Select data from sap tables T77PC

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T77PC - Structural Graphics: PD Object Data Control (old)

T77PCLX_AREA - PCLx Areas (Without Version)

T77PCLX_AREAA - Attributes of PCLx Area (Version-Independent)

T77PCLX_AREAT - Description of PCLx Areas (Without Version)

T77PCLX_AREAV - Versions of PCLx Area

T77PCLX_PCLXID - Assignment of PCLx ID to Cluster Table

T77PCLX_PCLXIDT - Description of PCLx ID and Associated Cluster Table

T77PCLX_RELID - PCLx Cluster

T77PCLX_RELIDT - Description of PCLx Cluster

T77PCLX_STRUC - Versioned Description of PCLx Area

T77PCLX_STRUCE - Comp. in ExprtStruc. Stored Under a Different Name

T77PCWTIBC_TBL - Assign business category to the wage type customizing table

T77PCWTIBUSCAT - Define Business Category for wage type information

T77PCWTIBUSCAT_T - Business Category text table

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