Select data from sap tables TPC

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TPCAACTIV - Indicator of Which Payment Card Master is Active (Obsolete)

TPCA_ALE - Company Code/Field Transfer PCA (ALE)

TPCDATE - Periods for Authorization Check

TPCDATEN - Periods for Authorization Check

TPCOL - Table Painter Column

TPCOLA - Table Painter Column with Attributes

TPCOLAC - Tbale Painter Column With Attributes and Colors

TPCOLORS - Table Painter Attribute 2

TPCOLS - Table Painter Colors

TPCPROG - Programs for Authorization Check

TPCPROGS - Check Table for Authorization Check Programs

TPCRTYPE - Document Types for Posting Correction Request

TPCUSER - User for Authorization Check

TPCUSERN - User for Authorization Check

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