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THREICCHKF - Knowledge Search: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects

THREICCHKO - Knowledge Search: Files of Physical Information Objects

THREICCONT01 - Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)

THREICIDXSTA - Knowledge Search: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

THREICLOIO - Knowledge Search: Instances of Logical Information Objects

THREICLOIOT - Knowledge Search: Incoming Relations of Log. Info. Objects

THREICLOPR - Knowledge Search: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects

THREICLORE - Knowledge Search: Attribute Values of Logical Info. Objects

THREICLORI - Knowledge Search: Outgoing Relations of Log. Info. Objects

THREICPHF - Knowledge Search: Incoming Relations of Phys. Info. Objects

THREICPHHR - Knowledge Search: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object

THREICPHIO - Knowledge Search: Instances of Physical Info. Objects

THREICPHNM - Knowledge Search: Outgoing Relations of Phys. Info. Objects

THREICPHPR - Knowledge Search: Check-Out Data for Physical Info. Object

THREICPHRE - Knowledge Search: Status Table for Indexing Documents

THREICPHRI - Knowledge Search: File Name of Last Check-Out

THREIC_ACTION - EIC: Rule Modeler: Actions

THREIC_ACTION_T - EIC: Rule Modeler: Text


THREIC_ACTPRIO - EIC Activity Priorities

THREIC_ACTPRIO_T - EIC Activity Priority: Texts

THREIC_ACTPROF - EIC Activity Profiles

THREIC_ACTPROF_T - EIC Activity Profile: Texts

THREIC_ACTSLATGT - SLA Contract and Related Target Values for an Activity

THREIC_ACT_CONT - EIC: Linkage of Activity and Contact

THREIC_ACT_LOCK - EIC: Lock (Activities)

THREIC_ACT_LOG - EIC: Activity Log

THREIC_ACT_PAR - EIC: Rule Modeler: Action Parameter Assignments

THREIC_ACT_PROC - EIC: Related Processes of Activity

THREIC_ACT_PR_VP - EIC: Processes Related to Activity (VP)

THREIC_ASR_CATPG - Assign Process Groups to Categories

THREIC_ASR_PROC - EIC: Related Processes of Activity

THREIC_ATTR - EIC: Rule Modeler: Attributes

THREIC_ATTR_OPER - EIC: Rule Modeler: Operator to Attribute Assignments

THREIC_ATTR_T - EIC: Rule Modeler: Attribute Text

THREIC_AT_ENTRYP - EIC: Activity Tab: Parameter Values


THREIC_AT_PARAMT - EIC: Parameter Texts

THREIC_AT_PROF - EIC: Profiles for Activity Tab

THREIC_AT_PROFE - EIC: Profile and Value Assignment

THREIC_AT_PROFT - EIC: Text for Activity Tab Profiles

THREIC_AT_TAB - EIC Activity Tab

THREIC_AT_TABT - EIC: Tab Description

THREIC_AUTHENT - Authentication Profile

THREIC_AUTHENT_T - Authentication Profile - Text

THREIC_CAT - EIC Categories

THREIC_CATEGORY - EIC: Categories and Subcategories

THREIC_CATEG_T - EIC: Categories and Subcategories (Descriptions)

THREIC_CAT_PG - Obsolete

THREIC_CAT_RES1 - EIC: Category and Resolution Assignment

THREIC_CAT_RES2 - EIC: Categories

THREIC_CAT_RES3 - EIC: Category and Resolution Assignment

THREIC_CAT_RES4 - EIC: Resolution

THREIC_CAT_REST - EIC: Resolutions (Texts)

THREIC_CAT_RES_T - EIC: Resolutions (Texts)

THREIC_CAT_T - EIC Category - Texts

THREIC_COND - EIC: Rule Modeler: Conditions

THREIC_COND_T - EIC: Rule Modeler: Condition Text


THREIC_CONSTANTV - Input Help for EIC Constants


THREIC_CONTCHA - EIC Contact Channels

THREIC_CONTCHA_T - EIC Contact Channel: Texts

THREIC_CON_T - EIC: Constants (Texts)

THREIC_ESEARCHPR - EIC Employee Search: Profile

THREIC_ESEARCH_T - EIC Employee Search: Profile Text

THREIC_EXT_GUID - EIC: Linkage of Addrnumber, Persnumber & GUID


THREIC_FOLLREA - EIC Follow-Up Reasons

THREIC_FOLLREA_T - EIC Follow-Up Reason: Texts

THREIC_FOLL_PROC - Relationship between Follow-Up Activities and HRAS Processes


THREIC_GROUP_CAT - Assignment EIC Grouping - Category

THREIC_GROUP_DET - EIC Grouping Detail

THREIC_GROUP_T - EIC Grouping - Texts

THREIC_GRP_PROF - Assignment Authentication Profile - Grouping

THREIC_IBCAT - EIC Inbox Categories

THREIC_IBCAT_T - EIC Inbox Item: Category

THREIC_IBEMAIL - EIC Inbox: E-Mail Address

THREIC_IBPRCAT - EIC Assignment: Inbox Profile to Inbox Item Category

THREIC_IBPRIO - EIC Inbox: Profiles

THREIC_IBPRIOMAP - EIC Assignment: Item Type Priority to Inbox Item Priority

THREIC_IBPRIO_T - EIC Inbox: Priorities Text

THREIC_IBPROF - EIC Inbox: Profiles

THREIC_IBPROF_T - EIC Inbox: Profiles Text

THREIC_IBSEARCH - EIC Inbox Initial Search Profile

THREIC_IBSEARC_T - EIC Inbox Initial Search Profile Text

THREIC_IBSTAT - EIC Inbox: Activity Status

THREIC_IBSTATMAP - EIC Assignment: Item Type Status to Inbox Item Status

THREIC_IBSTAT_T - EIC Inbox: Status Text

THREIC_IBSUBST - EIC Inbox Substitution

THREIC_IB_PRFW - EIC Assignment: Inbox Profiles - Further Processing

THREIC_KS_ATTR - Specific Attributes for Knowledge Search in EIC



THREIC_PARAM - EIC: Rule Modeler: Parameters

THREIC_PARAM_T - EIC: Rule Modeler: Parameter Text

THREIC_PER_ALRTS - EIC: Personal Alerts

THREIC_PROC - EIC: Processors

THREIC_PROC_T - EIC: Processors - Texts

THREIC_PROF_CAT - EIC Assignment: Activity Profile --> Category

THREIC_PROF_CHA - EIC Assignemnt: Activity Profile --> Contact Channel

THREIC_PROF_PRIO - EIC Assignment: Activity Profile --> Activity Priority

THREIC_PROF_QUES - Assignment Questions - Authentication Profile

THREIC_PROF_REA - EIC Assignment: Activity Profile --> Follow-Up Reason

THREIC_QUESTIONS - Authentication Questions

THREIC_QUESTNS_T - Authentication Questions - Text

THREIC_REA_PROC - EIC Assignment: Follow-Up Reason --> Processor

THREIC_RELAT - EIC: Relationship Type

THREIC_RELAT_T - EIC: Relationship Type Texts

THREIC_RULEDEF - EIC: Rule Modeler: Rule Definition

THREIC_RULEDEF_T - EIC: Rule Modeler: Rule Definition: Text

THREIC_RULE_ACT - EIC: Rule Modeler: Action-to-Rule Assignment

THREIC_RULE_COND - EIC: Rule Modeler: Condition-to-Rule Assignment

THREIC_SEMSTATUS - EIC: Meaning of the Activity Status

THREIC_SLA - SLA Contracts


THREIC_SLA_ALRT - Activities Selected by SLA Alert Program

THREIC_SLA_ALRTS - Activities Selected by SLA Alert Program

THREIC_SLA_APPT - EIC: Availability Plans (Business Hours)

THREIC_SLA_APPTT - EIC Business Hours Description

THREIC_SLA_DEF - SLA Target Definitions

THREIC_SLA_DEF_T - SLA Targets (Descriptions)

THREIC_SLA_T - SLA Contract Descriptions

THREIC_SLA_TGT - Targets That Are Specified in the SLA Contract

THREIC_STRESP - EIC; Standard Replies

THREIC_STRESP_T - EIC: Text for Standard Replies

THREIC_SUBCAT - EIC Subcategories

THREIC_SUBCAT_T - EIC Subcategory - Texts

THREIC_TASK_LTID - EIC Assignment Start Transaction ID to Task ID

THREIC_TEMPLATE - List of templates for the employee survey

THREQQUEUE - Structure for request queue information

THREQQUEUE2 - Structure for request queue information

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