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T7BRE1 - Full description of marital status

T7BREC - Marital status description

T7BREFDMEVENTS - Code mapping for EFD

T7BREFDMEVENTT - Text for code mapping for EFD

T7BREFD_ABSMEDC - Additional information regarding medical certificate

T7BREFD_ABSRECT - Temporary absence correction information

T7BREFD_ACCIDPLC - Accident location

T7BREFD_ADMLAWST - Administrative lawsuit information

T7BREFD_ALQFEN - Federative person factoring information

T7BREFD_ASO - Occupational health certificate

T7BREFD_ASOMON - Biological monitoring result

T7BREFD_BATCH - Batch table of the eSocial

T7BREFD_BATER - Error/warning messages contained in batch

T7BREFD_BCPFCHG - CPF change information group

T7BREFD_BENCESS - Information regarding the benefit termination

T7BREFD_BENDATA - Data related to the benefit.

T7BREFD_BENDEP - Beneficiary dependents

T7BREFD_BENEF - Payment beneficiary identification.

T7BREFD_BENEFRY - Beneficiary information group

T7BREFD_BENINFO - Beneficiary and income identification

T7BREFD_BENONRES - Data of beneficiary non-resident or resident abroad

T7BREFD_BENRACT - Benefit reactivation information

T7BREFD_BENSUCN - Benefit transfer information group

T7BREFD_BENSUSP - Information regarding benefit suspension

T7BREFD_BRANCH - Branches/construction sites table

T7BREFD_BREAKT - Work day breaks

T7BREFD_CAT - Communication of work accident

T7BREFD_CATADDRS - Accident location

T7BREFD_CATCAUSE - Work accident causer detail

T7BREFD_CATCERT - Medical certificate

T7BREFD_CATVICT - Detail of the victims of the work accident

T7BREFD_CAT_INFO - Communication of work accident

T7BREFD_CESSION - Information regarding assignment/exercise in another body

T7BREFD_CLOSE - Payment closing regarding companies

T7BREFD_CODATIV - Work environment information (obsolete)

T7BREFD_COMPLINF - Additional information to periodic events

T7BREFD_CONFIG - System configurations for eSocial

T7BREFD_CPFCHG - CPF change information group

T7BREFD_DDLINE - Event deadline calculation rules

T7BREFD_DDLINET - Texts of rule names

T7BREFD_DEPPLAN - Dependent of health care private plan

T7BREFD_DETCOM - Detail of competences to which the payment refers

T7BREFD_DETDEDUC - Detail of deductions

T7BREFD_DNOD1300 - Dependents control of the eSocial framework 1300 - PAY

T7BREFD_DOCLNK - Document links for the eSocial

T7BREFD_DRUGTEST - Information on drug testing for professional drivers

T7BREFD_DTCTRL - Current and previous validity

T7BREFD_DUMMYNOD - Table for recursive node control

T7BREFD_EEABS - Employee temporary absence

T7BREFD_EEADDR - Employee address

T7BREFD_EEASO - Occupational health certificate

T7BREFD_EEBANK - Employee bank details

T7BREFD_EECNTC - Employee contact information

T7BREFD_EECNTR - Employment information

T7BREFD_EECNTRPS - Statutory worker information

T7BREFD_EECOMP - Employee identification additional information

T7BREFD_EEDEP - Dependents

T7BREFD_EEDISA - Challenged employee

T7BREFD_EEDOCS - Employee identification documents

T7BREFD_EEDWSC - Regular workday information

T7BREFD_EEEDMP - Dismissal protection end

T7BREFD_EEEODS - Union leader source company

T7BREFD_EEEWSC - Special workday information

T7BREFD_EEEXAM - Tests done

T7BREFD_EEFACT - Relevant fact statement

T7BREFD_EEFOR - Foreign employee

T7BREFD_EEFWSC - Workday in fixed shifts information

T7BREFD_EEGAR - Payments made to alimony beneficiaries

T7BREFD_EEIDPY - Worker identification

T7BREFD_EEINFO - Employee information

T7BREFD_EELAWS - Lawsuit of the employee

T7BREFD_EELINF - Employee legal information

T7BREFD_EELOAN - Loaned employee information

T7BREFD_EELVNT - Employee leave notice

T7BREFD_EEOINF - Other information of employee

T7BREFD_EEORES - Condominium information

T7BREFD_EEPACT - Performed activity

T7BREFD_EEPENSN - Information on provider of survivor`s pension

T7BREFD_EERABS - Employee temporary absence return

T7BREFD_EEREM - Remuneration information

T7BREFD_EERISK - Harmful agents

T7BREFD_EERSNC - Change to absence reason

T7BREFD_EESDMP - Dismissal protection start

T7BREFD_EESUBST - Replaced worker identification

T7BREFD_EESVNC - Information group of employment relationship succession

T7BREFD_EETEMP - Worker on temporary loan

T7BREFD_EETERM - Termination

T7BREFD_EETRFR - Worker transfer information group

T7BREFD_EEUNION - Worker trade union membership

T7BREFD_EEVWSC - Relief shift workday information

T7BREFD_EEWDAY - Contract schedule

T7BREFD_EEWERT - Info termination employee with no employment relationship

T7BREFD_EEWRKP - Employee place of work


T7BREFD_ENVCODE - Work environment information

T7BREFD_ENVRESP - Information on the environmental records responsible

T7BREFD_ENV_INFO - Information on work environments and risk factors

T7BREFD_EPC - Collective protection equipments - EPC

T7BREFD_EPCEPI - Information on EPC and EPI

T7BREFD_EPI - Individual protection equipment

T7BREFD_ERBKSH - Bank information

T7BREFD_ERCNTC - Contact of person responsible for information

T7BREFD_ERCOINFO - Company additional information

T7BREFD_EREXEM - Additional information - Exempted companies - Exemption data

T7BREFD_ERFGTS - Exclusive information for FGTS

T7BREFD_ERINFO - Employer identification

T7BREFD_EROINF - Other employer information

T7BREFD_ERSWHO - Software house information

T7BREFD_EVBAT - Table containing link between batches and events of eSocial

T7BREFD_EVDEL - Event exclusion


T7BREFD_EVEXT - Table to connect between internal and external event ID

T7BREFD_EVLNK - Event copntrol table event link

T7BREFD_EVTDATA - eSocial event data

T7BREFD_EVTOGEN - Control table of events to be generated

T7BREFD_EVTYPE - Event types

T7BREFD_EVTYPET - Event type text table

T7BREFD_EVTY_C - Event types

T7BREFD_EXMPINC - Exempt/non-taxable income

T7BREFD_FEDLIM - Federative person compensation limits

T7BREFD_FGTSLOAN - Information on payroll loan operation with FGTS

T7BREFD_FINIS - NIS archive information

T7BREFD_HAZCAT - Risk factors

T7BREFD_HAZINF - Environmental risk factors

T7BREFD_HAZINFO - Risk factors

T7BREFD_HELPLAN - CNPJ of health plan provider

T7BREFD_INFRRA - Additional information - income received cumulatively

T7BREFD_ININFO - Trainee exclusive information

T7BREFD_INTWRK - Intermittent work convocation information

T7BREFD_ITEVTRIG - Fields of infotypes relevant for event generation

T7BREFD_JOB - Job information

T7BREFD_LAWCOINF - Additional information of legal decisions

T7BREFD_LAWSTRD - Information on the existence of lawsuits

T7BREFD_LAWYER - Lawyer identification

T7BREFD_LEGALFEE - Detail of lawsuit fees

T7BREFD_LEGCOMP - Information regarding legal compensation

T7BREFD_MEDEXAM - Occupational medical examination information

T7BREFD_MSGS - Possible messages in batches/events

T7BREFD_NDOCK - Remuneration of temporary workers, non dockworkers

T7BREFD_NFS - Invoice details

T7BREFD_NIDENPAY - Payments to unidentified beneficiaries

T7BREFD_NOTES - Comments


T7BREFD_NRESIPAY - Payment to non-resident or resident abroad

T7BREFD_NTPRCA - Cancellation of notice period

T7BREFD_ORGEDUC - Educational entity

T7BREFD_PAYBPF - Beneficiary natural person - resident in Brazil

T7BREFD_PAYBPJ - Framework table control

T7BREFD_PAYEXT - regarding payment made to beneficiary abroad

T7BREFD_PAYINFO - Information on the payments made

T7BREFD_PAYRESC - Details on payments made regarding terminations

T7BREFD_PORTOP - Port operator information

T7BREFD_PREMREG - Information on the employee preliminary record

T7BREFD_PREVINF - Payment detail

T7BREFD_PREVPAY - Payment regarding the eSocial start

T7BREFD_PSCAREER - Payout suspension information on taxes and FGTS

T7BREFD_PSPYWTAM - Wage types that form the employee remuneration

T7BREFD_PYAGRE - Identification of agreement/convention/bargaining

T7BREFD_PYBENEF - Information on paymento to beneficiary public sector

T7BREFD_PYBENINF - Detail of payments regarding Welfare benefits

T7BREFD_PYCLOSE - Information on closing of periodic events

T7BREFD_PYCMPL - Payroll additional information

T7BREFD_PYGAR - Payments made to alimony beneficiaries

T7BREFD_PYINFO - Payroll additional information

T7BREFD_PYPART - Comp.information regarding the partial made payment

T7BREFD_PYPAY - Wage types that form employee remuneration

T7BREFD_PYPAYINF - Details on payments made regarding payroll

T7BREFD_PYPER - period to which the remuneration differences refer to

T7BREFD_PYPREPER - Informs remuneration differences from previous period

T7BREFD_PYRCPT - Payments made to the worker

T7BREFD_PYREM - Employee remuneration information

T7BREFD_PYREOT - Remuneration other company codes

T7BREFD_PYRESC - Information regarding harmfAgent and simplesInfo

T7BREFD_PYREVN - Payroll additional information

T7BREFD_PYTOT - Totaling of worker's remuneration

T7BREFD_PYWPL - Establishment identification and workplace

T7BREFD_PYWTAM - Wage types that form the employee remuneration

T7BREFD_REINT - Reintegration information

T7BREFD_RESMON - Biological monitoring manager data

T7BREFD_RISKDATE - Information on work environments and risk factors

T7BREFD_RKDTHCHG - Environmental working conditions - Change

T7BREFD_RKDTHEND - Environmental working conditions - End

T7BREFD_RKDTHSTA - Environmental working conditions - Beginn

T7BREFD_RKDTSCHG - Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- Change

T7BREFD_RKDTSEND - Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- End

T7BREFD_RKDTSSTA - Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- Beginn

T7BREFD_ROLE - Role identification information

T7BREFD_RPLCOP - Replacement information regarding port operators

T7BREFD_RPPS - Public agency - Special Social Welfare Policy

T7BREFD_RULAW - Lawsuit of rural producer

T7BREFD_RULE - Rules for events

T7BREFD_RULED - Rule condition for event

T7BREFD_RULEDT - Text table for rule conditions

T7BREFD_RULEP - Parameters for rules

T7BREFD_RULET - Rule text table for event

T7BREFD_RUMKT - Information on the establishment that traded the production

T7BREFD_RURALACQ - Acquisition of rural production information

T7BREFD_RURLWRKR - Rural producer information

T7BREFD_STBAT - Table for change log in the batch

T7BREFD_STERR - Status error

T7BREFD_STLOG - Event status log

T7BREFD_SUSPINF - Payout suspension information on taxes and FGTS

T7BREFD_TEMPWRK - Infomation regarding temporary worker's remuneration

T7BREFD_TRAINER - Professional responsible for training

T7BREFD_TRAINING - Tranings and simulated training

T7BREFD_TYPINF - Information type

T7BREFD_TYPINFT - Text table for information types

T7BREFD_UNIONDUE - Information on the employer union dues

T7BREFD_VACPAY - Detail of payments made regading the vacation.

T7BREFD_WRKENV - Work environment information

T7BREFD_WRKPLC - Workplace information

T7BREFD_WRKSCH - Workday information

T7BREFD_WTLAWS - Processes - Obsolete table - See T7BREFD_WTSUIT

T7BREFD_WTSUIT - Administrative process or lawsuit related to a wage type

T7BREFD_WTYPE - Wage type information

T7BRERCONTACT - Company contact table

T7BRES - Schools

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