG - Advertisement Graphic Organization Centre Assignment

WPMTCO_ADVGRPHC_RPLBLK - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: MDT

WPMTCO_ADVGRP_RPL_REQ_MSG_S - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Single message

WPMTCO_ADV_BOOKING_UNIT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADV_GRAPHIC_CAT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADV_GRAPHIC_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPHC_AFDPVPV - Document : Property Value

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPHC_BOOKING_UNIT - Advertising Booking Unit

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPHC_CATEGORY - Ad Graphics : Category

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPHC_CUST_PARTY - Ad Graphics : Customer Party

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPHC_TXTCOLL_CONT - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: TextCollection -> Content

WPMTCO_ADV_GRPH_TXT_COLLT_S - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Text Collection -> Text

WPMTCO_ADV_GRP_RPCL_RQ_ATTFLD - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Attachment Folder

WPMTCO_ADV_GRP_RPLC_PROD_INFO - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Product Information

WPMTCO_ADV_GRP_RPL_REQ_DESC_S - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Description

WPMTCO_AD_GRP_PRP_VAL_S - AdGraphicReplicationBulk: Property Valuation

WPMTCO_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_AMOUNT_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BASIC_BUSINESS_DOCUMEN - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char

WPMTCO_BINARY_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BRAND_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSDOCMSGHDR - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl

WPMTCO_BUSDOCMSGHDRID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSDOCMSGHDRPARTY_S - General information about a party that is responsible for se

WPMTCO_BUSDOCMSGHDRPTYCNTPRSN - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or

WPMTCO_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSINESS_SCOPE_S - Environment from which a message is sent

WPMTCO_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSINESS_TRX_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSI_PRTNR_CMON_GRP - attributes describing a group (intermediate node data type)

WPMTCO_BUSI_PRTNR_COMN_ORG - attributes describing an organisation (intermediate node dat

WPMTCO_BUSI_PRTNR_COMN_PER - attributes describing a person (intermediate node data type)

WPMTCO_BUSI_PRTNR_STATUS - Business Partner Root status elements

WPMTCO_BUSI_PRTNR_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUSSCPINSTANCEID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_BUS_TRANSCTN_DOCID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CLOSED_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CLOSED_UNBOUNDED_DATE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CLSDUNBNDEDGLBDTP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CMPNY_LGL_FRM_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PRDCT_GRPHRID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PRDCT_GRPID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PRDGRP_DESC - CPGH Query Message: Selection By Consumer Product Group Desc

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PRDGRP_HR_DESC - CPGH Query Message: Selection By Consumer Product Group Hier

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_LEAD_PC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_RPLCTN_R17 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_RPLCTN_R19 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_RPLCTN_R23 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_RPLCTN_RE8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNSMR_PROMN_RPLCTN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CNTCTPERSNINTERNALID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char

WPMTCO_CODE_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_COMM_MEDIUM_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CONTCTPERSNOPGHRSINFO - message structure for OperatingHoursInformation in Business

WPMTCO_CP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CPGH_CNSMRPRODGRP - CPGH Response Message: Consumer Product Group

WPMTCO_CPGH_CNSMRPRODGRPHR - CPGH Response Message: Consumer Product Group Hierarchy



WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_CPGH_MDT - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy Message

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_DESC - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Description

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_LVL - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Level

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_LVL_DESC - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Level Description

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_PGHRELSHP - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Product Group Hierarchy Re

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_PGNAME - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Product Group Name

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_PG_DESC - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Product Group Description

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_PROD_GRP - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy: Product Group

WPMTCO_CPGH_RPLCTN_REQ_CPGH - Consumer Product Group Hierarchy

WPMTCO_CPGH_SEL_BY_ELEMENT - CPGH Query Message: Selection By Elements

WPMTCO_CPGH_SEL_BY_PRDGRP_ID - CPGH Query Message: Selection By Consumer Product Group ID

WPMTCO_CP_ADV_MED - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_AMT_BSD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_BLN_RULE_EXP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_BULK_MDT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_DMND_FORECAST - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_DMND_FORECAST_DTL - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_DMND_FOR_DTL_BRK - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_LG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_LGH - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_MDT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_OFF - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_PCKG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_PG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_PROMO_PLAN - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_QTY_BSD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_NOT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_NOT_CP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_NOT_VER - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_NOT_VER_TRA - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_NOT_VER_TRA_TS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_REQ_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_RPL_REQ_CP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_COND - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_PCH - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_PROD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_PROD_DSC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_TX - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TERM_TX_DSC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TRANS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TRM_OFF_PCH_DISC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TRM_OFF_PCH_INI_DSC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TRM_OFF_PRO_INI_DSC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_TR_INC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_CP_VERSION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DATE_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DATE_TIME_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DECIMAL_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text

WPMTCO_DISTRCHNLCODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DMFCT_RPL_BULK_MSG - Demand Forecast Replication Bulk : MDT

WPMTCO_DMFC_DMPL_TS_ITEM - Demand Forecast Replication: Demand Planning Time Series Ite

WPMTCO_DMFC_PROCESD_TS_ITEM - Demand Forecast Replication: Processed Time Series Item

WPMTCO_DMFC_RPL_DMFC - Demand Forecast Replication: Demand Forecast

WPMTCO_DMFC_RPL_REQ_MSG - Demand Forecast Replication

WPMTCO_DMNDPLNTS_RSP_KEYFIG - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Response : Key F

WPMTCO_DMNDPLNTS_RSP_KYFIGVAL - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Response : Key F

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST - Demand Forecast Response: Demand Forecast

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_QRY_MSG - Demand Forecast Query Message

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_RSP_MSG - Demand Forecast Response Message

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_SELBY_LOCID - Demand Forecast Query: Selection By Location Internal ID

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_SELBY_MATID - Demand Forecast Query: Selection By Material Internal ID

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_SELBY_OFRID - Demand Forecast Query: Selection By Retail Incentive Offer I

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_TDMBY_IDQR3 - Demand Forecast Query: Selection By ID

WPMTCO_DMND_FCST_TS_ITEM - Demand Forecast Response: Processed TimeSeries Item

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_MDT - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Response: MDT

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_RSP - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Response

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE_LOCID - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query: Selection

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE_MATID - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query: Selection

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE_MDT - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query: MDT

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE_OFFER - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query: Selection

WPMTCO_DMND_PLNG_TS_SBE_TCD - Demand Planning Time Series TDM By Elements Query: Selection

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_BULK_NOTI_MSG - Demand Planning Time Series Bulk Notification

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_KEY_FIG_S - Demand Planning Time Series Bulk Notificatio: Key Figure

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_NOTI_DMPL_TS - Demand Planning Time Series

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_NOTI_MSG_S - Demand Planning Time Series Notification

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_NOTKEYVAL_S - Demand Planning Time Series Bulk Notification: Value

WPMTCO_DMPL_TS_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY_VALU - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DOCUMENT_STATUS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_DURATION_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)



WPMTCO_EXTENDED_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)


WPMTCO_FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_FILE_USAGE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_FLOAT_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_FNLUNIT_ATRI_SUPCHN - Functional Unit Supply Chain

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_LOCASIGN_ALTIDN - Functional Unit Alternative Identification

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_LOCASIGN_DESC - Functional Unit location assignment description

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_LOCASIGN_GEOINF - Functional Unit Geographical Information

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_LOCASSIGN_ADR - Function Unit Geographical Address

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_SUPCHN_LOCASGN - Functional Unit Location Assignment

WPMTCO_FNLUNT_SUPCHN_NAME - Distribution Channel Name

WPMTCO_FORM_OF_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_FUNCNL_UNIT_ATTR - Function Unit Attribute

WPMTCO_FUNCNL_UNIT_BULK_MSG - Functional Unit ERP Supply Chain Replication Bulk : MDT

WPMTCO_FUNCNL_UNIT_BUS_CHAR - Functional Unit Business Character


WPMTCO_FUNCNL_UNIT_MSG_MDT1 - Functional Unit Message

WPMTCO_FUNCNL_UNIT_NAME - Functional Unit Name

WPMTCO_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_IDENTIFIER - An Identifier is a unique identification of an object within

WPMTCO_IDENTIFIER_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_INDICATOR_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_INTEGER_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_INVTRY_ELMNTS_RSP_S - Inventory TDM By Elements Response : Item

WPMTCO_INVTRY_TDMBY_ELMNTS_RS - Inventory TDM By Elements Response : Quantity

WPMTCO_INV_ELMNTS_RSP_MSG - Inventory TDM By Elements Response MDT

WPMTCO_INV_ELMNTS_RSP_S - Inventory TDM By Elements Response : Inventory

WPMTCO_INV_ELMNT_AGGOVW_S - Inventory TDM By Elements Response : Aggregation Overview

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE - Inventory TDM Selection By Elements

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_IUC_S - Selection By Inventory Usability Code

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_LID_S - Selection By Location InternalID

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_LOC_TCD_S - Selection By Location Role Category Code

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_MDT - Inventory TDM By Elements Query Message MDT

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_MNG_LID_S - Selection By Inventory Managed Location InternalID

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_PID_S - Selection By Material InternalID

WPMTCO_INV_QRY_SBE_SSTCD_S - Selection By Inventory Special Stock Type Code

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_AGGROVW_S - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk : Aggregation Overview

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_BULK_REQ - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk MDT

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_ITMQTY_S - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk : Quantity

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_ITM_S - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk : Item

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_REQ - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk : Inventroy

WPMTCO_INV_RPLCTN_REQ_MSG_S - Inventory Repplication Request Bulk : Message

WPMTCO_LOCATION_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOCATION_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOC_ELMNTQRY_SELBYID - Location TDM by Elements Query Message: Selection By ID

WPMTCO_LOC_ELMNTS_RESP - Location TDM By Elements Response Message

WPMTCO_LOC_ELMNT_QRY - Location TDM by Elements Query Message: Location TDM Selecti

WPMTCO_LOC_ELMNT_QRY_DESC - Location TDM by Elements Query Message: Selection By Descrip

WPMTCO_LOC_GRP_HIER_DESC_S - Location Group Hierarchy Description


WPMTCO_LOC_GRP_HIER_SBE - Location Group Hierarchy TDM Selection By Elements Node



WPMTCO_LOC_GRP_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER - Location Group Hierarchy Node

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_BULK_MSG - Loc Grp Hier Bulk Service Root Node

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_DESC_S - Location Hierarchy Description


WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_LOC_ASGN_S - Location Assignment Node

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_LOC_ASSIGN_S - Location Assignment Node



WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_LOC_GRP_S - Location Group Node

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_MSG_S - Location Group Hierarchy Replication Request Message




WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_SEL_BY_DESC - Selection By Description Node

WPMTCO_LOC_HIER_UCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOC_HR_ELEM_RESP_S - Location Group Hierarchy Node

WPMTCO_LOC_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOC_RESP_DESC - Location TDM By Elements Response Message: Description

WPMTCO_LOC_RESP_GEOGRINFO - Location TDM By Elements Response Message: Geographical Info

WPMTCO_LOC_RESP_GEOGRINFOADDR - Location TDM By Elements Response Message: Address

WPMTCO_LOC_TDMBY_ELMNT_QRY - Location TDM By Elements Query Message

WPMTCO_LOC_TDMBY_ELMNT_RSP_MS - Location TDM By Elements Response Message: Location

WPMTCO_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOG_ITEM_CAT_CODE_T - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOG_ITEM_PLHS_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LOG_ITEM_S - protocol message issued by an application

WPMTCO_LONG_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_LONG_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MARITAL_STTS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MEASURE_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_MRCHDMATL_CNMRPRDGPID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Consumer

WPMTCO_MRCHDMATL_PRDCATDESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Product

WPMTCO_MRCHDMATL_QTYCHRSTIC - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Quantity Char

WPMTCO_MRCHDMATL_RSP - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Merchandise

WPMTCO_MRCHDMATL_RSPMSG - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Merchandise

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_CNSMRPRDASS - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Consumer Pro

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_CNSMRPRDESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Consumer

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_DESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Descript

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_GLBLTRDNO - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Global Trade

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_ID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Internal

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_MRCHDSTCD - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Material

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_MRCHDTYPNM - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Material

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_PRDCATID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Product

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_QTY_CONV - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Quantity Con

WPMTCO_MRCHDSMATL_TRDITMNO - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Global T

WPMTCO_MRCHDSSUPPLNGPRCQRY - Merchandise TDM Supply Planning and Price by Elements Query

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_MATL_BY_ELEMNT - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Query Message_sync

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_MATL_BY_ELMNTS - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_BLK_REQ - Merchandise Demand Management Replication Bulk Request

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_COMMON - A collection of general information about a material.

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_CPGASS - The assignment of a consumer product group to merchandise.

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_DESC - A language-dependent description of a merchandise.

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_GTIN - The quantity-dependent identification of the material follow

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_PCHASS - The assignment of a product category to merchandise.

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_QTYCHARC - The conversion factors between process-relevant units of mea

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_QTYCNVRS - The conversion factors between different units of measure fo

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_REQ - A comprehensive merchandise view for a product.

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_RPLCTN_REQ_MSG - Merchandise Demand Management Replication Request

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SLSPRINFOPRSCL - A specification of the price/discount/surcharge for a specif

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SLSPRINFOPRSPEC - A specified price for a certain period. Optionally it can co

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SLSPRIPRPTYVALN - An assignment of a value to a property of a price/discount/s

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SLS_PRICE_INFO - A valid Sales Price Specification based on a pricing procedu

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SUPPLNGPROC - The definition of the usability of a material in the supply

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SUPPLNGPROCSPEC - The specification regarding the supply planning process for

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_SUPPSCNSMPNREF - The reference to consumption of a material in a supply plann

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_TDMMATL_BY_ELM2 - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Product Cate

WPMTCO_MRCHDS_TDMMATL_BY_ELM5 - Merchandise TDM Material by Elements Response: Common

WPMTCO_NAMESPACE_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_NAME_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_NAME_SPEC_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_NOSC_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_NOSC_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application

WPMTCO_NUM_RNG_INTV_BPG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_OBJECT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_OBJECT_PROPERTY_VALUE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_OCCUPATION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_ORGANISATION_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PARTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PCH_DESC_S - Product Category Hierarchy Description

WPMTCO_PCH_ELMNTS_RSP_MDT - Product Category Hierarchy: Response Message

WPMTCO_PCH_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PCH_KEY_WORD_S - Product Category Keyword

WPMTCO_PCH_MSG - Product Category Hierarchy Replicate Request Message Version

WPMTCO_PCH_PROD_CAT_DESC_S - Product Category Description

WPMTCO_PCH_PROD_CAT_HIER - Product Category Hierarchy

WPMTCO_PCH_PRPTY_ALLWD_VAL_S - Product Category Property Allowed Value

WPMTCO_PCH_PRPTY_ALWD_VALNM_S - Product Category Property Allowed Value Name

WPMTCO_PCH_PRPTY_NAME_S - Product Category Property Name

WPMTCO_PCH_PRPTY_S - Product Category Property

WPMTCO_PCH_RSP_PRODCATHIER - Product Category Hierarchy Response

WPMTCO_PCH_RSP_PROD_CAT - Product Category Hierarchy: Product Category

WPMTCO_PCH_S - Product Category Hierarchy: Product Category

WPMTCO_PCH_SBE_PRODCATDESC - Product Category Hierarchy: Selection By Product Category De

WPMTCO_PCH_SBE_PRODCATHRDESC - Product Category Hierarchy: Selection By Product Category Hi

WPMTCO_PCH_SBE_PROD_CAT_ID - Product Category Hierarchy: Selection By Product Category In

WPMTCO_PCH_SELBYELMNTS_MDT - Product Category Hierarchy: Query Message

WPMTCO_PCH_TDM_SELBYELMNTS - Product Category Hierarchy: Selection

WPMTCO_PERCENT_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PERSON_NAME_FRMT_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PERSON_NAME_SUPPL - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PLANT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRDCT_CTGR_INTRL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRICE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRICE_ZONE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRODUCT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRODUCT_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PRODUCT_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PROD_PRCRMNT_AID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PROD_PRCRMNT_ATCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_PROPERTY_VALUE_V1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_QRY_PROC_COND - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_QUANTITY_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_QUANTITY_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RATIO_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_REOFRACTVTNCONFMSG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_REOFRACTVTNCONFRE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_REOFRACTVTNCONFREOFR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RES_PROC_COND - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RETAIL_EVENT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RETAIL_EVENT_THEME_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RETAIL_EVENT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTEVTOFRACTVTNRQMSG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTEVTOFRACTVTNRQOFR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTEVTOFRACTVTNRQRTEVT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTEVTOFRDACTVTNRQMSG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTEVTOFRDACTVTNRQOFR - Proxy Structure (generated)


WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCREQSLASTGRS - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTNREQDESC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTNREQEVT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTNREQMSG - Proxy Structure (generated)



WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTNREQSLSAR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTNREQTHM - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLCTN_CONF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFFR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFFRBUY - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFFRGET - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFRBYPRGR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFRBYPRGRPR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFRGTPRGR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLEVTRPLOFRGTPRGRPR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLIINCNTVOFRCNDTNCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTLINCNTVOFFRDISCTC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTL_EVT_RPLCTN_CONF_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTL_EVT_RPLCTN_REQ_OF6 - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTL_EVT_TGT_GRP_TC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_RTL_INCNTV_OFFR_CATCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SALUTATION_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SEASON_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SEASON_YEAR_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SHORT_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SOSSRPLCTN_BULK_REQ - Source Of Supply Suite Replication BulkRequest Message : MDT

WPMTCO_SOSSRPLCTN_REQ_MSG - Source Of Supply Suite Replication Request Message

WPMTCO_SOSSRPLCTN_REQ_REFCOL - Source of Supply: Reference Collection


WPMTCO_SOS_ELMNTS_RSP_MDT - Source of Supply Response Message

WPMTCO_SOS_ELMNTS_RSP_SOS - Source of Supply Response: Source of Supply

WPMTCO_SOS_RSP_REFCOLL - Source of Supply Response: Reference Collection

WPMTCO_SOS_SBE_MATINTID - Source of Supply Query: Selection By Material Internal ID

WPMTCO_SOS_SBE_PRODCATINTID - Source of Supply Query: Selection By Product Category Intern

WPMTCO_SOS_SBE_PRODSLRID - Source of Supply Query: Selection By Product Seller ID

WPMTCO_SOS_SBE_RCVGLOCINTID - Source of Supply Query: Selection By Receiving Location Inte

WPMTCO_SOS_SBE_SLRPTYINTID - Source of Supply Query: Selection By Seller Party Internal I

WPMTCO_SOS_SELBYELEMNTS_QRY - Source of Supply Query Message

WPMTCO_SOS_SELBYELMNTS - Source of Supply Query: Source Of Supply Selection By Elemen

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO - msg structure for BusinessPartnerReplicateRequest-AddressInf

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_ADDR - Message structure for the address header data

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_COM_PRF - Message Elements of the DO Address Node Communication Prefer

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_EMAIL - Message Elements of the DO Address Node EMail

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_FAX - Message Elements of the DO Address Node Facsimile

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_TEL - Message structure for telephone data

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_USAGE - Node Structure for the Business Partner Address Usage

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_WEB - Message Elements of the DO Address Node Web

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_INFO_WRKPLC - message DO Address Node Workplace

WPMTCO_SPLR_ADDR_POSTL_ADDR - Message structure for postal address data

WPMTCO_SPLR_COMMON - message structure for common (Bupa and all other projections

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_QRY - Supplier Query Message

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_QRY_ID - Supplier Query: Selection By supplier ID

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_QRY_MSG - Supplier Query Message: MDT

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_QRY_NAME - Supplier Query: Selection By supplier name

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_RSP - Supplier TDM By Elements Response : MDT

WPMTCO_SPLR_ELMNTS_SUPPLIER - A business partner and the related information

WPMTCO_SPLR_RPLCT_BLK_RQ_MDT - Supplier Replicate Request Bulk Message V1: MDT

WPMTCO_SPLR_RPLCT_REQ - Supplier Replicate Request Message Version1: MDT

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO - AddressInformation is the address of business partner along

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_ADDR - An Address contains the postal address of a business partner

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_CP - Telephone data of a business partner.

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_EML - The e-mail data of a business partner


WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_POST - Postal address of a supplier

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_TEL - Telephone data of a business partner.

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDRINFO_WEB - The web address data of a business partner

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_ADDR_USAGE - AddressUsage contains the business, time-dependent usage of

WPMTCO_SPLR_RSP_OPGHRSINFO - Visiting hours or calling hours can be maintained for a serv

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPC_CPGRPID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Consumer

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_AREADESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by SupplyPl

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_CPGRPDESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Consumer

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_DESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Descript

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_INT_ID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Internal

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_MRCTYPECD - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Material

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_MRCTYPNM - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Material

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_PLNAREAID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by SupplyPl

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_PRDCATDESC - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by ProductC

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_PRDCATID - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by ProductC

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_SELBYELEMTS - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements

WPMTCO_SPLYPLNPRC_TRDITMNO - Merchandise TDM Selection by Elements: Selection by Global T

WPMTCO_SPLY_PLNING_AREA_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_STORE_GROUP_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_STORE_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUPLRRELSHPCONTCTPERSN - message structure for relationship - contact person in Busin

WPMTCO_SUPLR_RPLCT_REQ_SUPLR - SupplierReplicateRequest message

WPMTCO_SUPLR_TDMBY_ELMNTS_RSP - Common contains general, time-dependent information for busi

WPMTCO_SUPPLRRELSHP - message structure for relationship in BusinessPartner

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_MAT_REQ_CLS_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_MRCHNDS - A comprehensive merchandise view for a product.

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRCSPCPRPTYVAL - An assignment of a value to a property of a price/discount/s

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRC_RESP_MSG - Merchandise TDM Supply Planning And Price By Elements Respon

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRC_SCALE_LINE - A specification of the price/discount/surcharge for a specif

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRC_SCL_AX_STP - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRC_SPEC - A specified price for a certain period. Optionally it can co

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PROCESS - The definition of the usability of a material in the supply

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PROC_CONS_REF - The reference to consumption of a material in a supply plann

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PROC_SPEC - The specification regarding the supply planning process for

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_PRO_DMD_SEN_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PLN_SLS_PRC_INFO - A valid Sales Price Specification based on a pricing procedu

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPECPRPTY_VC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_CATE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_PRPTY_DCC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_PRPTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_PRPTY_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_PRPTY_VAL - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_PRPTY_VID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SUP_PRC_SPEC_VLD_PRD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_SYSTEM_ADMIN_DATA - SystemAdministrativeData

WPMTCO_TAX_JURISDICTION_T - Proxy Structure (generated)


WPMTCO_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_TIME_POINT - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_TIME_SPEC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_TS_KEY_FIGURE_CD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_TXTCOLL_TXT_TC - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_UPROPN_GLBL_DTTM_PR - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_UP_BNDRY_OBJ_PROP_VAL - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_URI - URI is a unique digital address that is represented by the U

WPMTCO_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_VENDOR_FUND_CAL_BCD - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_VENDOR_FUND_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_VENDOR_FUND_TCD - Proxy Structure (generated)


WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_DESC - Vendor Fund: Description

WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_DISTR_CH - Vendor Fund: Distribution Channel

WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_LOC - Vendor Fund: Location


WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_PERDS - Vendor Fund : Periods

WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_PROD - Vendor Fund : Product

WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_PROD_SL - Vendor Fund : Scale Line

WPMTCO_VNDR_FUND_REQ_SCLINE - Vendor Fund : Scale Line

WPMTCO_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)

WPMTCO_WORKING_DAY_CAL_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

Return Table index