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T7CO01 - Additional data of the company

T7CO02 - Social insurance general parameters

T7CO03 - Social Insurance entity type

T7CO04 - Social insurance entities

T7CO04A - Social insurance entities

T7CO05 - Social Insurance branches

T7CO05T - Branch name

T7CO06 - Working centers and occupational hazard percentages

T7CO06T - Work center name

T7CO07 - Absence general configuration

T7CO08 - Solidarity fund and retention

T7CO09 - Withholding at source parameters

T7CO10 - Loan and garnishment accumulators

T7CO11 - Concepts to be initialized in table CRT acc. to pers. action

T7CO12 - Date class relation (T548Y) of IT0041 for Colombia

T7CO13 - Credit and debit memos and interests

T7CO14 - Down payment reasons for severance payments

T7CO14T - Down payment reasons for severance payments

T7CO15 - Courts (CO)

T7CO15T - Court texts (CO)

T7CO16 - Garnishment categories

T7CO16T - Garnishment category texts (CO)

T7CO17 - Bank code equivalences ACH

T7CO18 - Calculation types

T7CO18T - Calculation types - Texts

T7CO20 - Provision wage type

T7CO21 - Provision calculation parameters

T7CO22 - Calculation functions

T7CO23 - General configuration

T7CO24 - Relation of concepts dor basis in leave advance

T7CO25 - Calculation parameters for social benefits

T7CO26 - Employee grouping for calculation types

T7CO27 - Output item for settlement calculation and provisions

T7CO28 - Information from the Banco Agrario (garnishments CO)

T7CO29 - Basics for benefits calculation

T7CO30 - Money order office from the Banco Agrario (garnishment CO)

T7CO30T - Money order office from the Banco Agrario (garnishment CO)

T7CO31 - DIAN items grouping

T7CO32 - Conditions change for social insurance and retention

T7CO33 - Concept by which the payments are advanced

T7CO34 - Accumulator Income and withholdings certificate

T7CO35 - Wage types for absences

T7CO36 - Entity types by evaluation type/DIAN item

T7CO37 - DIAN: Equivalences Document type Magnetic media

T7CO38 - Information operators

T7CO38T - Information operators - Textos

T7CO40 - Withholding at source - UVT

T7CO41 - Withholding Minimum Fee at Source - Employees

T7CO85 - Identification type

T7CO90 - Benefit calculation rules

T7CO91 - Days range for compensation for unfair dismissal

T7CO92 - Severance table life

T7CO95 - Settlement code

T7CO95T - Settlement code texts

T7CO97 - Calculation rules for settlement code

T7CO98 - Employee grouping for contract settlement

T7CO98T - Group description

T7COQP - Absence quota attributes

T7COT1 - Payroll external results transfer: COSSO

T7COT2 - Payroll external results transfer: COSSA

T7COT3 - Payroll external results transfer: COSEV

T7COT4 - Payroll external results transfer: COABS

T7COT5 - Payroll external results transfer: COBTR

T7COT6 - Payroll external results transfer: COGAR

T7COT7 - Payroll external results transfer: COTAX

T7COT8 - Payroll external results transfer: COAVA

T7COT9 - Payroll external results transfer: COPRO

T7COTA - Payroll external results transfer: COICC

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