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T77PA - Plan Versions per Aspect

T77PAARC_SUBTY - Subtypes for Infotype 0283 and Infotype 3246

T77PAD00_AOCLC - Customer: Assignment AO/Subobj. to Class (Override)

T77PAD00_AOCLD - SAP or Default: Assignment AO/Subobj. to Classes

T77PAD00_AOCLS - Obsolete: SUBTY Unnecessary But Cannot Be Deleted in SP

T77PADDURATION - Assign Authorization Time Period to Time Period ID

T77PADDUR_DEF - Default Authorization Time Periods

T77PADDUR_KEY - ID for Role-Specific Authorization Time Periods

T77PADDUR_KEYT - Text for Time Period ID

T77PADERD_FLDS - Remove Fields from Employee Information

T77PADERD_INFT - Infotypes Without Time Connection to Legal Person

T77PADERD_ITXT - Remove Infotype Texts from Employee Information

T77PADERD_REASON - Entry of Reasons for Executing Employee Information


T77PADEST52 - Work relation type

T77PADEST52CCC - Relationship of work relationship type with CAC type

T77PADEST52T - Description of the work relationship type

T77PADES_SHMS - Messages by status

T77PADES_SHST - Status handler

T77PADES_SHSTT - Status management texts

T77PADES_TPCEX - Configuration table of contribution and exclusions type

T77PADES_TPCEX_D - Configuration table of contribution and exclusions type

T77PADES_TPCEX_T - Configuration table of contribution and exclusions type

T77PADKZ508A - Normative Work Schedule Rules for Personal Work Schedule

T77PADKZAG0 - Attendance or Absence Groups

T77PADKZAG0T - AA Group Texts

T77PADKZAG1 - Assign Attendance and Absence Types to Groups

T77PADKZECO - Ecological zones

T77PADKZLNGVER - Language to version connection

T77PADKZ_290CD - Matching subtypes of IT0290 and documents codes

T77PADKZ_290PR - Priority of Document (IT0290) for Reporting

T77PADKZ_ACEVT - Assign Personnel Action type and reason for Action to Groups

T77PADKZ_CONTACT - Contact person

T77PADKZ_CONTC_T - Contact person - Text

T77PADKZ_DCCDT - Documents Codes Text

T77PADKZ_DOCCD - Documents codes

T77PADKZ_DR_ERC - Error Codes Directory

T77PADKZ_DR_ERT - Error codes description

T77PADKZ_EDFORM - Education Forms


T77PADKZ_EDINST - Educational Institutions

T77PADKZ_EDINSTT - Text table for table T77PADKZ_EDINST

T77PADKZ_EDPROF - Specialty according to diploma


T77PADKZ_EDQUAL - Educational qualification


T77PADKZ_EDTYPE - Types of Education

T77PADKZ_EDTYPT - Types of Education: Texts

T77PADKZ_EHRRS - Relevance of KZ E-HR Report statuses to IT Screen statuses

T77PADKZ_EVENT - Event Grouping

T77PADKZ_EVENTT - Event Grouping Text

T77PADKZ_M0 - Military card information catalogue, Kazakhstan

T77PADKZ_M0T - Text table for Military card information catalogue, KZ

T77PADKZ_MASSS - Details About Reasons for Actions

T77PADKZ_MASSST - Texts of Details About Reasons for Actions

T77PADKZ_PRQUAL - Connection between Profession and Qualification1

T77PADKZ_RPGRT - Report Grouping Text

T77PADKZ_RPTCST0 - HR-KZ Report's customizing data

T77PADKZ_RPTCST1 - Parameters for T77PADKZ_RPTCST0

T77PADKZ_RPTGR - Report Grouping

T77PADKZ_T517T - Assignments educational establishment with education type

T77PADRUDTFRMTCT - Description


T77PADRUPS_FRMAC - Forms Of Access To Classified Information

T77PADRUPS_FRMCT - Forms Of Access To Classified Information Text

T77PADRUPS_GRP - Kinds of service

T77PADRUPS_GRPT - Kinds of service: texts

T77PADRUPS_RNK - Kinds of service

T77PADRUPS_RNKT - Kinds of service: texts

T77PADRUPS_SKD - Kinds of service

T77PADRUPS_SKDT - Kinds of service: texts

T77PADRUPS_TSD - Connection of person titles with scientific degrees (OKIN)

T77PADRUSS_APL - Map incapacity reasons to IT3273 Subtypes

T77PADRU_528DOC - Documents for Work Center

T77PADRU_528NW - Nature of Work for Work Center

T77PADRU_ABWGR - Assign Attendance and Absence Types to Groups

T77PADRU_ABWTY - Attendance or Absence Group

T77PADRU_ABWTY_T - Texts: Attendance or Absence Groups

T77PADRU_BONRS - Parameters for Bonus Reserves

T77PADRU_CLCAT - Table of existing categories

T77PADRU_CLCATCC - Table of customer category content of category-priority task

T77PADRU_CLCATCS - Table of standart category content of category-priority task

T77PADRU_CLCATIT - Table of permitted infotypes in category-priority task

T77PADRU_CLCATT - Text explanation of categories

T77PADRU_DOCID - Document Id

T77PADRU_DOCID_T - Document Id: Texts

T77PADRU_FIAS01 - FIAS checking mode for subtypes of Inotype '0006'

T77PADRU_FSSAB - Sickness Certificate: suggested Absences Mapping

T77PADRU_LBACDF - Default Labor Activity ID for Personnel Action

T77PADRU_LBACT - Directory of types of information of labor activity

T77PADRU_LNSTEP - Sickness Certificate Processing Steps

T77PADRU_LNSTEPT - Text table for Sickness Certificate Processing Steps

T77PADRU_MODRS - Reserves modifier for feature 33RSR

T77PADRU_MODTX - Text for Reserves modifier for feature 33RSR

T77PADRU_NWRID - Nature of Work ID

T77PADRU_NWRID_T - Nature of Work Id: Texts

T77PADRU_OGRN - Main State Registration Numbers


T77PADRU_RSLD - Legal Document Information about Action Reasons

T77PADRU_SUBDOC - Substantiation document type

T77PADRU_SUBDOCT - Test table for Substantiation document type

T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 - Tax privileges for the given tax class

T77PADRU_TAXPRI2 - Obsolete! Use table T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 instead

T77PADRU_TAXPRIV - Obsolete! Use table T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 instead

T77PADRU_VACRS - Reasons of reserves for vacations

T77PADUAPROF - Profession Classification

T77PADUAPROFT - Professional job description

T77PADUA_528PRF - Assignments between Professions and Organizational Entities

T77PAD_522GM - Default Value for Gender

T77PAD_522GM_SI - Default Value for Self-Identified Gender

T77PAD_FORM_ADDR - Form of Address

T77PAD_FRMADDR_T - Texts for Form of Address

T77PAD_GENDER - Gender

T77PAD_GENDER_BW - Gender Grouping for BI

T77PAD_GENDER_SI - Self-Identified Gender

T77PAD_GENDER_T - Texts for Gender

T77PAD_GEND_BW_T - Texts for Gender Grouping for BI

T77PAD_GNDR_SI_T - Texts for Self-Identified Gender

T77PAD_HIDEBIRTH - Masking Date of Birth in PREM Search Results

T77PAD_IBAN - Generate Bank Data from IBAN

T77PAD_TIMER - Time Periods for Automatic Toggle

T77PAODYCALC - Parameter Groups for Calculation Methods

T77PAODYCALCP - Parameters for Calculation Methods

T77PAODYCOND - Conditions

T77PAODYDAMAP - Mapping View: Dynamic Actions to Dynamic Processing Rules

T77PAODYINACT - Inactive Indicator for Rules

T77PAODYINACTC - Inactive Indicator for Rules (Customer)

T77PAODYOP - Operations

T77PAODYOPINFO - Information for Operations

T77PAODYOPVAL - Default Values for Operations

T77PAODYORDER - Rule Order

T77PAODYRULE - Dynamic Processing Rules

T77PAOMDCF - Basic UI Configurations for SAP and Customer Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFC - Customer Changes to Basic UI Configurations for Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFCT - Customer Changes to IT Descriptions in Basic UI Configs

T77PAOMDCFDTL - Detail Configurations for SAP and Customer Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFDTLC - Customer Changes to Detail Configurations for Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFPRP - Configuration Properties for SAP and Customer Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFPRPC - Customer Changes to Configuration Properties for Infotypes

T77PAOMDCFT - SAP and Customer IT Descriptions in Basic UI Configurations

T77PAOMDOVRCF - SAP Configurations for Object Profile Pages

T77PAOMDOVRCFC - Customer Configurations for Object Profile Pages

T77PAOMDQVCF - SAP Configurations for Quickviews

T77PAOMDQVCFC - Customer Configurations for Quickviews

T77PAOMDSPCF - SAP Configurations for Short Profiles

T77PAOMDSPCFC - Customer Configurations for Short Profiles

T77PAOPARAMS - Parameters

T77PAOSCAT - Search Categories

T77PAOSCATGRP - Search Category Grouping

T77PAOSCATGRP_T - Search Category Grouping

T77PAOSCAT_T - Search Category Descriptions

T77PAOSCONTEXT - Search Categories

T77PAOSDQUERY - PAOC Query Searchprovider: Assigned Queries

T77PAOSDSMPL - HR Query Fields for Simple Search (SAP delivery)

T77PAOSESCPASTAT - Status Program for Authorization Change Pointers

T77PAOSESINFTC - Infotype for Change Pointer Creation

T77PAOSESINFTY - Infotype for Change Pointer Creation

T77PAOSQUADV - Advanced Search Criteria for Query Category

T77PAOSQUERYCAT - Generated Queries for Category

T77PAOSQUFLTR - Filter Criteria for Query Category

T77PAOSQUINFO - Query Information for Category

T77PAOSQURSLT - Query Searchprovider: Assigned Queries

T77PAOSQUSMPL - HR Query Fields for Simple Search

T77PAOSQUVS - Value Suggest Fields for Query Category

T77PAOSSPES - Search Category

T77PAOSSPROV - Search Category

T77PAOSSPTYPE - Search Provider Type

T77PAOSSPTYPE_T - Search Provider Type

T77PAO_DRPAIT - PA Infotype Fields for Data Retrieval

T77PAO_GROUP - Group ID : : Obsolete

T77PAO_GROUP_T - Group ID text : Obsolete

T77PAO_ORGCONF - Org Tree Configurations : Obsolete

T77PAO_ORGCONF_T - Org Tree Configuration Text : Obsolete

T77PARCCONFHDR - Configuration of Archiving Object: Header Row

T77PARCCONFHDR_T - Text Archiving Group

T77PARCVETO_APP - PA Veto: Applications Participating in Veto

T77PARCVETO_APPT - PA Veto: Participating Applications, Text Table

T77PARCVETO_CHK - PA Veto: Registration of Checks

T77PARCVETO_DEST - PA Veto: Target System for Applications

T77PARETROLIM - Earliest RA Date for Payroll/Time Management

T77PAY00_530_F - Functions for Action Type/Action Reason

T77PAY00_530_FT - Functions for Action Type/Action Reason

T77PAY00_530_M - Assignment of Actions to Functions

T77PAY00_APPL - Subapplications with BAdI

T77PAY00_GPA - Assignment of Subapplication SPA/GPA Parameters

T77PAY00_NTACT - Customizing Activation of Notification Tool

T77PAY00_NTADM - Customizing Country-Specific Administrator Class

T77PAY00_NTAS - Assignment Administrator to Tasks (Fallback)

T77PAY00_NTCL - Customizing for Country-Specific Classes (Task/Context)

T77PAY00_NTCLC - Customizing for Country-Specific Classes (Task/Context)

T77PAY00_NTDDC - Customizing Customer-Specific Documentation: Reference

T77PAY00_NTDID - Customizing Customer-Specific Documentation: Identifier

T77PAY00_NTDIDT - Customizing Customer-Specific Documentation: Identifier

T77PAY00_NTDOC - Customizing Customer-Specific Documentation: Assignment

T77PAY00_NTMSG - Customizing for Elimination of Messages

T77PAY00_NTMSGIA - Customizing of infotype action for messages

T77PAY00_S_APPL - Structure for Table T77PAY00_APPL

T77PAYARF649I - Table of items

T77PAYARF649J - Table of items - Customers

T77PAYAR_DIVAB - Table of Configurable Divisors for Leaves

T77PAYAR_RUBR - Limits and values by income tax category

T77PAYAR_SALRG - Salary brackets available for Income Tax

T77PAYCO_DIANC - Country equivalency table DIAN

T77PAYCO_SSPER - Percentage levels for Social Insurance

T77PAYDEDLS_L - Settings Y/N Questions Wage Type Master Data

T77PAYDEDLS_Q - Y/N Questions Wage Type Master Data

T77PAYDEDLS_T - Texts About Questions in Wage Type Master Data

T77PAYDEDLS_W - Further Settings Wage Type Master Data

T77PAYDE_CL_CUST - Override Classes - Time-Dependent Assignment

T77PAYDE_CONT1 - Quota Types

T77PAYDE_CONT1T - Names of Quota Types

T77PAYDE_CONT2 - Assignment of Classes to Quota Types

T77PAYDE_DDIFF - Remuneration Statement - Switch Wage Types (EBV2)

T77PAYDE_DKRAN - Sick Pay Transfer from EEL Notification

T77PAYDE_E2CH - ELStAM: SAP and Customer-Specific Checks from Check Report

T77PAYDE_E2CHT - ELStAM: Text Table from Checks of Check Report

T77PAYDE_E2VH - ELStAM: Control of Procedural Notes in ELStAM Procedure

T77PAYDE_E2VHC - ELStAM: Customer Table - Control of Notes ELStAM Procedure

T77PAYDE_E2VHT - ELStAM: Text Table - Control of Notes in ELStAM Procedure

T77PAYDE_EO01 - Pay Grade Regulations

T77PAYDE_EO02 - Assignment Pay Scale Type -> Pay Grade Regulation

T77PAYDE_EO03 - Occupational Features (Part/Section.Subsection)

T77PAYDE_EO03T - Occupational Features (Part/Section.Subsection)

T77PAYDE_EO04 - Case Groups

T77PAYDE_EO05 - Bonuses

T77PAYDE_EO05T - Bonuses

T77PAYDE_EO06 - Bonus Evaluation

T77PAYDE_EO07 - Bonus Assignment

T77PAYDE_EO08 - Level Rules

T77PAYDE_EO08T - Level Rules

T77PAYDE_EO09 - Differing Level Increases According to Pay Grade Regulation

T77PAYDE_EO10 - Assignment Occupation/Case Group -> Level Rule

T77PAYDE_EO11 - Subcase Groups

T77PAYDE_EO12 - Pay Grade Groups (Internal)

T77PAYDE_EO12T - Pay Grade Group Texts

T77PAYDE_EO13 - Assignment Pay Scale Group -> Pay Grade Group

T77PAYDE_HS01 - University Statistics: Fields of Studies

T77PAYDE_HS01T - University Statistics: Description of Fields of Studies

T77PAYDE_KGBA0 - Ch.All. Dataset Handover: Institution No. and Relevant Data

T77PAYDE_KGID0 - IDNo. Cntrl Proc. Child Allowance: Family Equalization Funds

T77PAYDE_KGID1 - ID No. Control Proc. Child Allowance: BZSt Number (BOP)

T77PAYDE_KGID2 - IDNo. Cntrl Proc. Child All.: FamEQF -> BZSt No./AccountID

T77PAYDE_KHST1 - Hospital Statistics: MedicalAreaFocus

T77PAYDE_KHST1_T - Hospital Statistics: MedicalAreaFocus Text Table

T77PAYDE_KHST2 - Hospital Statistics: Medical Function

T77PAYDE_KHST2_T - Hospital Statistics: Med. Function Text Table

T77PAYDE_KHST3 - Hospital Statistics: Non-Med.Profession

T77PAYDE_KHST3_T - Hospital Statistics: Non-Med.Profession

T77PAYDE_KHST4 - Hospital Statistics: Non-Med.Function

T77PAYDE_KHST4_T - Hospital Statistics: Non-Med.Function

T77PAYDE_KHST5 - Hospital Statistics: SpecialDepartmentNursingStaff_KH

T77PAYDE_KHST5_T - Hospital Statistics: SpecialDepartmentNursingStaff_KH

T77PAYDE_KHST6 - Hospital Statistics: Further Training

T77PAYDE_KHST6_T - Hospital Statistics: Further Training (Texts)

T77PAYDE_KHST7 - Assignment of Characteristics to Job, Position, Org. Unit

T77PAYDE_KHST8 - Assignment of Statistics Characteristics to Service Types

T77PAYDE_KHST9 - Assignment of Statistics Characteristics to Org. Key

T77PAYDE_TRF01 - Pay Scale Exclusion Date

T77PAYDE_TRF02 - Pay Scale Adjustments

T77PAYDE_TRF03 - Pay Scale Group Changes (Transfers)

T77PAYDE_TU_A01 - Definition Test Functions

T77PAYDE_TU_A01T - Description Test Function

T77PAYDE_TU_A02 - Assignment of Class to Test Functions

T77PAYES_RELAP - Relevant fields by application

T77PAYIT_730_REF - 730: rejections of the tax agent

T77PAYIT_BENEFIC - Beneficiary tables

T77PAYIT_CIA - Company

T77PAYIT_CIA_ADD - Company Data Configuration

T77PAYIT_CUPPERN - Relationship between beneficiary and employee

T77PAYIT_CUPSTAT - Statement of beneficiary declaration

T77PAYIT_FACTORY - Reporting factory configuration

T77PAYKZ51AV_A - Calculation Rules for Averages - Kazakh Fields

T77PAYKZ51AV_B - Cumulation Rules for Averages - Kazakh Fields

T77PAYKZBT - Bank Transfer Table Image (BTKZ)

T77PAYKZD4 - Limit rules specification

T77PAYKZD4T - Limit rules specification

T77PAYKZD5 - Maximum restriction of the limit rule

T77PAYKZINC - Income Codes

T77PAYKZINCT - Income Codes Texts

T77PAYKZN1 - Reference Text table of wage codes

T77PAYKZN2 - Assigment Wage Type to Wage Code

T77PAYKZN4 - Cumulation wage codes

T77PAYKZN8 - Wage Code Assignment to Report

T77PAYKZNC - Reference table of wage codes

T77PAYKZNR - Report catalog available for wage codes

T77PAYKZNRT - Texts for reports

T77PAYKZTS - Time Schedule Report Customizing Table

T77PAYKZ_99F0 - Forms - Kazakh Attributes

T77PAYKZ_99FF - Kazakh addition to DAQ Field definition

T77PAYKZ_99FFC - Kazakh addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)

T77PAYKZ_CLCAT - Class Categories

T77PAYKZ_CLCATIT - Class Category Infotype Assignment

T77PAYKZ_CLCATT - Class Categories Text

T77PAYKZ_RMS_ORD - Reporting Organization Data

T77PAYKZ_RMS_ORG - Reporting Organization Data

T77PAYMX65 - Districts for IT0006

T77PAYMX65T - Districts for IT0006 - Name

T77PAYMX_CFDI_CE - CFDi CE Digital Tax Stamp

T77PAYMX_CFDI_ST - CFDi Digital Tax Stamp

T77PAYRUCWT - Wage Type Substitution

T77PAYRUDCSIC0 - Define DCS Service Endpoint for Reporting Area

T77PAYRUDCSIC1 - Define implementation of DCS component for Report Type

T77PAYRUDCSIC2 - Default logical ports for communication with DCS

T77PAYRUDED - Determine Method for Deduction Distribution

T77PAYRUKBK - PS KBK priorities

T77PAYRUKBKSTRUC - PS KBK key structure

T77PAYRUPCXA0 - Classification keys for reporting purposes

T77PAYRUPCXA0T - Descriptions for classification keys for reporting purposes

T77PAYRUPCXA1 - Report categories for classification

T77PAYRUPCXA1T - Descriptions for report categories for classification

T77PAYRUPCXA2 - Result values of classification

T77PAYRUWTGRP - PYD: Wage Type Groups

T77PAYRUWTGRPT - PYD: Wage Type Group Texts

T77PAYRUWTGRPW - PYD: Wage Type Group Wage Type Assignment

T77PAYRU_EVACT - Personnel event association with personnel action’s reason

T77PAYRU_EVENT - Personnel event

T77PAYRU_EVENT_T - Personnel event text

T77PAYRU_EX_OFFC - Exclude Off-Cycle Reason for Report Type

T77PAYRU_HOLDATE - Transfer of Days for Public Holiday Calendar

T77PAYRU_PAYTP - Payment Transfer Types

T77PAYRU_PAYTPT - Payment Type Transfer Text

T77PAYRU_PAYWT - Payment Transfer Wage Types

T77PAYRU_RESWT - Wage Types for Reserves

T77PAYRU_RMS_ORD - RMS Organization Definition

T77PAYRU_RMS_ORG - Reporting Organisation Data

T77PAYRU_RMS_ORS - Reporting Organisation Data (Sub. Units)

T77PAYRU_TAXRO - Tax responsible organization

T77PAYRU_TAXWT - Alternative tax wage types to tax classes

T77PAYRU_TAX_CLS - Classification TaxClasses for reporting purposes

T77PAYRU_VIEWBTN - Report view operations UI behaviour

T77PAYRU_VIEWOP - Report view operations

T77PAYRU_VIEWOPT - Report view operations texts

T77PAYUA_510 - Salary Indexation Parameters to Pay Scale Group

T77PAYUA_IDXMT - Salary Indexation Methods (for Feature 36IDX)

T77PAYUA_IDXMTT - Text for Indexation method for feature 36IDX

T77PAYUA_MODRS - Reserves modifier for feature 36RSR

T77PAYUA_MODTX - Text for Reserves modifier for feature 36RSR

T77PAYUA_RES - Reserves for vacations

T77PAYUA_RESWT - Wage Types for Reserves

T77PAYUS_CLDFEIN - Payroll related FEINs

T77PAYUS_SCFG - e-IWO Configuration by Jurisdiction

T77PAYUS_SYNTX - Registry Data for Synchronization Tax (US)

T77PAYUS_SYNXC - Registry Data for Synchronization TUB Level (US)

T77PAYUS_TCADI - Tax Company additional information

T77PAYUS_TXCMP - Tax Company Configuration

T77PAYUS_VTYP - e-IWO Validation Action Type

T77PAYXX_PL - Applicability of P_DURATION authorization for HCM reports

T77PAY_PYO_SYM - Mapping of Symbolic Accounts with Molga

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