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TARO_AA_TRTYPE - Assignment of Asset Transaction Type to ARO

TARO_ACCDETS4 - Account Determination for ARO Accruals

TARO_ACCPR - ARO Specific Accounting Principles

TARO_AP_ASSGN - Assignment of Company Code to Accounting Principles

TARO_COMPONENT - Application Components of ARO

TARO_COMP_TXT - Text Application Components of ARO

TARO_INF_INT - Inflation & Interest Keys

TARO_OBJTYP - Accrual Object Types in Accrual Accounting

TARO_OBJTYPT - Text Table for Accrual Object Types

TARO_OTP_ACCDET - Account Determination for OTP postings

TARO_OT_NR_ASS - ARO Assignment of Object Types and Number Range

TARO_T002 - Assign Accounting Principles to Depreciation Areas

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