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TDCOLL_RVC - Procedure of Real Value Calculation

TDCOMPONENTS - Field Catalog - Components

TDCOMPONENTST - Field Catalog - Componenets Text Table

TDCOMPVAR - Field Catalog - Components Variants

TDCOMPVART - Field Catalog - Components Varients Text Table

TDCONDCATEGORY - Condition Category


TDCONDVER_ACP - Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation

TDCONDVER_CPV - Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation

TDCONDVER_CUMSG - Condiotion Verification: List of Customizable Checks

TDCONDVER_CUMSGT - Condition Verification: Texts for Customizable Checks

TDCONDVER_FC - Condition Verification: Define Field Properties

TDCONDVER_FP - Condition Verfier: Field Item Customizing

TDCONDVER_FV - Condition Verification: Define Permitted Field Values

TDCONDVER_MSG - Condition Verification: Update Checks and Define Msge Type

TDCONDVER_SBFIMA - Condition Verification: Permitted Flow Categories

TDCONDVER_SBZITI - Condition Verfication: Permitted Calculation Categories

TDCOND_PROP - Currency-Dependent Default Setting of Conditions

TDCORRESP - Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable

TDCOTYP_ACT - Assignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type

TDCOT_FLDCTRL - Field Control for Condition Item

TDCOT_LOANFUNC - List of Application Functions Supported (Condition Table)

TDCO_OPT_TEXT - Correspondence Tool: Optional Text Modules

TDCO_USER_TEXT - Definition of Custom Text for Correspondence Tool

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