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SWRSAGENT - Processors


SWRSAGENTLOC - Processors (Local Users)

SWRSAGENTNAME - Workflow: Name of Agent

SWRSATTACH - Work Item: Attachment Details

SWRSATTACHCNT - Work Item: Attachment Details + Content

SWRSDATETIME - Workflow: Date/Time/Time Zone/Timestamp (Deadline)

SWRSDHSTATTEXT - Workflow: Text of Deadline Status

SWRSLANGU - Workflow: Language

SWRSMERGE - Structure for an HTML merge item

SWRSMSGT100 - Text Message

SWRSMSGTEXT - T100 Message

SWRSOAPATS - Attribute Data for SOAP

SWRSOAPHDR - Data for SOAP Header

SWRSOAPMET - Data for SOAP Method

SWRSOAPPEX - Extension for SOAP Parameter

SWRSOBJECT - Workflow: Structure for Objects (POR + Attribute)


SWRSOBJTYP - Structure with Object Type

SWRSPOR - Workflow : Persistent Object Reference

SWRSPRIOTEXT - Workflow: Text of Work Item Priority

SWRSPROFTX - Substitute Profile

SWRSSUBSTITUTE - Workflow: Substitutes (with DEST_ID)

SWRSSUBSTITUTION - Workflow: Substitution (with DEST_ID)

SWRSSUBSTPROF - Substitue Profile (with DEST_ID)

SWRSSYSTEM - Workflow: Assignment of System ID to Destination

SWRSTASKTEXT - Workflow: Text of Task

SWRSUBS - Substitute

SWRSUBST - Substitute

SWRSUSER - Workflow: User Name

SWRSUSERNAME - Workflow: Name for User

SWRSWIAGENTS - Workflow: Work Item/User Assignment

SWRSWIHEAD - Workflow: Work Item Header

SWRSWIHEADDTL - Workflow: Work Item Header with Detailed Information

SWRSWIKEY - Workflow: Key of Work Item in System

SWRSWISTATTEXT - Workflow: Text of Work Item Status

SWRSWITYPETEXT - Workflow: Text of Work Item Type

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