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T7US3PR_TXSYMKO - Posting of tax wage types

T7US3PR_V0TYPE_T - Maintain wage types for other HR payees of V0 type 'T'

T7USBEN01 - Model for saving plans compensation

T7USBEN01T - Text for saving plans compensation

T7USBEN02 - Adjustment to saving plans compensation

T7USBEN03 - Catch-up contribution for Savings plan

T7USBEN04 - High Deductible Health Plan Contributions

T7USBENH1 - For saving records of issued HIPAA certificates

T7USBENH2 - For savings records of on-demand printing of HIPAA certs.

T7USBENPE - US pension related data (e.g. Soc. Sec. wages and taxes)

T7US_ETA_OVMTH - US Tax Override Method

T7US_ETA_OVMTH_T - US Tax Override Method Text

T7US_ETA_TXOVM - Tax Override Method Per Tax Type

T7US_FMLA_AB_ADM - Permissibility of Absences for FMLA

T7US_FMLA_DETRUL - Table of Relationships: FMLA Rule and Feature FMLMO

T7US_FMLA_DETWWK - Table of Relationships: Week Converter and Feature WWKMO

T7US_FMLA_PRFTXT - FMLA Workbench: Description of Profile Settings

T7US_FMLA_PROF - FMLA Workbench: Profile Settings


T7US_FMLA_RESTXT - Text Table for FMLA Reasons

T7US_FMLA_RU2RE - Assignment of FMLA Reasons to FMLA Rules

T7US_FMLA_RULE - Rules for Administrating FMLA Events

T7US_FMLA_RULTXT - Rule Texts for Administration of FMLA Events

T7US_FMLA_WRKWK - Rule for Determining Week Converter

T7US_FMLA_WWKTXT - Rule Texts for Determining Weekly Working Time

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