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T610A - Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code

T610AT - Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Descriptions

T610B - Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers

T610BT - Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Number Descriptions

T610C - Import Processing: CAS Number for Pharmaceutical Products

T610CT - Import Processing: CAS No. for Pharmaceut.Products - Descr.

T610D - Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code

T610DT - Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code Descriptions

T610FA - Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Determination

T610FD - Import Processing: Pharmaceut. Products Code Determination

T610FE - Import Processing: Import Verification Doc. Determination

T610FK - Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Determination

T610FL - Import Processing: Third-country Duty Rate Determination

T610FP - Import Processing: Preferential Duty Rate Determination

T610FS - Import Processing: Customs Exemption Determination

T610K - Import Processing: Customs Quota Codes

T610KP - Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number

T610KPT - Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number

T610KT - Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Descriptions

T610LG - Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing

T610LGT - Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing - Descr.

T610LGZ - Foreign Trade: Assignment of Countries to Country Groups

T610NA - Import Processing: Verification Documents

T610NAT - Import Processing: Verification Document Descriptions

T610O - Foreign Trade: Authorities

T610OT - Foreign Trade: Authorities - Descriptions

T610PA - Foreign Trade: Preference Type

T610PAT - Foreign Trade: Preference Type - Description

T610R - Import Processing: Reference Countries

T610U - Foreign Trade: Upload: Duty Rate Types, Legal Regulations

T610VA - Foreign Trade: Preliminary Import Docs / Export Docs

T610VAT - Foreign Trade: Preliminary Imp. Docs/Exp.Docs - Descriptions

T610W - Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers per Plant

T610Z - Foreign Trade: Customs Identification Nos -Supplier/Customer

T612A - Foreign Trade/Customs: Electronic Procedure: Duty Types

T612AT - FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Duty Type - Means of Transport

T612B - FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of means of transport

T612BT - FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Type of Means of Transport - D

T612G - Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group.

T612GT - Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group.

T612K - FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Duty Type - Condition type

T612N - FT/Customs: Electr. procedures: Type of identity of goods

T612NT - FT/Customs: Electr. Proced.: Type of ident. of goods - descr

T612P - FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of Shipping Unit

T612PT - FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Shp. unit type - Description

T612S - Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Status

T612ST - FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Status - Description

T612V - Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure

T612VT - FT/Customs: Electr. procedure - Description

T615 - Foreign Trade: Customs Offices

T615T - Foreign Trade: Customs Offices - Descriptions

T615U - Foreign Trade: Import/Export Customs Office Conversion

T616 - Procedure

T616T - Procedure Description

T616U - Foreign Trade: Import/Export Procedure Conversion

T616Z - Foreign Trade: Proposal for Procedure in Export

T617 - Foreign Trade: Proposal for Foreign Trade Header Data

T618 - Mode of Transport at the Border

T618EM - BOM of CAP material components

T618G - EU Market: EU Market Products Group

T618GT - EU Market: EU Market Products Group - Descriptions

T618K - Foreign Trade: Valid Comb. f. Mode of Transp./Customs Office

T618M - CAP: Number of CAP products list

T618ME - CAP-relevant material components

T618MET - Material Component Texts (EU Market Products)

T618MS - Components of EU Market Products

T618MT - EU Market: EU Market Products List No. - Descriptions

T618O - EU Market: Market organizations

T618OT - EU Market: Market Organization Descriptions

T618T - Mode of Transport at the Border - Description

T618U - Foreign Trade: Conversion of Import/Export Mode of Transport

T618W - EU Market: Market Organization Number

T618WT - EU Market: Market Organization Number - Descriptions

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