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TRTP_US_AGE_LIM - Age limits for contributions made to a retirement plan

TRTP_US_AMNTID - Amount identifier

TRTP_US_AMNTIDT - Amount identifier

TRTP_US_AM_CAT - Posting categories and Amount ID's assignment

TRTP_US_BP_ED - Special business partner roles for an ESA

TRTP_US_CONT - Contribution codes for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_CONTT - Contribution codes for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_CONT_DAT - Contribution dates for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_CONT_LIM - Contribution limits for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_CONT_TYP - Contribution limits for a retirement plan type

TRTP_US_DFLT - Default values for screen input fields

TRTP_US_DISTT - IRS Distribution codes

TRTP_US_DIST_PER - Distribution period (For Use by Owners)

TRTP_US_DIST_S - IRS Distribution codes

TRTP_US_D_REL - IRS Distribution codes

TRTP_US_FSTAT - Field status for screen fields

TRTP_US_GEN - General data for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_JLIFE - Joint life expectancy

TRTP_US_LIM_ID - Contribution limits for a retirement plan

TRTP_US_LIM_IDT - Description for contribution limit code of a retirement plan

TRTP_US_PLANTYPE - Type of retirement plan

TRTP_US_PLANTYPT - Type of retirement plan

TRTP_US_PLAN_INF - Plan information for a type of retirement plan

TRTP_US_SLIFE - Single life expectancy

TRTP_US_TRANS - Witholding transaction type information

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