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SWNCINCDBREAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include DB Data

SWNCINCDUBESCOUNT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Dia, Upd, ... Counters


SWNCINCHTTPB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body

SWNCINCHTTPH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCINCRESPTIME - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Times

SWNCINCRESPTIMEADV - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Advanced Time

SWNCINCRESPTIMEDBP - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Resp. Times for DBP

SWNCINCRESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Time Distr.

SWNCINCRFCB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Body

SWNCINCRFCH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Header

SWNCINCSUBAMC - SWNC: Include for AMC subrecord

SWNCINCSUBAPC - Shared Part of APC Subrecord

SWNCINCSUBHTTP - Common Part of HTTP Single Calls

SWNCINCSUBHTTPDEST - Common Part of HTTP Client Server Destinations

SWNCINCSUBRFC - Common Part of RFC Single Calls

SWNCINCSUBRFCDEST - Common Part of RFC Connections (Destinations)

SWNCINCSUBSMTP - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Include

SWNCINCSUBSMTPDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Destination Include

SWNCINCTRANSBYTES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Transferred Bytes

SWNCINCVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include VMC

SWNCINCWEB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCINCWEBDATA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body

SWNCINFORESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Limit Value of Resp. Time Dist.

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