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TCMAC03E - Elements for Pricing Procedure Steps

TCMAC03P - Fee Calculation Procedures

TCMAC03PT - Fee Calculation Procedure Text

TCMAC03S - Fee Calculation Procedure Steps

TCMAC03ST - Fee Calculation Procedure Steps Text

TCMAC04D - Time Limit Sequence per Time Limit Field

TCMAC04DT - Time Limit Sequence per Time Limit Field (Text)

TCMAC04S - Date Field per Time Limit Field

TCMAC04ST - Date Field per Time Limit Field (Text)

TCMAC05A - Grant Types

TCMAC05AT - Grant Type Description

TCMAC05C - Determine Payment Card Authorization

TCMAC05N - Assign Number Ranges to Grant Documents

TCMAC05S - Grant Status

TCMAC05ST - Financial Aid Status Text

TCMAC05V - Display Mode of Plan Version

TCMAC06D - Derivation of ISR Scenario Related Data

TCMAC06E - Rule Elements for CO Account Assignments

TCMAC06R - Rules for CO Account Assignments

TCMAC06RT - Rules for CO Account Assignments (Text)

TCMAC06S - Rule Elements for CO Account Assignments

TCMAC06ST - Rule Elements for CO Account Assignments (Text)

TCMAC07D - Due Date Schedule

TCMAC07E - Exception for Due Date Schedule

TCMAC07M - Definition for methods of DDS

TCMAC07MT - Definition for methods of DDS

TCMAC07R - Due Date Schedule Details

TCMACCOGRPSPASGN - Assign COT Groupings to Appropriations

TCMACCOTYGRP - Contract Object Type Grouping (COT Grouping)

TCMACCOTYGRPASGN - Assign Contract Object Type to Contract Object Type Group

TCMACCOTYGRPT - Contract Object Type Grouping (Texts)

TCMACFAINT02 - Financial Aid: Relevant transcript types

TCMACFAINT03 - Financial Aid: Relevant Test Categories

TCMACFAINT04 - Financial Aid Relevant Main and Sub-transaction

TCMACGRCOND - Grant Prerequisite Types

TCMACGRCONDQ - Unit for Prerequisite Types

TCMACGRCONDT - Grant Prerequisite Types (Texts)

TCMACGRHD - Grants Document Header

TCMACGRIT - Grants Document Items

TCMACGRPAYM - Grant Disbursement Types

TCMACGRPAYMT - Grant Disbursement Types (Texts)

TCMACNRFEE - Assign Number Ranges to Fee Calculation Documents

TCMACPSOB - Assign Contract Object Type to Fee Group

TCMACSMSTATUS - Map Module Booking Status for Fee Calculation

TCMACSPPAT - Sponsoring Pattern

TCMACSPPATT - Sponsoring Pattern Text

TCMACSUBTYPERID - CO-Integration: Map Acad. Session to Subtype of infty 1759

TCMAC_SC - Program of Study Data for Fee Calculation Test Run

TCMAC_SM - Module Data for Fee Calculation Test Run

TCMAC_ST - Student Data for Fee Calculation Test Run

TCM_CFIR_INT - TCM CFIR Type -> Inter-/Intra-Company

TCM_CFIR_SUITECONFIRMATION - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITEConfirmationMes

TCM_CFIR_SUITEREQUEST - A2A message type for Customer Freight Invoice Request

TCM_CFIR_SUITE_CNCLNREQ - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITECancelRequestMe

TCM_CPX_MT_CIQ - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestRequest (Request of

TCM_CPX_MT_CIQ_RQ_CNC - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestCancelRequestMessage

TCM_CPX_MT_CIQ_RQ_CNF - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestConfirmationMessage

TCM_CPX_MT_OIQ_RQ - MT for MDT FreightOrderInvoicingPreparationRequest (Reques

TCM_CPX_MT_OIQ_RQ_CNC - MT for MDT FreightOrderInvoicingPreparationCancelRequestMe

TCM_CPX_MT_OIQ_RQ_CNF - MT for MDT FreightOrderInvoicingPreparationConfirmationMes

TCM_CPX_MT_SIQ - MT for MDT SupplierFreightInvoiceRequestRequest (Request of

TCM_CPX_MT_SIQ_RQ_CNC - MT for MDT SupplierFreightInvoiceRequestCancelRequestMessage

TCM_CPX_MT_SIQ_RQ_CNF - MT for MDT SupplierFreightInvoiceRequestConfirmationMessage

TCM_CTIME2 - List of Alternative Dates (Config. Management)

TCM_CURR_RC_MAP - Mapping Party Role Codes external/internal

TCM_CUSTOMER_FREIGHT_INVOICE10 - Data TypeCustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITESimulateRequest (

TCM_CUSTOMER_FREIGHT_INVOICE_7 - MT for MDT CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITESimulateConfirm

TCM_CUSTOMER_FREIGHT_INVOICE_8 - Synchronous Request message type for Customer Freight Invoic

TCM_CUSTOMER_FREIGHT_INVOICE_9 - MDT for CustomerFreightInvoiceRequestSUITEConfirmationMessag



TCM_CUST_FRT_INVC_REQ_SUITERE2 - Data type for CustFrtInvcReqSUITEReq_V1TranspChrgDist

TCM_CUST_FRT_INVC_REQ_SUITERE3 - Data type for CustFrtInvcReqSUITEReq_V1DistItemAddlData

TCM_CUST_FRT_INVC_REQ_SUITERE4 - Data Type for CustFrtInvcReqSUITEReq_V1DistItem

TCM_CUST_FRT_INVC_REQ_SUITERE5 - Data type for CustFrtInvcReqSUITEReq_V1DistChrgElmnt


TCM_CUS_APPL - Customizing parameter CM application

TCM_CUS_CBAS - Customizing parameter Baseline

TCM_CUS_CDEF - Customizing parameter configuration definition

TCM_CUS_CFOL - Customizing parameter configuration folder

TCM_CUS_EXPL - Profile for the explosion

TCM_CUS_EXPL_LNK - Edge-specific exclusion of objects

TCM_CUS_EXPL_OBJ - Objects Not to Be Taken into Account

TCM_CUS_EXPL_TXT - Profile text for the explosion

TCM_CUS_EXPL_WRK - Plants to Be Exploded

TCM_CUS_EXP_CTYP - Class types not considered

TCM_CUS_LNK_MAP - Mapping global to local edges

TCM_CUS_MEM - Customizing parameter CM application

TCM_C_AMOUNT_RC - Transportation Charge Management Amount Role Code

TCM_C_AMOUNT_RCT - Transportation Management Amount Roles (Text Tab.)

TCM_C_BPTAXCLASS - Assign Tax Group/Tax Type to SAP ECC Tax Classification BP

TCM_C_COND_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - Conditions

TCM_C_CRD_MAP - Mapping between Credit segment and credit control area

TCM_C_CURR_RC - Transportation Charge Management Currency Roles

TCM_C_CURR_RCT - Transportation Charge Management Currency Roles (Text Tab.)

TCM_C_PURASSGN - Mapping Purch.Org./Rec.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost

TCM_C_PUR_MAP - Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Purchasing Organisation

TCM_C_SLSASSGN - Mapping Sales Org./Send.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost

TCM_C_SLS_MAP - Mapping TM Organizational Unit to Sales Organisation

TCM_C_SLS_RC_MAP - Mapping TM credit memo reason code to order reason code

TCM_C_TCCAT - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal

TCM_C_TCCATT - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements (Text table)

TCM_C_TCCAT_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal

TCM_C_TCD_MAP - Mapping TM Sales Org./Send.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost

TCM_C_TCD_PURMAP - Mapping TM Purch.Org./Rec.Org. Units to Internal Order/Cost

TCM_C_TCET - Charge Calculation - Charge Element Type

TCM_C_TCETT - Charge Calculation - Charge Element Type (Text Tab.)

TCM_C_TCETYP_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal

TCM_C_TCSCAT - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal

TCM_C_TCSCATT - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements (Text table)

TCM_C_TCSCAT_MAP - Mapping Transportation Charges Elements External/Internal

TCM_C_TCTXC_MAP - Map transportation charge type to Tax code

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