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WGRC_ACT - Current Capacity Data for Doors or Staging Areas

WGRC_ACT_ENH_STY - Capacity Data for Doors/Staging Areas with End Date

WGRC_ACT_ID_STY - Structure

WGRC_ACT_PO - Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities

WGRC_ACT_UPD_STY - Update Information for Schedule Lines

WGRC_AEDAT_RSTY - Range for Change Date

WGRC_ALV_001_STY - ALV Report RWGRC_001

WGRC_ALV_002_STY - Structue for ALV From Report 002

WGRC_ALV_003_STY - Structure for ALV in WGRC3

WGRC_ALV_OUT_STY - ALV Output Structure with Weekdays and Time

WGRC_ASS - Vendors Door/Area Appointment

WGRC_ASS_ACT_PO - Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities

WGRC_ASS_OUT_STY - Resutlts Structure of Capacity Data of Doors / Staging Areas

WGRC_ASS_RASTER - Resource Table Grid

WGRC_COPY_DATE_STY - Copying Period


WGRC_EBELN_RSTY - Range for Document Number

WGRC_EINDT_RSTY - Period Range

WGRC_ENQUEUE_STY - Lock Entries Activities Table


WGRC_LGNUM_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Plant, Storage Location and Warehouse Number

WGRC_LGORT_RSTY - Storage Location Range

WGRC_LGTOR_RSTY - Range for Door

WGRC_LIFNR_RSTY - Range for Vendor

WGRC_LTSNR_RSTY - Range Vendor Subrange

WGRC_POPUP_OUT_DAY_STY - Structure of ALV Output Table for GR Capacity Check

WGRC_POPUP_OUT_STY - Structure of ALV Output Table for GR Capacity Check

WGRC_PO_REWORK - Number of Incorrect Documents for Which Reworking Required

WGRC_RES_AREA - Resources in a Staging Area

WGRC_RES_AREA_STY - Staging Area Resources for a Specific Period

WGRC_RES_DOOR - Door Resources for a Specific Period

WGRC_RES_DOOR_STY - Door Resources for a Specific Period

WGRC_RES_OVERLAP - Structure to Color Overlap Times

WGRC_RES_RASTER - Resource Table Grid

WGRC_SCHEDULE_ID_STY - Header, Item, and Schedule Number

WGRC_TIME_STY - ALV Format HH:MM - HH:MM, Start and End Time Format HHMMSS

WGRC_TLOAD - Load table for calculating workload

WGRC_TS - Time Stamp

WGRC_TSETTINGS - Customizing Settings for Goods Receipt Capacity Check

WGRC_WEEK_RSTY - Range for Week


WGRC_WERKS_RSTY - Range for Plant

WGR_RANGE - Selection Structure for the Transfer of Material Groups

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