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T7JPBP_ALLOCS - Allocation Course for Benefit Points

T7JPBP_ALLOCSA - Assign Allocation Course to Retirement Benefit Plan

T7JPBP_ALLOCST - Text Table for Allocation Course for Benefit Points

T7JPBP_ASNPARA - Assign Assignment Period Parameters

T7JPBP_ASNPERD - Benefit Point Assginement Period

T7JPBP_ASNPERP - Assignment Period Parameters

T7JPBP_ASNPERPT - Text Table for Assignment Period Parameters

T7JPBP_BPCOMA - Assign Retirement Benefit Point System for Each Company Code

T7JPBP_CALCGRP - Allocation Calculation Group

T7JPBP_CALCGRPT - Text Table for Allocation Calculation Group

T7JPBP_CALDEC - Decision Factor

T7JPBP_CALDECT - Text Table for Decision Factor of Benefit Point

T7JPBP_CALGRPA - Assign Allocation Calculation Group to SI Modifier

T7JPBP_CLFCPAR - Calculation Factor Parameters

T7JPBP_CLFCPART - Text Table for Calculation Factor Parameter

T7JPBP_CLFCTBL - Calc. Factor Parameter Value Table

T7JPBP_EMPGRP - Retirement Benefit Point Target Employee Group

T7JPBP_EMPGRPT - Text Table for Target Employee Group

T7JPBP_FORMULA - Calculation Formula

T7JPBP_PNT - Retirement Benefit Point

T7JPBP_PNTDEC - Assign Decision Point Types to Retirement Benefit Point

T7JPBP_PNTGRPA - Assign Target Employee Group to Retirement Benefit Point

T7JPBP_PNTT - Text Table for Retirement Benefit Point

T7JPBP_PNTTBL - Retirement Benefit Point Value Table

T7JPBP_PNTTYP - Retirement Benefit Point Type

T7JPBP_PNTTYPT - Text Table for Retirement Benefit Point Type

T7JPBP_REDRULE - Reduction Rule for Point Value of Current Period

T7JPBP_UPDEC - Point Unit Price Decision Factor

T7JPBP_UPTBL - Point Unit Price Value Table

T7JPBT_BSOFFICET - Business Establishment Text Table

T7JPBT_BUSOFFICE - Define Business Establishments

T7JPBT_EXCLUDEWT - Determine Wage Types to be excluded from Business Office Tax

T7JPCP_AGERQ - Age Requisites

T7JPCP_APPOFFI - Define Applied Office Data

T7JPCP_ASNPERD - Assignment Period for Retirement Benefit Resource

T7JPCP_BENATTR - Define Benefit Attributes

T7JPCP_BENMODA - Assign Benefit Modifier to Pension Plan

T7JPCP_BENPNTY - Define Retirement Benefit Plan Type

T7JPCP_BENPNTYT - Text table for retirement benefit plan type

T7JPCP_BENTYPE - Define Benefit Type

T7JPCP_BENTYPET - Text Table for Benefit Type

T7JPCP_CALCGRP - Define Contribution Amount Calculation Groups

T7JPCP_CALCGRPT - Contribution Amount Calculation Group Description

T7JPCP_CALGRPA - Contribution Amount Calculation Group Assignment

T7JPCP_CALPERP - Define Calculation Period Parameter

T7JPCP_CALPERPT - Text Table for Calculation Period Parameters

T7JPCP_CBACPAR - Virtual Individual Account Balance Parameters

T7JPCP_CBDEC - Decision Factors for Re-assessment Rate

T7JPCP_CBDECT - Text Table for Decision Factors of Re-assessment Rate

T7JPCP_CBFCPAR - Re-assessment Rate Decision Factor Parameters

T7JPCP_CBFCTBL - Reassessment Rate Factor Parameter Value Table

T7JPCP_CHGRSN - Reason of Change

T7JPCP_CLBSDAS - Calculation Basis Parameter Basic Pay Data Source

T7JPCP_CLBSPAR - Calculation Basis Parameter

T7JPCP_CLDECFC - Decision Factor

T7JPCP_CLDECFCT - Decision Factor Text

T7JPCP_CLFCPAR - Calculation Factor Parameter

T7JPCP_CLFCPART - Calculation Factor Parameter Text

T7JPCP_CLFCTBL - Calculation Factor Parameter Value Table

T7JPCP_CONSRSN - Define Premium Contribution Suspension Reason

T7JPCP_CONSRSNT - Define Premium Contribution Suspension Reason Text

T7JPCP_CPPLNTYP - Define Corporate Pension Plan Type

T7JPCP_CPPLNTYPT - Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan Type

T7JPCP_CPPNSTY - Define Corporate Pension Plan Subtype

T7JPCP_CPPNSTYT - Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan Subtype

T7JPCP_CTRC - Maintain Contract Data

T7JPCP_DBBERQ - Pension Benefit Eligibility Requisites

T7JPCP_DCDTRMD - Distribution Method of Amount Exceeding Maximum Contribution

T7JPCP_DTFLSTR - Define Data File Structure

T7JPCP_DTRUL - Define Contribution Determination and Reference Date Rule

T7JPCP_ELGRQ - Participation Eligibility Requisites

T7JPCP_EXTINST - Define External Institution

T7JPCP_EXTINSTT - Text Table for External Institution

T7JPCP_FORMCAT - Define Form Category

T7JPCP_FORMCATT - Define Form Category Text

T7JPCP_FORMRCD - Define Form Record

T7JPCP_FORMRCDT - Define Form Record Description

T7JPCP_FORMSPC - Define Form Specification

T7JPCP_FORMULA - Calculation Formulas

T7JPCP_IMPLCO - Define Corporate-type DC plan Implementing Companies

T7JPCP_INELGRQ - Participation Ineligibility Requisites

T7JPCP_JOBGRD - Define Job Grade

T7JPCP_JOBGRDT - Text Table for Job Grade

T7JPCP_JOBTYPE - Define Job Type

T7JPCP_JOBTYPET - Text Table for Job Type

T7JPCP_JOBTYRQ - Job Type Requisites

T7JPCP_PARTGRP - Paticipant Group Definition

T7JPCP_PARTGRPT - Paticipant Group Definition Text Table

T7JPCP_PARTSTA - Participant Status

T7JPCP_PARTSTAT - Participant Status Text Table

T7JPCP_PAYCOUR - Benefit Payment Period Course

T7JPCP_PAYCOURT - Text Table for Benefit Payment Period Course

T7JPCP_PAYMTHD - Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Contribution Method

T7JPCP_PAYPER - Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Calculatuion period

T7JPCP_PAYTPER - Define Benefit Payment Period Information

T7JPCP_PENSION - Corporate Pension Plan

T7JPCP_PENSIONT - Corporate Pension Plan Text Table

T7JPCP_PGPLNAS - Assign Participant Group to Pension Plan

T7JPCP_PRDECFC - Decision Factors for Premium Rate/Amount

T7JPCP_PRDECFCT - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter Decision Factor Text

T7JPCP_PREMFML - Premium Calculation Formula

T7JPCP_PREMPAR - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter

T7JPCP_PREMPART - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter Text

T7JPCP_PREMTY - Pension Premium Type

T7JPCP_PREMTYT - Text Table for Premium Type

T7JPCP_PRFCTBL - Premium Amount/Rate Parameters Value Table

T7JPCP_PSCHRSN - Reason of Participant Status Change

T7JPCP_PSCHRSNT - Reason of Participant Status Change Text Table

T7JPCP_REDRULE - Reduction Rule of Current Assignment Period Basis Payment

T7JPCP_REPCO - Define Corporate-type DC plan Representitive Company

T7JPCP_REVPERA - Assign Period Parameter

T7JPCP_REVPERD - Revision Period

T7JPCP_RNDRULE - Rounding Rule

T7JPCP_RNDRULET - Rouding Rules Text

T7JPCP_SENRQ - Seniority Requisites

T7JPCP_STDKDT - Key Date for Standard Premium Parameter

T7JPCP_SUBPLN - DB Plan Sub Plan

T7JPCP_SUBPLNT - DB Plan Sub Plan Text Table

T7JPEI_PERACTC - Condition of Permission on Activities Beyond Scope

T7JPEI_PERACTCT - Condition Text of Permission on Activities Beyond Scope

T7JPEI_PERSTAY - Period of Stay

T7JPEI_PERSTAYT - Period of Stay Text

T7JPEI_RESSTA - Define Residence Status

T7JPEI_RESSTAT - Text Table for Residence Status

T7JPEI_WKRES - Work Restriction

T7JPEI_WKREST - Work Restriction Text

T7JPLA_COVRT - Define OT Accu. Target & Time Off Conversion Rate

T7JPLA_OTGRP - Define employee group for overtime

T7JPLA_OTGRPT - Text table for employee group for overtime

T7JPLA_OTLIM - Define overtime extension limits

T7JPLA_VADPD - Define Leave Quota Validity for Time Off from Overtime

T7JPLA_WKHRS - Define Hours of Time Off from Overtime

T7JPLA_WTASN - Assign Overtime Accumulation Wage Types

T7JPLA_WTGRP - Define Wage Type Group

T7JPLA_WTGRPT - Text table for Wage Type Group

T7JPLV_DATALAY - Define Data Layout

T7JPLV_DATALAYT - Text Table to Define Data Layout

T7JPLV_FILESTRU - Define File Structure

T7JPLV_FILETYPE - Define File Type


T7JPLV_GIAJI_J21 - Define Relationship between GIAJ specific Insurance Company

T7JPLV_GIAJI_TYP - Define Insurance Type Relationship

T7JPLV_GIAJ_INS - Define GIAJ specific insurer codes

T7JPLV_GIAJ_INST - Define GIAJ Specific Insurer Company Name

T7JPLV_GIAJ_TYPE - Define Insurance Type Relationship for GIAJ company

T7JPLV_INSCC - Define LINC Insurance Company

T7JPLV_INSCCCT - Define Insurance Company Insurance Product Type

T7JPLV_INSCCHELP - Generated Table for View


T7JPLV_INSCC_J21 - Define Relationship between LINC Insurance Company and T5J21

T7JPLV_RECDSTRU - Define Record Structure

T7JPSI_INR_ASN - Assign Health Insurance Insurer to Social Insurance Modifier

T7JPSI_INSURER - Define Health Insurance Insurer

T7JPSI_INSURERT - Define Health Insurance Insurer

T7JPSK_CCPRL - Shukko Cost Charging Prorating Rules

T7JPSK_CCPRL_T - Shukko Cost Charging Prorating Rules

T7JPSK_CCRL - Shukko Cost Charging Rules

T7JPSK_CCRL_C - Shukko Cost Charging Rule Characteristics

T7JPSK_CCRL_T - Shukko Cost Charging Rules

T7JPSK_CCWT - Shukko Cost Charging Wagetype

T7JPSK_CONTT - Shukko Contract Template

T7JPSK_CONTTY - Shukko Contract Types

T7JPSK_CONTTY_T - Shukko Contract Types

T7JPSK_PARTNER - Shukko Partners

T7JPSK_PARTNER_T - Shukko Partner Texts

T7JP_ACCINF - Infotype Monitor for Access Log

T7JP_ACCLOG - Access Log

T7JP_ACCOPN - Infotype Operation Monitor for Access Log

T7JP_ACCSUB - Subtype Monitor for Access Log

T7JP_CHARRNG - Range of characters in a character set

T7JP_CHARSET - Character set

T7JP_CHARSET_T - Text for character set

T7JP_DHI_DRS - Mapping for the defined reason for DHI Form

T7JP_LVE_ATT - Attachment Information

T7JP_LVE_CLB - Child Care Leave Benefits

T7JP_LVE_CLN - Child Care Leave (Termination) Notification

T7JP_LVE_DHI - Determine HI Relation from subtypes and relationships

T7JP_LVE_DRE - Determine Relationship from subtypes

T7JP_LVE_DRS - Relation between HI Dependent Reason and Change Reason

T7JP_LVE_JSH - Determine Jisshi from subtypes and relationships

T7JP_LVE_MLN - Maternity Leave (Termination) Notification

T7JP_LVE_NLB - Nursing Leave Benefits

T7JP_LVE_STF - Application and Notification Forms for Special Treatment

T7JP_UPDFLD - Fields Monitor for Update Log

T7JP_UPDINF - Infotype Monitor for Update Log

T7JP_UPDOPN - Infotype Operation Monitor for Update Log

T7JP_UPDSUB - Subtype Monitor for Update Log

T7JP_UPTLOG - Update Log

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