Select data from sap tables T5ITQ

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T5ITQ1 - Rounding table

T5ITQ2 - Net pay rounding table - Italy only

T5ITQ3 - Processing conditions

T5ITQ4 - CoCoCo activity code

T5ITQ5 - Activity code Cont.&Coord.Services Text Table

T5ITQ6 - Code: other mandatory insurance form - cont.&

T5ITQ7 - Code: other mandatory insurance form - Text Table

T5ITQ8 - Cont.&coord. services codes for employee status/type

T5ITQ9 - Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. services

T5ITQA - Territorial Insurance Position

T5ITQB - Tariff type

T5ITQC - PAT/TT - contribution indicator

T5ITQC_2 - PAT/VT - Contribution Code - Weighted INAIL Rate

T5ITQD - Association INAIL modifier to PAT/VT

T5ITQE - Taxation type for infotype

T5ITQF - INAIL person subgroup

T5ITQG - PAT Texts

T5ITQH - Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. services Text Table

T5ITQI - Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form

T5ITQL - Taxation types to be highlighted in the payroll

T5ITQN - INAIL status and taxation indicators

T5ITQP - INAIL positions

T5ITQR - INAIL offices for positions

T5ITQS - INAIL offices

T5ITQT - Settlement indicator

T5ITQX - Settlement indicator text

T5ITQY - Texts tariff type

T5ITQZ - Employee subgroup description

Return Table index