Select data from sap tables T5R1

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T5R13 - Occupational group

T5R1A - Institution of Soc. Provident Funds SG

T5R1B - Fund Indicator for Social Insurance/SG

T5R1C - CPF Contribution rate of Soc. Insurance / SG

T5R1D - Types of foreign workers

T5R1E - The rates of levy for foreign worker

T5R1F - Additional Funds/SG

T5R1G - Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR

T5R1H - Rate for Other Social Fund (Employer) - SDF

T5R1I - Type of PR/NRIC Rate- Graduated/Full Rate

T5R1M - HR-SG: Memberships

T5R1P - Rate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll

T5R1S - Text for fund indicator /SG

T5R1T - Text for Institution of Soc. Insurance SG

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