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SWLACTISTR - WLC: Structure for collecting data from Activity Wizard

SWLACTVDY1 - WLC: I/O table for selecting object source

SWLACTVDY2 - WLC: I/O table for selecting object type

SWLACTVDY3 - WLC: I/O table for selecting object

SWLACTVDY4 - WLC: I/O table for description of activity

SWLACTVDYN - WLC: I/O table for activities

SWLICLS - Workflow Inbox: Classes for Work Item Selection

SWLICLST - Workflow Inbox: Classes for Work Item Selection/Texts

SWLICUSTOM - WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox

SWLSCUSTOM - WLC: EATAB expression description for dynamic columns

SWLVCUSTOM - Generated Table for View

SWLVCUSTOM_EXT - Generated Table for View

SWL_CONFIG - WLC: Inbox configuration

SWL_CTITLE - WLC: Column title for task-specific inbox

SWL_CTITLE_EXT - WLC: Title for type-specific task-specific inbox colum

SWL_CUSTOM - WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox

SWL_CUSTOM_EXT - WLC: Type-specific task-specific columns in inbox

SWL_C_NOTE - Structure for the Notes of a Workflow in Container

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