Select data from sap tables VEP_

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VEPADMINFLAG - Table for Administrative Services

VEPATTR - Attribute of a Virtual Interface

VEPCROSSREF - Table for where-used list

VEPELEMTYPE - Virtual Interface: Elementary Data Type

VEPELETYPSOAP - Virtual Interface: Elementary Type of SOAP Extension

VEPENDPOINT - Virtual Interface Endpoint


VEPERRMSG - Collecting Messages in the SAP System

VEPFAULT - Virtual Interface: Exception of Function

VEPFIELDREF - WS Virtual Interface: Field References, Default Values

VEPFUNCSOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Functions of SOAP Extension

VEPFUNCST - Simple Transformation of VI _function

VEPFUNCTION - Virtual Interface: Associated Functions

VEPFUNINTF - Virtual End Point: Function Description of an Interface

VEPGENCLASS - Virtual Interface: Generated Class

VEPHEADER - Virtual End Point Definition: Administrative Data

VEPNAME_INT_EXT - Virtual Interface Name, Internally and Externally

VEPO - Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)

VEPOD - Dynamic Part of Internal Tables That Save HU Items

VEPOJVEPO - Structure for Join VEPO with VEPO

VEPOVB - Structure for Internal Tables with Contents of HU Items

VEPO_GM - Help Structure for HU Goods Movements

VEPPARAMETER - WS Virtual Interface: Parameter(s) of a Function

VEPPARAMETERDEFAULTS - Values for Transformation Parameter

VEPPARAMIDDEFS - WS Virtual Interface: Fixed Values

VEPPARAMIDS - Parameter ID of VI (Generated)

VEPPARAMIDSTRUC - Structure for Parameter ID

VEPPARASOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Parameter SOAP Extension

VEPPLUGINOBJS - Virtual Interface Plug-In Objects

VEPPLUGINOBJST - Virtual Interface Plug-In Texts

VEPREIH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VEPRESCLH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VEPSDELI - Generated Table for View VEPSDELI

VEPSOUT - Generated Table for View VEPSOUT

VEPSTRUTYPE - Virtual Interface: Structure Type

VEPT - Cmmt/Actual Line Items for Assigned Budget Independ.of Year

VEPTABLETYPE - Virtual Interface: Table Type

VEPTABTYPSOAP - Virtual Interface: Table Type SOAP Extension

VEPTYPE - Virtual Interface: Associated Type

VEPTYPESOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Type of SOAP Extension

VEPTYPEST - Simple Transformation of VI Type

VEPTYPE_F4 - Structure for F4 Help for Types

VEPVG - Delivery Due Index

VEPVISOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated VI SOAP Extension

VEPWE - Shipping Unit, Item Data, Goods Receipt

VEPY - Commitment/Actual Line Items for Assigned Annual Budget

VEPY_APPEND_1 - ADD-ON append to CORE structure


VEP_FEAT_PROP_S - Structure for complete Feature / Property info

VEP_OD_GUID - Mapping of PSM GUID with Object Dependency Assignment

VEP_OD_PARAMS - VEP Object Dependecies Parameters for DMT

VEP_PRO_SOAP_PROP - Structure for Profile / Soap Appl / Feature / Properties

VEP_PSM_EXPL - Explosion parameters for VIP Launchpad from PSMWebUI


VEP_S_OD_GUID_MAPPING - VEP Object Dependency Mapping

VEP_S_PSM_VAR_OBJ_DEP_DMT - PSM Variant Object Dependcies DMT Maintenance

VEP_S_PSM_VC2OD_DMT_TREE - DMT tree for Object Dependencies in VIP

VEP_TEXTS_S - Structure for ServiceDefinition Texts

VEP_UDDI_CLASSIFICATION - Create/change/read Taxonomies of a Service Interface

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