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T77HREOP_PERIOD - EOP Period for Creditors/Debtors/BPartners with PERNR


T77HRFONL_BLK - Payslip: Definition of Block entries

T77HRFONL_BLK_T - Payslip: text for Blocks

T77HRFONL_CWT - Payslip: Cumulative Wage Type with Evalclass02 Values

T77HRFONL_CWTC - Cumulative Wage Type with Evalclass02 (customer table)

T77HRFONL_LGART - Output for wagetypes

T77HRFONL_SECTIO - Payslip: Definition of Section entries

T77HRFONL_SECT_T - Payslip: Section entry text

T77HRFONL_ST - Payslip: Definition of Static Texts in HRForms

T77HRFONL_ST_T - Payslip: Definition of Static Texts in HRForms - Text Table

T77HRFPMCLOSINGA - Local Settings for Period Closing for Commitment Creation

T77HRFPMFILT01 - Filter Rule

T77HRFPMFILT01T - Requirements Filter: Rule Texts

T77HRFPMFILT10 - Requirements Filter: Handler Classes

T77HRFPMFINCHK0 - Financing Rules: Assignment of OM Service -> Application

T77HRFPMFINCHK1 - Financing Rules: Assignment of Application -> Class

T77HRFPMFINEXC1 - Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement

T77HRFPMFINEXC1T - Reason for Alternative Financing Requirement (Texts)

T77HRFPMFINEXC2 - Grouping of Reasons for Alternative Financing Requirement

T77HRFPMFINEXC2T - Grouping of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement (Texts)

T77HRFPMFINEXC3 - Assignment of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requir. to Groups

T77HRFPMFINEXC4 - Classification of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement

T77HRFPMFINEXC4T - Classific. of Reasons for Alt. Financing Requirement (Texts)

T77HRFPMFTEREOC0 - Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPMFTEREOC1 - Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPMFTEREOCA - Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPMFTEREOCD - Proposal Value for Validity End Date of Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPMLGENH00 - Define Enhancement Groups

T77HRFPMLGENH00T - Name of Enhancement Groups

T77HRFPMLGENH01 - Define Enhancements

T77HRFPMLGENH01T - Define Enhancements

T77HRFPMLGENH02 - Assign Message Group to Enhancement Group

T77HRFPMLGENH03 - Assign Enhancement Group to Enhancement

T77HRFPMLGENH04 - Enhancement Filter

T77HRFPMLGENH04T - Enhancement Filter

T77HRFPMLGMEX01 - Define Message Extractor

T77HRFPMLGRVW01 - Define Message Groups

T77HRFPMLGRVW01T - Name of Message Groups

T77HRFPMLGRVW02 - PBC Log: Message Assignment to Groups

T77HRFPM_1509_OM - Assignment of Note Types to Object Types O and P

T77HRFPM_AC - HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Activities in HR

T77HRFPM_ACTION - Actions in Postion Budgeting and Control

T77HRFPM_ACTIONT - Promotion description

T77HRFPM_AC_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Activities (possible BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_AC_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for PS Activities (BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_AC_GRO - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_AC_GR_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for PS Check (possible BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_ADMIN - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_ADTKEY - Key for Job Title

T77HRFPM_ADTKEYT - Description: Job Title Key

T77HRFPM_CD_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_CD_FIVA - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_CD_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_CD_MERG - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_CD_VARI - HRFPM: Cust.Table for FPM Table (Feature Variant)

T77HRFPM_CHECK - HRFPM: Cust. Tab for Activating Checks in HR

T77HRFPM_CHGBUD - Maximum Period for Budget Definition and Fund Usage

T77HRFPM_CHGPER - Period Allowed for Changes in the Past

T77HRFPM_CHG_HIS - Activation of Change Log

T77HRFPM_CH_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Checks (possible BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_CH_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for PS Check (possible BADI filters)

T77HRFPM_CIL - Legal Grounds for Financing

T77HRFPM_CIL_T - Description Legal Grounds

T77HRFPM_CLOSING - Settings for Period Closing with Commitment Creation

T77HRFPM_CL_HIS - Customizing: Activate Change Log

T77HRFPM_CURCY - HRFPM: Maintenance of Document Currency

T77HRFPM_DC_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_DC_FIVA - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_DC_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_DC_PAY - HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (Payroll Simulation for PCP )

T77HRFPM_DC_PCP - HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Context / Scenario)

T77HRFPM_DC_SUB - HRFPM: Cust.Table for DC (PCP: Subtypes for 5010/0666)

T77HRFPM_DC_VAR - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (PCP: Report Variant)

T77HRFPM_DC_VARI - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Detailed Variant)

T77HRFPM_DERFIL - Derivation Strategy for Filter Determination for Check Rules

T77HRFPM_DERFILT - Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Asignment Rules: Texts

T77HRFPM_DI_FD - HRFPM: Global Filter for Personnel Cost Savings BAdI

T77HRFPM_DI_FIL - HRFPM: Possible Filters for BAdI Personnel Costs Savings

T77HRFPM_DI_FI_T - HRFPM: Texts for Filter Values of Pers. Cost Savings BAdIs

T77HRFPM_ENCPER - HRFPM: Commitment Periods

T77HRFPM_ENCUMB - HRFPM: Customizing - global time frame for encumbrance

T77HRFPM_EP_FD - HRFPM: Global Filter for EP-BAdI

T77HRFPM_EP_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for IM (Possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_EP_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for EP (Possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_ERRCATG - Error Categories

T77HRFPM_ERRCATT - Error Categories: Texts

T77HRFPM_ERRCODE - Assignment of Error Message to Error Category

T77HRFPM_ERRCODT - Assignment of Error Message to Error Category Texts

T77HRFPM_ERREXMP - Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules

T77HRFPM_ERREXMT - Permitted Check Exceptions for Financing Rules: Texts

T77HRFPM_ER_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error(possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_ER_FIVA - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Error Handler (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_ER_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for Error (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_EXMPGRP - Permitted Exception Groups: Texts

T77HRFPM_EXMPGRT - Permitted Exception Groups: Texts

T77HRFPM_FIN_FIL - Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Assignment Rules

T77HRFPM_FIN_FIT - Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Asignment Rules: Texts

T77HRFPM_FLAGS - Switch for PBC

T77HRFPM_FTE_WB0 - Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_FTE_WB1 - Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_FTE_WBA - Periods for Activation of Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_IM_FD - HRFPM: Global Filter for IM BAdI

T77HRFPM_IM_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for IM (Possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_IM_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for IM (Possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_INFTYS - HRFPM: Customizing - Infotypes Relevant to Commitment

T77HRFPM_INTE - HR-FPM: Involved in Integration

T77HRFPM_LOCKINT - Integration Commitment Creation Notes

T77HRFPM_MGRP - Job Title Main Group

T77HRFPM_MGRPT - Description: Main Job Title Group

T77HRFPM_MOINT - HRFPM: Customizing - Grouping Participation in Integration

T77HRFPM_MOINT_T - HRFPM: Customizing - Grouping Participation in Integration

T77HRFPM_MOSALSA - Grouping for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings

T77HRFPM_MOSAL_T - Description Grp. for Activation of Personnel Cost Savings

T77HRFPM_MO_ACT - Activation of Recording of Personnel Cost Savings

T77HRFPM_OBJCOL - HRFPM: Customizing Table for Object Collector (Variants)

T77HRFPM_OBJECTS - HRFPM: Customizing - Objects Relevant to Commitment

T77HRFPM_OCC_CHK - HRFPM: Cust Tab for Activating Staff Assignment Rules

T77HRFPM_OC_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_OC_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for OC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_OMWB - Groupings for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_OMWBA - Activate Periods for Activating the Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_OMWBD - Default Value for End Date of Reassignment Lock

T77HRFPM_OM_PER - OM Budget: Status of Time Slices

T77HRFPM_OM_PER0 - OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices

T77HRFPM_OM_PER1 - OM Budget: Definition of Time Slices Validity

T77HRFPM_OM_PERT - OM Budget: Texts for Time Slices

T77HRFPM_OM_RECL - Subtype Characteristics of Alternative Valuations

T77HRFPM_OM_TRNS - Settings for transfer posting

T77HRFPM_OP_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_OP_FIVA - HRFPM: Cust. Table for Output (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_OP_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for Output (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_PARAMS - HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (Possible Parameters)

T77HRFPM_PARAM_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for OC (possible parameters)

T77HRFPM_PARFIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for OC (Possible Parameters)

T77HRFPM_PCS_01 - Relevance Type IDs for Personnel Cost Savings

T77HRFPM_PCS_01T - Relevance Type ID: Texts

T77HRFPM_PCS_02 - Consolidation Rules

T77HRFPM_PCS_02T - Texts for Consolidation Rules

T77HRFPM_PCS_03 - Definition of Consolidation Rules

T77HRFPM_PCS_04 - Activation of Consolidation Rules

T77HRFPM_POSACT - Actions Allowed in a Budget Status

T77HRFPM_RA_FIL - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_RA_FIVA - HRFPM: Cust. Table for DC (Variant<-> Filter)

T77HRFPM_RA_FI_T - HRFPM: Cust. Text Table for DC (possible BADI Filter)

T77HRFPM_RELTYP - Relevance Types for Personnel Budget Plan

T77HRFPM_RELTYPT - Relevance Type Text for Personnel Budget Plan

T77HRFPM_SGRP - Job Title Sub-Group

T77HRFPM_SGRPT - Description: Job Title Sub-Group

T77HRFPM_STOV - Maintenance of FTE Limits

T77HRFPM_TABTYP - Tab Pages for Budget Structure Element Types

T77HRFPM_TRFCOND - Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes

T77HRFPM_TRFCONT - Pay Scale Dependency of Group Notes

T77HRFPM_VARIANT - HRFPM: Customizing global variant of the run

T77HRFPM_WD_REPS - Customizing for HRFPM Web Dynpro Java

T77HRFPM_WD_REPT - Customizing for HRFPM Web Dynpro Java - Report Texts

T77HRFPM_WF_DEP - HRFPM: Activation of Workflow for Individual Departments

T77HRFPM_WF_SET - HRFPM: Activation of External E-Mail System

T77HRPADAGERNG - Age Ranges for BI

T77HRPADAGERNG_T - Age Ranges for BI (Text Table)

T77HRPDPRELASH - Archiving Subobject

T77HRPDPRELASHT - Archiving Subobject

T77HRPDPRELASL - Characteristic of Archiving Subobject

T77HRTIMABSGROUP - Grouping of Attendance/Absence Types

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