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TCMES - Settings for External Scheduling of Order

TCMIS_CONFIG - CMIS Destination Configuration

TCM_SLS_ORG_MAP - Mapping TCM Organizational unit to sales organisation

TCM_S_AMOUNT - Transportation Charge Management Amount

TCM_S_AMOUNTRC_MAP - Mapping Amount Role Codes external/internal

TCM_S_AMOUNT_ELE - Transportation Charge Management Amount Element

TCM_S_AMOUNT_ELEMENT - Transportation Charge Management Amount Element

TCM_S_AMOUNT_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Amount Role Code

TCM_S_BTDR_RC_MAP - TCM BTD Relationship Role Code external/internal

TCM_S_BTDR_TY_MAP - TCM BTD relationship Type Code external/internal

TCM_S_BTDTYPE_MAP - TCM BTD Type Code external/internal

TCM_S_BTD_ITEM_TYPE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management BTD Item Type Code

TCM_S_BTD_ITMTY_MAP - TCM BTD Item Type Code external/internal

TCM_S_BTD_REF - TCM Business Transaction Document Reference

TCM_S_BTD_REL_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management BTD Relationship Role Code

TCM_S_BTD_REL_TYPE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management BTD Relationship Type Code

TCM_S_BTD_TYPE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management BTD Type Code

TCM_S_CASHDISCOUNT - Transportation Charge Management Cash Discount

TCM_S_CFIR_BOOKING_PRINT - Booking Order details for Buyers Console print

TCM_S_CFIR_BOOK_ITEM_PRINT - Booking Order Details for Buyers Console Print

TCM_S_CFIR_CHRG_ITM_PRINT - Cfir Charge Item data for print

TCM_S_CFIR_INT_DATA - Internal Settlement Details





TCM_S_CFIR_ORDER_STAGE_DATA - Order stage details

TCM_S_CFIR_PRINT_DATA - Additional information from TM for CFIR print data

TCM_S_CFIR_PRINT_LOC_DET - Location related details for PRINT

TCM_S_CFIR_PRINT_TEXT - Text description for codes

TCM_S_CHARGES - TCM Transportation Charges

TCM_S_CHARGES_INFO - TCM Transportation Charges Info

TCM_S_CHARGE_ELEMENT - TCM Transportation Charge Element

TCM_S_CHARGE_ITEM - Transportation charge items

TCM_S_CURR - Transportation Charge Management Currency

TCM_S_CURRENCY - Transportation Charge Management Currency

TCM_S_CURRENCY_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Currency Role Code

TCM_S_CURR_RC_MAP - Mapping Currency Role Codes external/internal


TCM_S_CUST_FRTINV_REQ - Structure for TCM Customer Freight Invoicing

TCM_S_CUST_FRTINV_REQ_SUITE - Structure for Customer Freight Invoicing SUITE

TCM_S_DATETIME - Transportation Charge Management Date Time

TCM_S_DIST_ADDN_DATA - Transportation Order Additional Data

TCM_S_DIST_CHARGE_ELEMENT - TCM Transportation Charge Element for Cost Distribution

TCM_S_DIST_CHARGE_ITEM - Transportation charge items for Cost Distribution

TCM_S_DTPS - Transportation Charge Management Date Time Periods

TCM_S_ELEMENT - TCM Transportation Charge Element


TCM_S_ELEMENT_ACCOUNT - TCM Transportation Charge Element Accounting Data


TCM_S_ELMT_ACCOUNT - Transportation Charge Element Accounting Data

TCM_S_EXCHANGE_RATE - Transportation Charge Management Exchange Rate

TCM_S_FRTINV_ITEM - Transportation Charge Management Freight Invoice Item

TCM_S_INTRACOCD_BILLING - Transportation Charge Management Intracompany Code Billing

TCM_S_INTRACOCD_BILLING_ITEM - Transportation Charge Management Intracompany Code Bill Item

TCM_S_INTRACOMPCD_BILL - Transportation Charge Management Intracompany Code Billing

TCM_S_INTRACOMPCD_BILL_ITEM - Transportation Charge Management Intracompany Code Bill Item

TCM_S_INVOICE_PREP_REQ - Structure for TCM Invoicing Preparation Request

TCM_S_KOMFKGN_ACC - Return structure of BAdI TCM_SE_FRTBILLING_PROC Acc modify

TCM_S_KOMFKGN_ACCOUNT - Return structure of BAdI TCM_SE_CFIR bILLING_PROC Acc modify

TCM_S_LOC - TM CFIR Location

TCM_S_LOCATION - Transportation Charge Management Location

TCM_S_LOCATION_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Location Role Code

TCM_S_LOCRO_MAP - Mapping Location Role Codes external/internal

TCM_S_LOGSYS - Logical System (Receiving System)

TCM_S_PARTY - Transportation Charge Management Party

TCM_S_PARTY_ADDR - TM Party Address

TCM_S_PARTY_ADDRESS - Transportation Charge Management Party Address

TCM_S_PARTY_RC_MAP - Mapping Party Role Codes external/internal

TCM_S_PARTY_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Party Role Code

TCM_S_PERIOD_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Period Role Code

TCM_S_PERO_MAP - TCM Period Role Code external/internal

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_CFIR_CNCLN - PostMapping struc. for CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestCncReque

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_CFIR_SUITE - PostMapping Str CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITERequestOUT

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_CUSTINVCNC - PostMapping struc. for CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestCncReque

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_CUSTINVMNT - PostMapping struct. for CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestRequest

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_FRTORDINVCN - PostMapping struct. for FreightOrderInvoicingPrepCncRequest

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_FRTORDINVMT - PostMapping struct. for FreightOrderInvoicingPrepRequest_In

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_SUPLRINVCNC - PostMapping structure for SupplierInvoiceRequestCancelRQ_In

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_SUPPLIERINV - PostMapping structure for SupplierInvoiceRequestRequest_In

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_TOR_INVCANC - Post mapping structure for TOR SUITE Inv Prep request

TCM_S_POST_MAPPING_TOR_INVPREP - Post mapping structure for TOR SUITE Inv Prep request

TCM_S_PO_ITEMS - Item Number of Purchasing Document

TCM_S_PTY - Party Structure

TCM_S_QTRO_MAP - TCM Quantity Role Code external/internal

TCM_S_QTTY_MAP - TCM Quantity Type Code external/internal

TCM_S_QUANT - Quantity

TCM_S_QUANTITY - Transportation Charge Management Quantity

TCM_S_QUANTITY_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Quantity Role Code

TCM_S_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Quantity Type Code

TCM_S_RATE_ASSIGN - Transportation Charge Rate Element Assignment

TCM_S_RATE_DETAIL - Transportation Charges Rate Detail

TCM_S_RATE_RC_MAP - Mapping Rate Role Codes external/internal

TCM_S_RATE_ROLE_CODE - Transportation Charge Management Rate Role Code

TCM_S_SES_TRANSFER_RESULT - Assigment between external/internal number of entry sheet

TCM_S_SES_TRANS_RESULT - Assigment between external/internal number of entry sheet

TCM_S_SFIR_REFERENCES - SFIR References for FCI document

TCM_S_SFI_DATA - TCM element Supplier Freight Invoicing Data

TCM_S_SOR_INV_PREP - TCM Invoicing Preparation SOR

TCM_S_SUPPL_FRTINV_REQ - Structure for TCM Supplier Freight Invoicing

TCM_S_TCCAT_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internal

TCM_S_TCET_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internal

TCM_S_TCMORG_INO - TCM Oranizational Units Payer/Payee - Internal Order

TCM_S_TCSUBCAT_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements external/internal

TCM_S_TC_CATEGORY_CODE - Transportation Charge Category Code

TCM_S_TC_CAT_CODE - Transportation Charge Category Code

TCM_S_TC_ELEMENT - Transportation Charge Management Element

TCM_S_TC_ELEMENT_TYPE_CD - Transportation Charge Element Type Code

TCM_S_TC_ELEMENT_TYPE_CODE - Transportation Charge Element Type Code

TCM_S_TC_SUBCATEGORY_CODE - Transportation Charge Subcategory Code

TCM_S_TC_SUBCAT_CODE - Transportation Charge Subcategory Code

TCM_S_TOR_INV_PREP_ITEM - TOR SUITE Invoice Preparation Item

TCM_S_TOR_INV_PREP_REQ - Structure for TCM Invoicing Preparation Request

TCM_S_TRANSPDOC_DATA - Freight document data for ALV list in MIRO, MIR7

TCM_S_TRANSPORT_DOC_INFO - TCM Transportation Document Information

TCM_S_TRANSP_CHARGE - Transportation Charges

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