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TCURALV1 - Exch.rate maint: ALV structure for work list administration

TCURALV2 - Exch.rate maint: ALV structure for indiv. curr.maint.(tree)

TCURALV3 - Exch.Rate Maint:Structure for Indiv.Curr.Maint.(Screen 0200)

TCURB - Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator

TCURC - Currency Codes


TCURC_ROUND - Clearing of Rounding Diffs per Local Currency: Temporary

TCURD - Max.Exch.Rate Differences for Postings in Foreign Currency

TCURE - Expiring Currencies

TCURF - Conversion Factors

TCURFRS - Structure for collective information from TCURR and TCURF

TCURFR_40 - Structure for collective information from TCURR and TCURF

TCURK - Currency Code Table Supplements

TCURL - Leading Currency

TCURM - Customizing: MM Configuration

TCURN - Quotations

TCURO - Object Type for Expiring Currencies

TCUROT - Text Table for Objects for Expiring Currencies

TCURP - Direct/Indirect Quotation Prefixes for Exchange Rate

TCURR - Exchange Rates

TCURRY_RFC - HR TRIP: Structure for RFC interface

TCURS - Rate Spreads

TCURSET_C - Current Settings in Procure Category

TCURSET_PUR - Current Settings in Procure

TCURT - Currency Code Names

TCURU - Superuser for Expiring Currencies

TCURV - Exchange rate types for currency translation

TCURW - Usage of Exchange Rate Types

TCURWKDAT - Last Maintenance of a Worklist

TCURWKRTS - Exch.rate maint: Assign exch. rates to work lists

TCURWKSET - Exch.rate maint: Work list

TCURWKSETT - Texts for Worklists

TCURX - Decimal Places in Currencies

TCURY - Warning Period for Expiring Currencies

TCURY1 - Reasons for Expiring Currencies

TCURY1T - Texts for Expiry Reasons

TCUR_BUKRS - Structure with Company Code

TCUR_SET_MM_PUR - Current Settings in Procure

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