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TN10A - IS-H: Categories of Organizational Units

TN10B - IS-H: Statistical Bed Count of Organizational Units

TN10E - IS-H: Allowed Organizational Hierarchy

TN10F - IS-H: Assign Org. Categories -> Case Types

TN10H - IS-H: Hierarchy of Organizational Units

TN10I - IS-H: Inter-Dept. Bed Asgmts in an OU by Another OU

TN10S - IS-H: Text and Keyword Abbreviation for Org. Unit Category

TN11A - IS-H: Facility Caracteristics of a Building Unit

TN11B - IS-H: Building Unit Categories

TN11C - IS-H: Description of Building Unit Category

TN11D - IS-H: Doors Table for Care Unit Overview Graphic

TN11E - IS-H: Allowed Asgmts Bld. Unit Cat. <-> Org. Unit Cat.

TN11G - IS-H: Facility Key for Building Unit

TN11H - IS-H: Hierarchy of Building Units

TN11I - IS-H: Allowed Hierarchy Relshps Between Build. Unit Categ.

TN11N - IS-H: Blocking Reason for Availability of Building Units

TN11O - IS-H: Assign Building Units to Org. Units

TN11P - IS-H: Planning Characteristics of Building Unit

TN11T - IS-H: Texts for Building Unit Facilities

TN11U - IS-H: Block. Reason Texts for Availability of Build. Units

TN120 - IS-H: Responsibility for Position

TN121 - IS-H: Assign Person to Position

TN124 - IS-H: Position

TN128 - IS-H: Assignment Position/Org. Unit/Institution

TN12P - IS-H: Parameters for Transferring Persons From RP

TN12R - IS-H: Physician Ranks

TN12S - IS-H: Texts for Physician Ranks

TN12T - IS-H: Text for Position

TN13A - IS-H: Parishes

TN13A_SE_MAP - Map Parishes

TN14A - IS-H: Movement Categories

TN14B - IS-H: Movement types

TN14B_CH -

TN14B_IT - TN14B: Fields CV Italy

TN14B_SE_MAP - Map Movement types

TN14C - IS-H: Accident Types

TN14C_SE_MAP - Accident Types

TN14D - IS-H: Discharge Disposition of Patient

TN14D_SE_MAP - Map Discharge Disposition of Patient

TN14E - IS-H: Status for outpatient visits

TN14E_SE_MAP - ISH: Status for outpatient visits Mapping

TN14F - IS-H: Texts for external statuses of outpatient visits

TN14G - IS-H: Movement Reasons (EDI)

TN14G_SE_MAP - Map Movement Reasons (EDI)

TN14H - IS-H: Referral Types

TN14H_SE_MAP - Map Referral Types

TN14I - IS-H: Emergency Services

TN14I_SE_MAP - Emergency Services

TN14K - IS-H: Mode of Arrival

TN14K_SE_MAP - Map Mode of Arrival

TN14M - IS-H: Treatment Program

TN14M_SE_MAP - Map Treatment Program

TN14N - IS-H: Texts for Treatment Codes (Medical Program)

TN14O - IS-H: Surgery Types

TN14O_SE_MAP - IS-H: Mapping table for Surgery Type

TN14P - IS-H: Priorities

TN14Q - IS-H: Priority texts

TN14R - IS-H: Movement reasons (§301) - Text

TN14S - IS-H: Texts for Mode of Arrival

TN14T - IS-H: Texts of Movement Categories

TN14U - IS-H: Texts for Movement Types

TN14V - IS-H: Texts for Accident Types

TN14W - IS-H: Texts for Discharge Disposition

TN14X - IS-H: Texts for type of surgery

TN14Y - IS-H: Texts for referral types

TN14Z - IS-H: Texts for Emergency Services

TN15A - IS-H: Case Types

TN15B - IS-H: Functions of Case-to-Case Assignment

TN15C - IS-H: Case Category

TN15C_SE_MAP - Mapping of types of Case Category

TN15D - IS-H: Case End Data

TN15E - IS-H: Birth Procedures

TN15F - IS-H: Delivery Categories

TN15G - IS-H: Employee Types

TN15H - IS-H: Choice of Ward Class

TN15I - IS-H: Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRG

TN15J - IS-H: Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRG

TN15O - IS-H: Texts for Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRG

TN15P - IS-H: Function of case-to-person assignment internal-extern.

TN15Q - IS-H: External category of case-to-person assignment, text

TN15R - IS-H: Case End Data - Texts

TN15S - IS-H: Case Categories - Texts

TN15T - IS-H: Case type texts

TN15U - IS-H: Texts on the functions of case-to-case assignment

TN15V - IS-H: Birth procedure texts

TN15W - IS-H: Category of Delivery - Text

TN15X - IS-H: Texts for Employee Types

TN15Y - IS-H: Texts for Choice Accommodation Categories

TN15Z - IS-H: Texts for Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRG

TN16 - IS-H: Insurance Contract Schemes

TN16A - IS-H Default Value Ext. Contract Scheme

TN16B - IS-H: Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme Maximum

TN16C - IS-H: Insurance Subgroups

TN16C_SE_MAP - Insurance Subgroups

TN16DC - IS-H SG: Medisave claim estimation parameters

TN16E - External Contract Schemes

TN16ET - External Contract Schemes: Texts

TN16F - IS-H: Contract Scheme Items - Field List

TN16FT - IS-H: Contract Scheme Items - Field List - Texts

TN16M - IS-H: Types of Insurance Coverage

TN16M_SE_MAP - Mapping of types of Insurance Coverage

TN16OP - IS-H SG: Medisave Tables of Operation

TN16P - IS-H SG: Contract Scheme Items

TN16T - IS-H: Type of Insurance Coverage - Text Table

TN16U - IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Contract Schemes (TN16)

TN16UI - IS-H: Texts Contract Schemes Insurance with ID if Individ.

TN16V - IS-H: Insurance Subgroups - Text Table

TN16W - IS-H: Texts for Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme Max.

TN16_SE_MAP - Insurance Contract Schemes

TN17A - IS-H: Form-of-Address Key

TN17B - IS-H: Relationship Types

TN17B_SE_MAP - IS-H: Map Relationship Types

TN17C - IS-H: Occupation Category and Code

TN17C_T - IS-H: Occupation Category Description

TN17D - IS-H: Identity Document Types

TN17D_SE_MAP - IS-H: Identity document types

TN17E - IS-H: Drug Allergies - Routes of Administration

TN17F - IS-H: Drug Allergies - Organs Affected

TN17G - IS-H: Sex Indicator

TN17H - IS-H: Drug Allergies - Probability

TN17I - IS-H: Drug Allergies - Reaction Type

TN17J - IS-H: Protectable Fields in NV2000

TN17K - IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected Fields

TN17K_T - IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected Fields

TN17N - IS-H: Drug allergy - text for reaction type

TN17O - IS-H: Drug allergy: text for organ affected

TN17P - IS-H: Drug allergies: text for probability

TN17Q - IS-H: Drug allergy - texts for routes of administration

TN17R - IS-H: Race

TN17R_SE_MAP - Mapping of Race

TN17S - IS-H: Race texts

TN17T - IS-H: Texts for Sex Indicators

TN17U - IS-H: Address texts

TN17V - IS-H: Texts for Types of Relationship

TN17W - IS-H: Identity document types

TN18 - IS-H: Insurance Provider Types

TN18A - IS-H: Causes of Death

TN18A_SE_MAP - Map Causes of Death

TN18B - IS-H: Propose Contract Scheme by Ins. Prov. Type

TN18C - IS-H: INACTIVE - will be deleted after 4.72

TN18D - IS-H: INACTIVE - will be deleted after 4.72

TN18E - IS-H: Types / Categories of Hospital

TN18F - IS-H: Texts for Hospital Types

TN18I - Institution-Dependent Insurance Provider Type Attributes

TN18L - Location

TN18L_T - Location text

TN18P - IS-H: Assignment of Role to Person in Service Entry

TN18R - IS-H: Business Partner-to-Service Function Indicators

TN18S - IS-H: Text function business partners reg. sp. activities

TN18T - IS-H: Cause of death texts

TN18U - IS-H: Texts for Insurance Provider Types

TN19A - IS-H: Certificate Categories

TN19B - IS-H: Certificate Types per Certificate Category

TN19C - IS-H: Status of Treatment Certificates

TN19D - Proposal of Treatment Certificates

TN19E - Automatic Control of Treatment Certificates

TN19F - Exemption Categories

TN19F_T - Text Table for Exemption Categories

TN19G - IS-H: Reasons for Coverage Rejection

TN19H - IS-H: Reasons for Coverage Rejection - Texts

TN19I - IS-H: Assign IV Documents to Processing Agent

TN19J - Exemption Codes

TN19J_T - Text Table for Exemption Codes

TN19K - Priorities of Treatment Certificates

TN19K_T - Text Table for Priorities of Treatment Certificates

TN19L - Performance Modes

TN19L_T - Text Table for Performance Modes

TN19M - Treatment Certificate Classes

TN19M_T - Text Table for Treatment Certificate Classes

TN19N - Recommended Treatments

TN19N_T - Text Table for Recommended Treatments

TN19R - IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Verification Sort Procedures

TN19S - IS-H: Sort Procedure for Insurance Verification Requests

TN19T - IS-H: Text Table of Certificate Categories

TN19U - IS-H: Text Table Certificate Types per Certificate Category

TN19V - IS-H: Texts for treatment certificate status

TN19W - IS-H*MED: Texts for Visit Types (Initial, Follow-Up Visit)

TN1AETITLE - IS-H*MED RAD: Assignment of RAD and PACS Resources

TN1AGTYPE - Medication, Agent Types of Drugs

TN1AGTYPET - Medication, Drug Agent Types - Texts

TN1BALANCETYPE - Fluid Balancing, Inflow/Outflow Types

TN1BALANCETYPET - Fluid Balancing, Inflow/Outflow Types, Text Table


TN1CCPROV - Medication, External Provider Medication Checks

TN1CURRENCYEXT - Medication; Currency Units of External Catalogs

TN1DEFDRUGS - Medidation, Mixed Drugs

TN1DEVICE - Medication: Administration Devices

TN1DEVICEEXT - Medication: Administration Device External Key

TN1DEVICET - Medication: Administration Devices - Texts

TN1ESTATUS - IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Event

TN1ESTATUST - IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - Texts

TN1EVMG_SWF - Assignment Event to Business Object Event

TN1EXTFAILURE - Medication; External Key for Import Error

TN1EXTREF - Medication; External Key for Medication Data

TN1FORMLEVEL - Medication, Drug Levels

TN1FORMLEVELT - Medication, Drug Levels - Texts

TN1FORMP - Medication, Generic Drug Parameters

TN1FORMPT - Medication, Gen. Drug Parameter - Texts


TN1FORMTYPET - IS-H*MED: Drug Type - Texts

TN1IM_CFG - Configuration Settings for Image System, General

TN1IM_IMAGIC_CFG - Configuration Settings for Imagic Client

TN1IM_IMS - Customizing Table: Known Image System Implementations

TN1IM_IMSETTINGS - Customizing: Image System

TN1IM_IMSET_IMAG - Customizing: imagic-Specific Settings for Image System

TN1IM_IMST - Text Table for Table TN1IM_IMS

TN1IM_LCUST - Settings for Link Module of Image Integration

TN1INDEXALG - Phonetic Algorithms

TN1IPC_TASK_DOM - Tasks Areas

TN1IPC_TASK_DOMT - Text Table Task Areas


TN1LINTYPT - IS-H*MED: Row Type - Texts

TN1LST - Service Facility Categories

TN1LSTT - ISHMED: Text for Service Facility Cat.

TN1MCI_COMP - Component Registration

TN1MCI_COMP_T - Texts for Component Registration

TN1MCI_HL7C - Components

TN1MCI_HL7DE - Data Elements

TN1MCI_HL7DS - Data Structures

TN1MCI_HL7DSC - Component - Data Structure Assignment

TN1MCI_HL7DT - Data Types

TN1MCI_HL7G - Grammar

TN1MCI_HL7GT - Texts for Grammar

TN1MCI_HL7MSS - Message Structure

TN1MCI_HL7SDE - Data Element - Segment Assignment

TN1MCI_HL7TV - Table Values

TN1MCI_PROC - Communication Processes

TN1MCI_PROC_T - Texts for Communication Processes

TN1MCI_PROP - Properties of a Processing Step

TN1MCI_STEP - Processing Steps of a Communication Process

TN1MEALHAND - Medication - Alert Processing

TN1MECCGEPA - Medication Transfer Parameters

TN1MECCTS - Medication Time Spans

TN1MECCTST - Medication Time Spans - Texts

TN1MECHARTGRP - Medication: Customizable Grouping Types

TN1MECHARTGRPT - Text Table for Customizable Grouping Types

TN1MECHTYPE - Medication Check Type

TN1MECHTYPET - Medication Check Type - Text

TN1MEDCLASS - IS-H*MED: Medication Classes - OBSOLETE

TN1MEDCLASST - IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - Texts - OBSOLETE


TN1MEDGROUP - IS-H*MED: Medication Groups

TN1MEDGROUPT - IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - Texts

TN1MELOC - IS-H*MED: Localization for Medication

TN1MELOCEXT - Medication; Localization External Key

TN1MELOCT - IS-H*MED: Lokalization for Medication - Description

TN1MEPRSCFORM - IS-H*MED: Prescription Print Forms

TN1MESEVLEV - Severity for Medication Alerts

TN1MESEVLEVT - Severity for Medication Alerts - Texts

TN1MEUNIT - IS-H*MED: Medication - Units for Orders

TN1MSGGROUP - Medication, Groups of Drug Messages

TN1MSGGROUPT - Medication, Group of Drug Messages Text

TN1OEPR - IS-H*MED: Physician-OU Relatshp for Expanding Med.Basic Srvs

TN1OSTATUS - IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order

TN1OSTATUST - IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - Texts

TN1OTYPE - IS-H*MED: Medication, Type of Order

TN1OTYPET - IS-H*MED: Medication, Order Type - Text Table

TN1PACS - IS-H*MED RAD: PACS Descriptions

TN1PDS_OGCA - Assignment of Occupational Group to Color

TN1PHFORM - Medication: Dosage Form

TN1PHFORMEXT - Medication: Dosage Form External Key

TN1PHFORMT - Medication: Pharmaceutical Form - Texts

TN1PRECCONFUSERA - Patient Record, User-Configuration Assignment

TN1PRECOBJTYPE - Patient Record, Object Types

TN1PRECOBJTYPET - Patient Record, Object Type Text Table

TN1PRICETYP - Medication, Price Types for Drug

TN1PRICETYPT - Medication, Price Types for Drug - Texts

TN1RADACT - IS-H*MED: Actions of the RAD Module

TN1RCIND - Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent)

TN1RCINDT - Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent) Texts

TN1RCODE - IS-H*MED: Reason Code

TN1RCODET - Medication: Reason Key - Texts

TN1ROUTE - Medication: Administration Routes

TN1ROUTEEXT - Medication: Administration Route External Key

TN1ROUTET - Medication: Administration Routes - Description

TN1ROUTING - IS-H*MED: Routing Rules

TN1SIGNS - Patient Record, Indicators

TN1SIGNST - Patient Record, Indicator Texts

TN1TC_GLOB_SET - Treatment Contract - General Settings

TN1TC_OU_RESP - Treatment Contract - Definition of OU Jurisdiction

TN1TC_OU_RESPT - Treatment Contract - Name of OU Jurisdiction

TN1TC_OU_RESP_OU - Treatment Contract - OU Constellations for OU Jurisdiction

TN1TC_RESP_ROLE - Treatment Contract - Assignments of OU Jurisdiction to Roles

TN1TC_TIMES_INST - Treatment Authorization - Deadlines for OU Jurisdiction

TN1TC_TIMES_OU - Treatment Contract - Deadlines of OU Constellation

TN1TIMESEL - Time Periods for Selections

TN1TIMESELT - Patient Record, Text Table for Periods

TN1UNITEXT - Medication; Measurement Units of Ext. Catalogs

TN1_PAL_FILTER - Filter Definitions for Patient Groups

TN1_PAL_FILTERT - Filter Definitions for Patient Groups

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