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VTBGRKOND - Processing Info.for Terms Detail Screen

VTBLRES0 - Data Structure for Reservations (Temporary)

VTBLRH - Reservations for Limit Amounts (Header)

VTBLRH0 - Reservation: Header with Additional Information

VTBLRP - Reservations for Limit Amounts (Item)

VTBLRPX - Reservation: Items with Text for Determination Procedure

VTBLR_CALCULATE - Work Structure: Attributable Amounts for Reservations

VTBLR_SLE - Reservation Amounts from Determination Proced. - Edit

VTBMROR - invoice verification: open requests

VTBPR - Interface: Treasury - Payment Request

VTBPROD - Datafeed: Permitted Mkt Data Sources

VTBPRODT - Datafeed: Datafeed Names Text Table

VTBPRS_REGUP - Include for REGUP from TRM (see SI_PAYRQ_TR)

VTBTRA1 - Transaction Authoriz. for Traders

VTB_RFHA - Ranges Structure for Financial Transactions

VTB_RFTBZR00 - ALV Field Catalog Report RFTBZR00: Interest Adjust. Schedule

VTB_RSICH - Ranges Structure for Forex Hedges

VTB_RULESET - FTR Rule Management: Rule

VTB_RULESET_CC - FTR Rule Management: Company Code Rules

VTB_RULESET_CR - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Currency Rules

VTB_RULESET_PA - FTR Rule Management: Business Partner Rules

VTB_RULESET_TT - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Type Rules

VTB_R_RANL - Ranges for Class Number

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