Select data from sap tables TREEM

Display SAP table details

TREEMBCOL - Common fields of column structure of tree model and view

TREEMBITEM - Tree Control: Internal

TREEMBNODE - Tree Control: Internal

TREEMCCOL - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Column

TREEMCHCL - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Hierarchy Column

TREEMCINF - Tree Model: Internal

TREEMCITEF - Column Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key

TREEMCITEM - Column Tree Model: Item

TREEMCITEN - Column Tree Model: Item with Node Key

TREEMCNODT - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Node

TREEMCTIT - Tree Model: TREEV_ITEM Structure + TEXT Field

TREEMCUITE - Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item

TREEMCUNO - Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node

TREEMHHDR - Tree Model: Attributes of the Hierarchy Heading

TREEMIITEM - Item Tree Model: Item

TREEMIKEY - Tree Model: Structure Item Key Table

TREEMINODT - Item Tree Model: Attributes of a Node

TREEMLHDR - List Tree Model: Attributes of the List Header

TREEMLITEF - List Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key

TREEMLITEM - List Tree Model: Item

TREEMLITEN - List Tree Model: Item with Node Key

TREEMLNODT - List Tree Model: Attributes of a Node

TREEMLUITE - List Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item

TREEMLUNO - List Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node

TREEMPRINF - Tree Model - internal

TREEMRITEM - Tree Model: Basic Item

TREEMSNOD - Tree Model: Attributes of a Node

TREEMSNODE - Tree Model: TREEV_NODE Structure + TEXT Field

TREEMSNODT - Simple Tree Model: Attributes of a Node

TREEMSUNO - Simple Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node

TREEMSUNOD - Tree Model: TREEV_UNOD Structure + U_TEXT and TEXT Fields

TREEMUCTIT - Tree Model: TREEV_UITE Structure + TEXT Field

TREEMUITEM - Tree Control: Internal

TREEMUNODE - Tree Control: Internal

TREEMUNOFL - Tree Model: Internal

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