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THMHC_HEDGE_CHANGE - Analysis of the consequences of changing hedge.

THMHEDGEID - Select options hedge ID

THMHRC_HR_STR - E-HA: Customizing Hedge Strategy

THMHRC_HR_STRT - E-HA: Customizing Hedge Strategy

THMHRS_CASH_FLOWS_RESULTS - Calculation results of the cash flows

THMHRS_EXTENDED_HR - Extended hr to carry accounting information

THMHRS_HR - E-HA: HR-Structure for Screen Output

THMHRT_ASS_RETRO - Retrospective effectiveness assessment result

THMHRT_CASH_FLOW - Calculated cash flows for effectiveness

THMHRT_EXT_PROS - External Prospective Assessment

THMHRT_HI_MEAS - Fair value change of the hedge comp. in an effective hedge

THMHRT_HR - Hedge Relationship

THMHRT_HR_FLAGS - E-HA: Flags that trigger the HR events

THMHRT_HR_STRAT - Effectiveness strategy for the hedging relationship

THMHRT_HR_VAL - Valuation details for the hedging relationship

THMHRT_MEASURE - Effectiveness measurement result

THMHRV_HR_FLAGS - Generated Table for View

THMHRV_HR_STR - Generated Table for View

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