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T7RU0016EXT - IT-0016 expansion

T7RU015Z - Unit in words

T7RU0290CODE - Document (IT0290) Code

T7RU0290DRCAT - Driving License categories (CIS)

T7RU0290DRCATT - Text for Driving License Categories (CIS)

T7RU0290PRIORITY - Priority of Document (IT0290) for Reporting

T7RU0290SERSEPAR - Document (IT0290) Series Separator

T7RU1655 - Infotype 1655 Fields: Legal properties (Russia)

T7RU1655_GRP - Assignment groups to IT1655: Legal properties (Russia)

T7RU1B - Payee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard)

T7RU25 - OBSOLETE Rated increase for seniority

T7RU2NDFL - 2-NDFL catalogue

T7RU2P - HR-RU Forms - background

T7RU50 - Personnel areas/subareas region assignment

T7RU50B - Constants for WT in Personell Area/Subarea grouping - CIS

T7RU51AV_A - alculation Rules for Averages - Russian fields

T7RU51AV_B - Cumulation Rules for Averages - Russian fields

T7RU51AV_C - Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values

T7RU51AV_P - Relation between Year and WType for income for this year

T7RU51AV_PT - Calculation Rules for Averages: Connection of Frozen Average

T7RU51P - Base Wage Type Valuation through seniority

T7RU51R - Percent bonus according to seniorities

T7RU51S - Seniority Process for Wage Type Calculation

T7RU52CL - Text for work condition class

T7RU52ST - Text for work condition degree

T7RU52W - Percent bonus for Work Conditions

T7RU52WC - Class ans Degree of Work Condition

T7RU53 - Employee Group/Subgroup Russia attributes

T7RU530 - Reasons for Actions

T7RU53P - Status for time accounting for PSG

T7RU53PT - Status for time accounting for PSG

T7RU53ST - Status for PSG - reporting

T7RU554C - Relation between absence type and wage type for days of abse

T7RU554S - Additional property of SocInsurance Absence Types

T7RU80S - Basic normal grafiks Russia

T7RU8P - HR-RU Forms - Fields

T7RU9A - Addresses of organizations

T7RU9A_GRP - Assignment groups to Organization

T7RU9B - Text: Organization types (RU)

T7RU9C - Organization types (RU)

T7RU9GP - Assignment of parameters to the group

T7RU9GRP - Definition of the groups

T7RU9GRP_T - Text of Group of parameters

T7RU9P - HR-RU Forms - Helps

T7RU9PAR - Definition of the parameters

T7RU9PAR_T - Text for Parameters of group of parameters

T7RU9PAR_VAL - Value of the parameter

T7RUAA - KLADR: Cities

T7RUAB - KLADR: Boroughs (City districts)

T7RUACTCAT1 - Labor and Other Activity Types

T7RUACTCAT1T - Text table for T7RUACTCAT1

T7RUAD - KLADR: Streets

T7RUADV - ADV-6-2 external sums

T7RUADVN - ADV-6-2 external sums

T7RUADVN_CE - ADV-11 external sums (CE)

T7RUADVTYPE - Payment types

T7RUADVTYPET - Payment types: Texts


T7RUAPSS_MAP - FSS Application -> Sickness Certificates Mapping

T7RUAVN - Average number of workers

T7RUAWARDS - State Awards

T7RUAWARDSG - State Awards Groups

T7RUAWARDSGT - State Awards Groups Texts

T7RUAWARDST - State Awards Texts

T7RUB1 - Bonus model code

T7RUB1T - Texts for Bonus Model

T7RUB2 - Personal modifiers for determination of bonus model

T7RUB2T - Texts of Personal modifiers

T7RUB2_EXT - Personal modifiers for determination of bonus model

T7RUB3 - Scale selection by Bonus model and Personal modifier

T7RUB4 - Scale of bonus model

T7RUB4T - Texts for Bonus Model Scales

T7RUB5 - Scale - values

T7RUCATS - Payer categories

T7RUCC - KLADR: Short name for address element

T7RUCESSACT - Cessation of activity of organization

T7RUCESSACTT - Cessation of activity of organization

T7RUCL1 - Russian's cluster

T7RUCONTACTT_CE - Contact person - Text

T7RUCONTACT_CE - Contact person

T7RUCOUNSEN1 - Calculated Seniority


T7RUCOUNSENAC1 - Additional Conditions for Calculated Seniority


T7RUCOUNTY - KLADR: Counties (Regional districts)

T7RUCOUNTYT - KLADR: Counties (Regional districts): Texts

T7RUD1 - Group of deductions

T7RUD1T - Group of deductions - texts

T7RUD2 - Wage Types of deductions for limiting

T7RUD3 - Limit Rules

T7RUDATAFORMAT - Data Output Format for Reports

T7RUDATAFORMATC - Data Output Format for Reports

T7RUDOCTYPES - Document types

T7RUDOCTYPEST - Document types


T7RUDSV3D - DSV-3: Data

T7RUDSV3R - DSV-3: Run

T7RUEMPLOYERS1 - Employers (Russia)


T7RUF0 - Obsolete

T7RUFA - Flexible Employee Payroll Data (Totals)

T7RUFB - Flexible Employee Data (Contants)

T7RUFC - Flexible Employee Payroll Data (Forms Name)

T7RUFORMCONST - Initial Values for Form Fields (Russia)

T7RUFSSDOCTYPE - Assign Application Types to IT3273 Subtypes

T7RUFSSNUMBER - FSS Number Assignment

T7RUG0 - HR: Garnishment Order Types

T7RUG1 - Garnishment Document Category

T7RUG2 - OBSOLETE Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia)

T7RUG2T - OBSOLETE: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia): Texts

T7RUG3 - Rules for Calculation of Garnishment Order Types

T7RUG9 - Money order fee for payment method

T7RUGA - Garnishment: Region Key

T7RUGB - Money order fee for payment method for regions

T7RUGV - Rules for Calculation of garnishment order type

T7RUGX - HR: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia) - TEXT table

T7RUGY - HR: Garnishment Order Types

T7RUGZ - Garnishment: Region Key: Texts


T7RULONGSERV1 - Long Service Codes


T7RUM0 - Military card information catalogue

T7RUMATST - OKIN: Marital Status Designators

T7RUN1 - Reference table of wage codes

T7RUN2 - Assigment wage type to wage code (obsolete)

T7RUN2EXT - Assigment wage type to wage code(extension)

T7RUN2EXTTYPE - Types of extra processing

T7RUN2EXTTYPET - Text tavble for types of extra processing

T7RUN3 - Assignment income - privilege

T7RUN4 - Cumulation wage codes

T7RUN5 - Wage types

T7RUN6 - Grouping of wage codes

T7RUN7 - Tax Privileges

T7RUN8 - Assignment wage's groups & codes to reports

T7RUNATIO - OKIN: Nationality

T7RUNC - Reference table of wage codes

T7RUNP - Wage Code Postprocessing

T7RUOC1 - Content of Employee Selection Process

T7RUOC2 - Process of Employee Selection

T7RUOC2T - Texts of Process of Employee Selection

T7RUOKFS - OKFS directory

T7RUOKFST - OKFS directory


T7RUOKINDOCU - OKIN: Educational document





T7RUOKSO_QC - OKSO - qualifications



T7RUP0 - Tax schema

T7RUP1 - Tax's schema

T7RUP2 - Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula

T7RUP3 - Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula

T7RUPA0006 - PA0006 copy

T7RUPA0022 - PA0022 Copy

T7RUPA0022_A - IT-0022 converting: Education <-> Education OKIN

T7RUPACK - PFR Packages

T7RUPACKAGETYPE - PFR: Package's Types

T7RUPACKAGETYPET - PFR: Package's Types - Texts


T7RUPACKGR - PFR Packages group

T7RUPACKMAN - PFR Package persons

T7RUPARDESC1 - Parameters description of seniority

T7RUPARDESC1T - Parameters description of seniority

T7RUPAYCATEGORY - Payer's Categories

T7RUPAYCATEGORYT - Payer's Categories - Texts

T7RUPAYERCAT - PFR: Payer's Categories

T7RUPAYERCATT - PFR: Payer's Categories



T7RUPFCHCAT - PFR Check catalogs


T7RUPFERRORT - PFR package CHECKPSN errors: Texts


T7RUPFRULE1 - HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR)

T7RUPFRULE2 - HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR)

T7RUPFRULE3 - HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR)

T7RUPFTYPEER - PFR Error types

T7RUPFTYPEERT - PFR Error types: Texts

T7RUPFTYPEPK - PFR package types

T7RUPFTYPEPKT - PFR package types: Texts

T7RUPU - KLADR: Cities political units

T7RUPUT - KLADR: Cities political units: Texts

T7RUR0 - HR RU Forms

T7RUR0_TRV - HRUUTRV0 Print after action in batch mode

T7RUR1 - Subtypes of HR RU forms

T7RUR1T - Subtypes of HR RU forms (name)

T7RUR1_298 - Assigning sybtype of infotype 0298 to document type

T7RUR2 - Meaning of statuses of IT 0048 (Residence status)

T7RUR3 - Residence Type Identifier

T7RUR3T - Residence Type Identifier Text

T7RURECALCRSN - Directory of possible recalculation reasons

T7RURECALCRSNT - Text table for recalculation reasons

T7RURECALCVER - Assigments of recalculation reasons (depending on the vers.)

T7RUREGION - KLADR: Regions (Provinces)

T7RUREGIONT - KLADR: Regions (Provinces): Texts

T7RURK - Regional Coefficient for Region and County

T7RURPTCST00 - HR-RU Report's customizing data

T7RURPTGR - Report Grouping

T7RURPTGRT - Report Grouping Texts

T7RURS - Details About Reasons for Actions

T7RURST - Specification for Reasons of Action Texts

T7RUSCHOOL - Educational Institute

T7RUSCHOOLOKIN - OKIN: Educational institution link

T7RUSC_ADDCODE - Additional disability codes

T7RUSC_ADDCODET - Additional disability codes - Texts

T7RUSC_BRCODE - Breach codes

T7RUSC_BRCODET - Breach codes

T7RUSC_DOCPS - Doctors positions

T7RUSC_DOCPST - Doctors positions - Texts

T7RUSC_OGRN - Main State Registration Codes

T7RUSC_OGRNT - Main State Registration Codes - Texts

T7RUSC_RESDIS - Result disability reasons (statuses)

T7RUSC_RESDIST - Result disability reasons (statuses) - Texts

T7RUSEN - Description of length of service (CIS)

T7RUSENT - Text table for T7RUSEN


T7RUSSAB_MAP - Sickness Certificate -> Absenceses Mapping

T7RUSSAB_OPER - Type of Sickness Certificate -> Absences Subtypes Mapping

T7RUSSAB_TYPE - Type of Sickness Certificate -> Absences Subtypes Mapping

T7RUSSAB_TYPET - Type Texts Sickness Certificate -> Absences Subtypes Mapping

T7RUSTAFF - Staff PD objects

T7RUSTATUS - Package Status

T7RUSTATUST - Package Status

T7RUSTREET - KLADR: Streets (buffer)

T7RUSVWCCODE - Classes of Special Working Conditions


T7RUSVWCWAGES - Wage types for SWC proportion calculation (RU)

T7RUT0 - Name of taxes/netto payments

T7RUT1 - Taxes and netto payments

T7RUT1_CE - Taxes and netto payments - addition for CE

T7RUT1_EXT - Taxes and netto payments Russian extension

T7RUT2 - Name of Tax Privileges

T7RUT3 - Tax privileges

T7RUT3_CE - Tax privileges

T7RUT4 - Values of Minimum Pay

T7RUT5 - Social Insurance

T7RUT577 - Russian Family Characteristics

T7RUT5_PAID - Social Insurance - Paid days of illness

T7RUT6 - Text for Social group SI

T7RUT7 - Social Insurance Group Modifier

T7RUT8 - Conversion of Social Insurance Group

T7RUTA - Taxes method

T7RUTERCOND1 - Territorial conditions of work


T7RUTERKOEF1 - Territorial coefficients for conditions of work

T7RUTRANSL - HR-RU: XML translation table

T7RUTS - Time Schedule Report Customizing Table

T7RUT_XAB - Cover processing to refine AB in RUNAB

T7RUWCS - Working Conditions Environment

T7RUWCST - Working Conditions Environment

T7RUXMLTRANSL - HR-RU: XML translation

T7RU_005Y - KLADR: Regions - territorial entity

T7RU_521B - Payee Keys (Russia extension for T521B)

T7RU_554T - Absence and Attendance Texts

T7RU_556B - Absence Quota Type Texts

T7RU_558B - Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods

T7RU_558DRUSTA - Payroll Account Transfer: Russian Statuses

T7RU_558D_TAX - Split Indicator Tax for Transfered Wage Types

T7RU_99F0 - Forms - Russian Attributes

T7RU_99FF - Russian addition to DAQ Field definition

T7RU_99FFC - Russian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)

T7RU_99FM - Report Control Field mapping

T7RU_BALS_S_DISP_PROF - Structured Application Log: Display Profile

T7RU_BALS_S_FLAT_PROF - Structured Application Log: Display Profile 'Flat' Output

T7RU_BALS_S_HEADER_NODE - Structured Application Log

T7RU_BALS_S_IF - Schnitsstelle HR Anwendungsprotokoll

T7RU_BALS_S_PUSHBUTTON - Structured Application Log: Pushbutton for Node Category

T7RU_BALS_S_PUSHBUTTONS - Structured Application Log: Pushbuttons for Node Category

T7RU_BALS_S_STATS - Structured Application Log: Statistics

T7RU_BALS_S_STATS_MSG_CTXT - Structured Application Log: Context for Statistics Messages

T7RU_CLFORMT - Description of legal forms

T7RU_DEFTXT - Standard Texts in Infotypes

T7RU_DISCEND - Determine End Dates of Disciplinary Measures

T7RU_EXCLUDED_FIELDS - Exluded fields of Single Data Structure

T7RU_IDALV_ROWSTR - For row structure typed fields

T7RU_IDALV_S_STAT - ALV statistic

T7RU_LIFECOND - Life conditions

T7RU_LIFECONDFLT - Life conditions flag texts

T7RU_LIFECONDT - Life conditions texts

T7RU_LIFECOND_FL - Life conditions flag

T7RU_MESSAGES - Messages of INV-1 INv-1A After Ouput

T7RU_MILAGEL - Age Limit for Military Administration (RU)

T7RU_PACK_REGNO - Package Number - system table for SNRO object HR33PACKN

T7RU_PERSCAT - Personnel Categories

T7RU_PERSCATT - Text Table for Personnel Category

T7RU_STAT_VAR - Variant Name of Statistical Report

T7RU_STAT_VAR_T - Name of Variant of Statistical Report

T7RU_STAT_VFLD - View Variant Fields

T7RU_STAT_VFLD_T - Names of View Variant Fields

T7RU_T554T - Attendance and Absence Long Texts

T7RU_T559D - Russian Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values

T7RU_T559L - Automatic Absence Quota Generation (Russian extension)

T7RU_T559M - Russian Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation

T7RU_T559_WCS - Absence Quotas for Working Conditions Environment

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