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TDCAPTR_GSTEER - General Control Data of Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_POSTPR - Indicator Manual Postprocessing

TDCAPTR_POSTPRT - Texts for Manual Postprocessing Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_REASON - Capital Transfer Reasons

TDCAPTR_REASONT - Texts Capital Transfer Reasons

TDCAPTR_REPCH - Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_REPCHT - Texts for Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_TEMPL - Templates for Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_TEMPLTXT - Texts for Capital Transfer Templates

TDCAPTR_TRANSB - Transfer Behavior Capital Transfer

TDCAPTR_TRANSBT - Texts for Transfer Behavior

TDCAP_COND - Condition amount for capitalization

TDCAP_CUST - Settings/Preassignments for Capitalization of Overdue Items

TDCAP_GSTEER - General Control Data

TDCAP_POSTPR - Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capitalization

TDCAP_POSTPRT - Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capital. Texts

TDCAP_REASON - Reason for Capitalizn

TDCAP_REASONT - Reason for Capitalization: Texts

TDCBRSTATFLD - Assignment of Status Field No. to Credit Bureau Field Name

TDCBRSTSMA - Assignment of Status Profile to Credit Bureau Field

TDCBR_PAR - Define Parameters for Credit Bureau

TDCF - SAPscript Editor: Character Formats External

TDCFI - SAPscript Editor: Character Formats Internal

TDCHARAC - Processing Characteristics

TDCHARAC2 - Processing Characteristics

TDCHARAC2_T - Processing Characteristics Text Table

TDCHARACVALUE - Values for Processing Characteristics

TDCHARACVALUE2 - Values for Processing Characteristics

TDCHARACVALUE2_T - Processing Characteristic Value Text Table

TDCHARACVALUE_T - Processing Characteristic Value Text Table

TDCHARAC_T - Processing Characteristics

TDCHARGE_GSTEER - General Control Data

TDCHGCATG - Change Category

TDCHGCATGSUB - Change Sub-Category

TDCHGCATGSUB_T - Change Sub-Category Text Table

TDCHGCATG_T - Change Category Text Table

TDCLD - Hypertext: control table

TDCLI_INSURANCE - Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates

TDCLI_INSURANCET - Text Tables for CLI - Rates

TDCLI_INS_1 - Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates

TDCLI_OCCUP - Table of Occupational Keys for Credit Life Insurance

TDCLT - Hypertext: text on control table

TDCL_EXCEPTION - Consumer Loans: Correspondence Without Correspondence Tool

TDCOLL_RVC - Procedure of Real Value Calculation

TDCOMPONENTS - Field Catalog - Components

TDCOMPONENTST - Field Catalog - Componenets Text Table

TDCOMPVAR - Field Catalog - Components Variants

TDCOMPVART - Field Catalog - Components Varients Text Table

TDCONDCATEGORY - Condition Category


TDCONDVER_ACP - Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation

TDCONDVER_CPV - Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation

TDCONDVER_CUMSG - Condiotion Verification: List of Customizable Checks

TDCONDVER_CUMSGT - Condition Verification: Texts for Customizable Checks

TDCONDVER_FC - Condition Verification: Define Field Properties

TDCONDVER_FP - Condition Verfier: Field Item Customizing

TDCONDVER_FV - Condition Verification: Define Permitted Field Values

TDCONDVER_MSG - Condition Verification: Update Checks and Define Msge Type

TDCONDVER_SBFIMA - Condition Verification: Permitted Flow Categories

TDCONDVER_SBZITI - Condition Verfication: Permitted Calculation Categories

TDCOND_PROP - Currency-Dependent Default Setting of Conditions

TDCORRESP - Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable

TDCOTYP_ACT - Assignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type

TDCOT_FLDCTRL - Field Control for Condition Item

TDCOT_LOANFUNC - List of Application Functions Supported (Condition Table)

TDCO_OPT_TEXT - Correspondence Tool: Optional Text Modules

TDCO_USER_TEXT - Definition of Custom Text for Correspondence Tool

TDCREDIT_CUSTOM - Customer-Specific Solution for Borrowing

TDCT - Dialog Modules

TDCUSTCHECK - Control Table Customizing Checks

TDCUSTFIELDST - Field Catalog - Customizing Field Status

TDC_A_AREA_MAP - TDC Area mapping table

TDC_A_CONT - TDC table for container name & Description

TDC_A_CONT_MAP - TDC container mapping table

TDC_A_CONT_STR - TDC A cont map structure

TDC_A_CONT_TAG - TDC Container Tag Mapping table

TDC_A_REPO - Global repository for TDC

TDC_A_REPO_MAP - TDC Mapping Area process & Global repository

TDC_A_S4C_INT - TDC & S4C integration table

TDC_A_TAGMAP - Application Tag mapping

TDC_A_TEMPLT - TDC Template name & Description

TDC_A_TEMP_MAP - TDC template mapping table

TDC_A_VAR - TDC Table for Variant name & description

TDC_A_VAR_MAP - TDC Variant mapping table

TDC_S4C_TP_TDCID_MAP - Structure to get S4C Testplan and TDC ID mapping

TDC_STR_AREA_MAP - TDC Area mapping structure

TDC_STR_A_REPO - Structure for TDC_A_REPO



TDC_STR_CONT - TDC structure for container Name & Desc

TDC_STR_CONT_MAP - TDC container mapping structure

TDC_STR_CONT_TAG - TDC Container Tag Mapping Structure

TDC_STR_TAGMAP - Application Tag mapping structure

TDC_STR_TEMPLT - Structure for TDC Template

TDC_STR_UTILITY - TDC Data upload & download structure

TDC_S_APPAREA - Application area for the fields

TDC_S_APPAREAT - TDC Text Table for application area

TDC_S_AREA_MAP - TDC Area mapping table

TDC_S_CONT - TDC table for container name & Description

TDC_S_CONT_MAP - TDC container mapping table

TDC_S_CONT_STR - TDC S cont map structure

TDC_S_CONT_TAG - TDC Container Tag Mapping table

TDC_S_REPO - Global repository for TDC

TDC_S_REPO_MAP - TDC Mapping Area process & Global repository

TDC_S_TAGMAP - Application Tag mapping

TDC_S_TEMPLT - TDC Template name & Description

TDC_S_TEMPLT_TXT - TDC Template name & Description Text table

TDC_S_TEMP_MAP - TDC template mapping table

TDC_S_VAR - TDC Table for Variant name & desc

TDC_S_VAR_MAP - TDC Variant mapping table

TDC_TY_ECATT_PAR_DEF - eCATT parameter definition

TDC_TY_ECATT_VAR_DEF - eCATT variant definition

TDC_TY_ECATT_VAR_VALUES - eCATT varaint values


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