Select data from sap tables T5N9

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T5N9A - Authority Addresses (NL)

T5N9B - Text: Authority Text (NL)

T5N9C - Text: Authorities (NL)

T5N9D - Executive Authority and Tax Office Notification (NL)

T5N9E - Text: Authority Notifications (NL)

T5N9F - Tab. f. Comb. of Pers. Actions and Reasons for Pers. Actions

T5N9G - Text Table for Comb. of Type of Pers. Action and Reason

T5N9H - Assign Events to Pers. Actions and Reasons f. Pers. Actions

T5N9I - External Agencies

T5N9J - Text: External Agencies

T5N9L - Reason for Ending Employment Contract

T5N9M - Assign Actions and Reasons to code reason ending Employment

T5N9O - Representing Legal Person Text

T5N9P - Representing Legal Persons (for External Agencies)

T5N9R - Relationship Repr. Legal Person and External Agencies

T5N9S - Reason for Ending Employment Contract SAP Code

T5N9T - Reason for Ending Employment Contract Wage Return

T5N9T_T - Reason for Ending Employment Contract Wage Return Text Table

T5N9U - Reason for Ending Employment Contract Pens Return

T5N9U_T - Reason for Ending Employment Contract Pens Return Text Table

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