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TRDS_BT_GUID_REF - Structure GUID + Ref to Business Transaction IF

TRDS_BUSTRANSID_PACKAGE - Packages of IDs for Distributor Transactions


TRDS_EVENT - Distributor event

TRDS_EXT_BUSTRANSKEY - Distributor: External Identification of a BT with Owner

TRDS_FLOW - Distributor Flow

TRDS_FLOWS_FOR_CASH - Loan Flows for Cash Management

TRDS_FLOW_AD_DATA - Accrual/Deferral-Specific Data for a Flow

TRDS_FLOW_DEAL_INFO - Distributor Flow Transaction Information

TRDS_FLOW_DIF_DATA - Differentiation Criteria

TRDS_FLOW_DISPLAY_I - Include Structure TRD Fields for Cash Flow Display

TRDS_FLOW_FIMA_DATA - Treasury: Finance-Mathematical Fields Distributor Flow

TRDS_FLOW_LOCAL_CURR_DATA - Treasury: Local currency data for a distributor flow

TRDS_FLOW_PARTITION - Treasury: Partitioned data from a distributor flow

TRDS_FLOW_PART_OTHER_DATA - Treasury: Different Split Values of a Flow

TRDS_FLOW_PAYMENT_AMT_DATA - Treasury: Payment amounts from a distributor flow

TRDS_FLOW_PAYMENT_INFO_DATA - Distributor flow: Payment information

TRDS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Treasury: Position data on a distributor flow

TRDS_FLOW_SEC_BEPP_DATA - Distributor Flow: Fields for BEPP Adaptor

TRDS_FLOW_SUBPOS_DATA - Additional Subposition Data

TRDS_FLOW_SUBPOS_DIFF_DATA - Subposition Differentiation Criteria

TRDS_FLOW_TRANSFER_DATA - Treasury: Transfer-specific data distributor flow

TRDS_FLOW_VALAREA_DATA - Valuation area-specific data distributor flow

TRDS_MULT_ASSIGN - Multiple Account Assignment of a Flow

TRDS_PARTITION_SET - Treasury: Set of flow partitions of a category

TRDS_PFL_FLOW_POST - PFL: flow information for posting

TRDS_PFL_LINK - PFL-link persistency structure


TRDS_PFL_RESULT_FLOW - PFL: processing result

TRDS_PLANNED_ACTION - Range Structure Planned Action

TRDS_RAN_BUSTRANSID - Treasury: Range structure for routing slip - bus. trans. ID

TRDS_SECURITY_ID_PACKAGE - Package of ID Numbers for Distributor Business Transactions

TRDS_TRDBUSTRANS - Treasury: Mapping structure for distributor bus. transaction

TRDS_TRDBUSTRANS_I - Include Structure for Distributor Business Transaction

TRDS_TRDDOCUMENT - Treasury: Mapping structure for routing slip documents

TRDS_TRDDOCUMENT_I - Treasury: Include structure for routing slip document

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