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TBKK00 - Cross-Bank Area Settings

TBKK00T - Settings Independent of Bank Area, Dependent on Language

TBKK01 - Bank Area Table

TBKK01A - Additional Bank Keys for Bank Area

TBKK01B - Assign Business Partner To Bank Key

TBKK01D - Bank Area: Account for Payment Transactions

TBKK01E - CpD-accounts for different processes

TBKK01F - Bank Area: Transfer FI General Ledger

TBKK01T - Texts for Bank Areas

TBKK01_CC - Bank Area: Currency Changeover

TBKK02 - Check Digit Calculation Method Categories

TBKK02T - Texts for Check Digit Calculation Method Categories

TBKK03 - Check Digit Calculation Methods

TBKK030 - Check Digit Calculation Methods

TBKK03A - Parameters for Modulo Methods of Check Digit Calculation

TBKK06 - Country-Specific Function Modules for BBAN Assignment

TBKK10 - BCA Lists

TBKK10T - BCA Lists: Texts

TBKK11 - BCA Lists: Field Catalog for List Tool (KKBLO_FIELDCAT)

TBKK12 - Archiving Period (Obsolete)

TBKK13 - Tables/Table Groups That Can Be Archived

TBKK13T - Text Table for Tables/Table Groups

TBKK14 - Time Unit for BCA Archiving

TBKK14T - Text Table for Time Unit BCA Archiving

TBKK43 - Reference Account Category

TBKK43T - Texts for Reference Account Category

TBKK47 - Account Status Enhancement

TBKK47T - Texts for Account Status Enhancements

TBKK48 - Old: Permitted Products per Bank Area

TBKK51 - Reasons for Account Resubmission

TBKK51T - Texts on Account Resubmission Reasons

TBKK60 - Account Hierarchy: Hierarchy Types

TBKK60T - Account Hierarchy: Hierarchy Type Texts

TBKK61 - Business Transaction Events for Hierarchy Maintenance

TBKK65 - Settings for Cash Concentration

TBKK80 - Condition Area

TBKK80A - Bank Area - Condition Area (old)

TBKK80B - Account Type - Condition Area (old)

TBKK80BAS - Basic Settings Conditions

TBKK80C - Basic Settings Condition Area (old)

TBKK80T - Texts for Condition Areas

TBKK81 - Bank Condition Category

TBKK81T - Texts for Bank Condition Category

TBKK82 - Bank Condition Type Differentiation

TBKK82T - Texts for Bank Condition Type Differentiation

TBKK85 - Bank Condition Group

TBKK85T - Texts for Bank Condition Group

TBKK86 - Bank Condition Group Category

TBKK86T - Texts for Bank Condition Group Category

TBKK87 - Bank Condition Class

TBKK87T - Texts for Bank Condition Class

TBKK88 - Field Control - Conditions

TBKK89 - Internal Default for Field Control Conditions

TBKK8A - Bank Condition Category - Differentiation Type Assignment

TBKK8AI - Assignment of Transaction Type - Interest Penalty TA Type

TBKK8B - Categorization Transaction Types (Item Counter)

TBKK8BO - Bonus

TBKK8BOT - Text Table Bonus

TBKK8C - Categorization Medium (Item Counter)

TBKK8D - Item Counter

TBKK8DS - Dynamic Balances

TBKK8DST - Text Tables Dynamic Balances

TBKK8DT - Text Table Item Counter


TBKK8DURAT - Text Table for Terms

TBKK8E - Item Counter Determination

TBKK8F - Category Transaction Types (Item Counter)

TBKK8FT - Texts for Category Transaction Types (Item Counter)

TBKK8G - Category Medium (Item Counter)

TBKK8GT - Texts for Category Medium (Item Counter)

TBKK8H - Assignment Trans. Activity Type - Charge Transaction Type

TBKK8I - Assignment Trans. Activiy Type - Interest Transacation Type

TBKK8IW - Periods for Interest Guarantee for Offers

TBKK8J - Dispatch Expense Counter

TBKK8JT - Text Table for Dispatch Expense Counter

TBKK8K - Transaction Type Category (Differentiation Type)

TBKK8K2 - Transaction Type Category 2 (Diff. Type)

TBKK8K2T - Texts for Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)

TBKK8KT - Texts for Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)

TBKK8L - Assignment Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)

TBKK8L2 - Assignment Transaction Type Category 2 (Diff. Type)

TBKK8M - Trivial Amounts

TBKK8N - Feature - Charge Transaction Type Assignment

TBKK92 - Interest Compensation Method

TBKK92T - Pooling Method Text

TBKK93 - Object Category for Balancing (Balancing or Interest Comp.)

TBKK93T - Texts for Object Category for Balancing

TBKKA1 - Position Types

TBKKA1T - Texts for Position Types

TBKKA2 - Number Issuing for Positions

TBKKA3 - Guarantee Amounts for Position Type

TBKKA4 - Check void reason codes

TBKKA4T - Check void reason code texts

TBKKARCHEVENTS - Events in Archiving

TBKKARCPERIOD - Archiving Periods

TBKKAUDIT - Switch off audit trail functionality

TBKKAUTGRP - Authorization Groups

TBKKAUTGRPOBJ - Authorization Group Objects

TBKKAUTGRPOBJT - Authorization Group Objects: Texts

TBKKAUTGRPT - Authorization Groups: Texts

TBKKBENCH - Global Settings for BCA Benchmark

TBKKC03 - GL Process

TBKKC03A - G/L process to business transaction type assignment

TBKKC03T - Texts on Processes

TBKKC04 - Actions on GL Process

TBKKC04T - Text Actions on GL Process

TBKKC05 - Action during Posting

TBKKC05T - Text Table for Action during Posting

TBKKC2 - Assignment Process to General Ledger Process

TBKKCACT - General Ledger Transaction

TBKKCACTT - Text GL Transaction

TBKKCASS - GL Account Assignment

TBKKCBUSAREACLR - Clearing accounts for business area change

TBKKCCLR - Transfer Posting Balance Sheet Preparation GL

TBKKCGRP - General Ledger Group

TBKKCGRPT - Text General Ledger Group

TBKKCORR - BCA: Table showing if Correspondence is Active

TBKKCRBD - Switch On RBD-IVA solution

TBKKCTTP - Assignment PT Transaction Type / GL Transaction

TBKKCVAR - GL Variants

TBKKCVART - Text GL Variants

TBKKC_BUKRS - BCA Locally Duplicated Values for Corresponding FI


TBKKE1 - Limit Categories

TBKKE1T - Texts for Limit Categories

TBKKE2 - Reference Limits

TBKKE2T - Texts for Reference Limits

TBKKE_FOUR_EYES - Limits: Validity of Principle of Dual Control

TBKKG1 - Media

TBKKG10 - Assignment of Recipient Payment Details for Product

TBKKG1T - Text Table for Media

TBKKG1_TCODE - Assignment Transaction to Medium

TBKKG1_TCODEPM - Assignment Transaction to Payment Method

TBKKG2 - Features

TBKKG2T - Text Table for Features

TBKKG2_DATE - Settings for Date Calculation for Periodic Feature

TBKKG2_DATE_PL - Settings for Date Calculation in Planned Orders

TBKKG3 - Transaction types

TBKKG31 - Return Reason, Assigned Transaction Types

TBKKG31T - Return Reason

TBKKG32 - Transaction Type Offsetting Posting Inter. Initiated PT

TBKKG33 - Transaction Types: Notification of Returns

TBKKG34 - Transaction Types: Payment Notes for Returns

TBKKG34K - Transaction Types: Payment Notes for Returns W/o Sequ.No.

TBKKG34P - Payment Notes for Returns, Text Symbols for SAPscript

TBKKG34W - Display of Currency for Returns

TBKKG3T - Text Table for Transaction Types

TBKKG3_TCODE - Assignment Activity to Transaction Type

TBKKG3_TERM - Transaction Type Customizing for Term Objects

TBKKG4 - Functionality Group

TBKKG4T - Texts for Functions Groups

TBKKG5 - Assignment Functions Group - Medium, Transaction Type

TBKKG52 - Assignment Functions Group -> Functions

TBKKG6 - Locking Reasons

TBKKG6T - Texts for Blocking Reasons

TBKKG7 - Assignment Blocking Reason - Medium, Transaction Type

TBKKG72 - Assignment Blocking Reason -> Functions

TBKKG8 - Old: Assignment Product -> Functionality Groups

TBKKG9 - Formats for Application of Funds

TBKKG9T - Text Table Formats Payment Notes

TBKKH1 - Permitted Products per Bank Area

TBKKHLDAUTH - Amount Authorization/Permanent Holds

TBKKHYCD - Possible View Types Change Documents Account Hierarchies

TBKKHYCDA - Table with Clear Texts on Change Actions

TBKKHYCDT - Text Table for TBKKHYCD - No. of Change Docs Hierarchies

TBKKI1 - Assignment Medium/Payment Method to Processes

TBKKI2 - Assignment GL Processes to Processes

TBKKIAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Items

TBKKIBU - BCA / Int. Payment Transactions: Buttons to Hide

TBKKICTR - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Items

TBKKIDC - BCA: Document Types

TBKKIDCT - Text Table Document Types

TBKKIDF - BCA: Defaults for Transaction

TBKKIDT - BCA/Internal Payment Trans.: Control Table for Dialog Callup

TBKKIFS - Field Status Control (Internal Payment Transactions)

TBKKIFV - Function Variants for Document Type and Activity

TBKKIHB1 - In-House Bank ID from Payment Notes in Bank Statement

TBKKIHB4 - FI Data for Manual Outgoing Payments In-House Bank

TBKKIHB5 - Payt Method Determination HQ FI for Payment In-House Bank

TBKKIHB6 - Dispatcher per Account Number

TBKKIHB7 - Assignment BTC <-> Posting Category IHC

TBKKIO1 - Posting Day Shift Forward for Automatic Forward Orders

TBKKIPROC - BCA: Processes for Payment Transactions

TBKKIPROCT - BCA: Text Table for Payment Transaction Processes

TBKKIRCV - Control of the Recipient Bank Detail Identification

TBKKI_01 - Field Status

TBKKI_01T - Text Field Status

TBKKI_02 - Function Variant

TBKKI_02A - Function Variant Inference

TBKKI_02T - Description of Function Variant

TBKKI_03 - Field Groups in Payment Item/Payment Order

TBKKI_03T - Field group name

TBKKI_04 - Field Status Resulting from Activity

TBKKI_05 - Field Status Resulting from Document Type

TBKKI_06 - Field Modifications for Payment Order

TBKKI_RCV - Control of the Recipient Bank Detail Identification

TBKKI_VDAT - Limits for value date in back dated postings

TBKKM2 - Posting Categories for Balancing Postings

TBKKM2T - Texts for Posting Categories for Balancing Postings

TBKKM3 - Assignment Posting Categories <-> Medium/Transaction Types

TBKKM4 - Assignment Trans. Type -> Business Transaction Code

TBKKM5 - Dispatch Types for a Bank Statement

TBKKM5T - Texts for Dispatch Types Bank Statement

TBKKM6 - Blocking Categories for End of Day Processing

TBKKM6T - Text table for Blocking Reasons in End of Day Processing

TBKKM7 - Detailed Blocking Reasons

TBKKM7T - Text Table for Blocking Reasons

TBKKM8 - Business Transaction Code

TBKKM8T - Texts on the Business Transaction Codes

TBKKM9 - Bank Statement Format

TBKKM9T - Texts on the Bank Statement Formats

TBKKMCHAIN - Chains in End of Day Processing

TBKKMCHAINT - Short Description on End of Day Processing Chains

TBKKMDISP - Intervals for Parallel Processing


TBKKMETHODT - Texts on Methods in BCA

TBKKMEVENT - Events in Parallel Processing

TBKKMHOST - Server Used for Parallel Processing

TBKKMLOCKAPPL - Relevant Application Types

TBKKMNEXTDT - Increase Next Date for Bank Statement Table

TBKKMOBJECTS - Objects of Parallel Processing

TBKKMOBJECTST - Text Table on Objects of Parallel Processing

TBKKMPAAPPL - Application Categories in Parallel Processing

TBKKMPAAPPLT - Texts on Application Categories in Parallel Processing

TBKKMPAEVENT - Assignment Events <-> Application Categories

TBKKMPAEVENTT - Text Table on Events

TBKKMPATECHSET - Technical Settings for Parallel Processing

TBKKMREPCHAIN - Concatenation of End of Day Processing Report

TBKKMREPORTS - Reports Called Up in End of Day Processing

TBKKMREPORTST - Descriptions of Reports in End of Day Processing

TBKKM_TS - Control for Time Stamp Synchronization

TBKKNTC_NTCAMT - Notice: Calculation of Available Amount

TBKKNTC_REKEY - Maintenance of Notice Reasons

TBKKNTC_RETXT - Notice: Notice Reason Texts

TBKKNUMRG - Number of Number Ranges per Bank Area

TBKKOAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Order


TBKKOBJECTT - Texts on Objects in BCA

TBKKOBJMETH - Objects - Methods Assignment

TBKKOCTR - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Order

TBKKS1 - BCA: Qualifier of Payment Notes

TBKKS1T - BCA: Text Table for Qualifier of Payment Notes

TBKKSEPA_ORD - Customizing for ordering party SEPA

TBKKSEPA_RCV - Recipient party oriented Customizing for SEPA

TBKKSEPA_USE - Mandate usage Customizing-SEPA

TBKKSOAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Standing Order

TBKKTIME - Time Units

TBKKTIMET - Description for Time Units

TBKKTRACE - Extended Output for Error Analysis?

TBKKTRMMINDEP - Minimum Deposit for Each Term

TBKK_4EYES_G_NTC - Notice: Dual Control for Each Bank Area/Product/Category

TBKK_4EYES_NTC - Notice: Dual Control for Each Bank Area/Product/Category

TBKK_AKT - BDT Field Modification According to Account Status

TBKK_AKT1 - BDT Field Modification According to Accouunt Status Part 1

TBKK_AKT2 - BDT Field Modification According to Account Status Part 2

TBKK_BKS - Control of Bank Control Key

TBKK_CHG_RCV - Change the receiver account Paymex_de

TBKK_CLEAR_ID - Clearing Center ID

TBKK_CLEAR_REL - Assignment: Bank Key to Clearing Center ID

TBKK_CLS_BAL - Settings for accnt. balancing date during accnt. closure

TBKK_CLS_OBJ_TMN - Settings for accnt. dependant objects during account closure

TBKK_CTRY_ZERO - Countrys with account numbers with leading zeros

TBKK_DC_DCL_REA - Release Procedure: Key for Rejection Reasons

TBKK_DC_DCL_REAT - Release Procedure: Texts for Rejection Reasons

TBKK_DC_NTC_AUTH - Notice: Amount Authorization

TBKK_DIALOG_CF - Customizing Table: Customer Fields Definition

TBKK_DIALOG_CF_D - Customizing Table: Predefined Values for Customer Fields

TBKK_DIA_ACC_BL - Dialog Display Payment Transaction Blocks

TBKK_EMP_OBJMTH - Object Methods Checked for Authorization Employee Accounts

TBKK_EMP_OBJMTHT - Texts Object Methods Auth. Employee Accounts

TBKK_EST_COND - Text table for Condition Types

TBKK_HY_REL_CUST - Hierarchy release customizing

TBKK_JUMP - Fields for Jump (Supported in BKK_JUMP)

TBKK_PAR_MAXNUM - Number of Maximum Possible Numbers per Application

TBKK_PAR_MODE - Method for Assigning the Numbers

TBKK_PAR_WPTYP - Method for Assigning the Numbers

TBKK_PAYNT_TYP - Table for Payment Notes Categories

TBKK_PAYNT_TYP_T - Text Table for Payment Notes Categories

TBKK_PO_AUTO - Online Behavior for Automatic Forward Order

TBKK_PRENOTE_RES - Maintain Residence Time for BKKPRENOTE Archiving

TBKK_PRNTE_TOLR - Prenote Tolerance Range

TBKK_PRNTE_TYP - Prenote Type

TBKK_PRNTE_TYP_T - Prenote Type Description

TBKK_REASON - Reasons for account closure/reactivation

TBKK_REASON_T - Text table for account closure/reactivation reason

TBKK_REA_CLASS - Reason class

TBKK_REA_CLASS_T - Text table for the reason class

TBKK_REL_CUST - Release Customizing

TBKK_REL_GROUP - Release Rule

TBKK_REL_GROUPT - Release Rule - Description

TBKK_REL_RELEV - Define relevant applications/data for release process

TBKK_REL_RELEV0 - Switch on applications/data for release process

TBKK_REPENQ - Lock Table for Double Processing of Reports in BCA

TBKK_REP_OBJMTH - Object Methods for Authorizations Periodic Tasks

TBKK_REP_OBJMTHT - Texts Object Methods Authorizations Periodic Tasks

TBKK_SCRN_FLDS - Customizable Screen fields of BCA

TBKK_SCRN_FLDS_T - Text able for screen fields of BCA

TBKK_SCR_FLD_LIS - Table for screen field names

TBKK_SDD_DAYS - Date Determination for SEPA Direct Debit Orders

TBKK_TRNSTYPE_DE - Assignment Transaction Type -> Text Key

TBKK_TXTKEY_DE - Assignment: Text Key -> Transaction Type

TBKK_VALDAT_TOL - Tolerance Days for Value Dts in Incoming Payment Trans.(DTA)

Return Table index