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TF100 - Financial Statement Items

TF101 - FS Items: Short and Medium Texts

TF102 - FS Items: Long Texts

TF103 - Breakdown Categories

TF103A - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment

TF104 - Breakdown Categories: Name

TF105 - FS Item Categories

TF106 - FS Item Categories: Description

TF107A - FS Item Attributes

TF107AT - FS Item Attribute Texts

TF107AV - FS Item Attribute Values

TF107AVT - FS Item Attribute Values, Texts

TF107R - FS Item, Accounting Roles

TF107RT - FS Item, Accounting Roles, Texts

TF107T - Target Item Categories

TF107TT - Target Item Categories, Texts

TF108A - FS Item Attributes: Assignment to FS Items

TF108R - FS Item Accounting Roles: Assignment to FS Items

TF108T - Target Items: Assignment to FS Items

TF110 - Subitem Categories

TF111 - Subitem Categories: Description

TF115 - Subitems

TF116 - Subitems: Short and Medium Texts

TF117 - Subitems: Long Texts

TF120 - Consolidation Charts of Accounts

TF121 - Consolidation Charts of Accounts: Description

TF123 - Additional Rules for Running Program SAPF124 (Clearing)

TF130 - FS Item Hierarchies

TF131 - Item Hierarchies: Name

TF132 - Item Hierarchies: Identifiers

TF133 - Items: Identifiers

TF134 - Item Hierarchies: Nodes

TF134A - Item Hierarchies: Nodes

TF140 - Selected FS Items

TF141 - Selected FS Items

TF142 - Special Items for Each Document Type in SAP S/4HANA

TF150 - Dimensions

TF151 - Dimensions: Texts and User-Specific Names

TF152 - Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Units

TF153 - Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Groups

TF154 - Dimensions year- and period-dependent

TF155 - Dimensions: Assign Task Groups

TF160 - Consolidation Units

TF161 - Consolidation Units: Texts

TF162 - Consolidation Unit Correspondence

TF163 - Consolidation Units, Version/Period-Based Attributes

TF164 - Consolidation Unit Year-Dependent

TF165 - Consolidation Units Version-Dependent

TF166 - Consolidation Units Version- and Period Category-Dependent

TF167 - Consolidation Units Version- and Period-Dependent

TF168 - Consolidation Units Ledger-Dependent

TF169 - Version/Period-Dependent Cons. Units: Tax Rates

TF170 - Position of Contact Person

TF171 - Position of Contact Person: Description

TF172 - Contact Person Assignments

TF173 - Reasons for Inclusion

TF174 - Reasons for Inclusion: Short and Medium Texts

TF175 - Reasons for Inclusion: Long Texts

TF180 - Consolidation Groups

TF181 - Consolidation Groups: Texts

TF182 - Consolidation Groups, Version-Dependent

TF183 - Consolidation Groups, Version- and Period Categ.-Dependent

TF183A - Consolidation Groups - Restricted Task Groups

TF184 - Consolidation Groups, Version- and Year-Dependent

TF187 - Consolidation Group Set Assignments

TF188 - Consolidation Group Assignment of Task Group

TF189 - Assignment of CG/CU, Version- and Period-Dependent

TF189A - Inactive Consolidation Units per Consolidation Group

TF190 - Hierarchies

TF191 - Hierarchies: texts

TF192 - Hierarchies, Period-Dependent

TF193 - Hierarchies, Version-Dependent

TF194 - Hierarchies, Version- and Period Category-Dependent

TF195 - Hierarchy Levels

TF196 - Hierarchy Levels: Texts

TF197 - Hierarchy Levels Used

TF198 - Hierarchy Level Relationships

TF199A - Organizational Elements

TF199B - Organizational Elements: Texts

TF199C - Characteristic Values of Organizational Elements

TF199D - Char. Values of Organizational Elements: Texts

TF199E - Organizational Element Relationships

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