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SWFTAGSTRU - Structure with Tags for Output Format of a Data Object

SWFTRCACONF - Configuration of a Trace Component

SWFTRCCHGHEAD - Trace: Changes to Trace Header

SWFTRCCONF - Trace: Logical Time/Date with Texts

SWFTRCDATA - Trace: Generic Part of a Trace-Data-Entry

SWFTRCDISP - Display Structure for Trace Catalog Entry

SWFTRCDISPDATA - Trace: Generic Part of a Trace-Data-Entry

SWFTRCDISP_TREE - Tree Display Structure for Trace Catalog Entry

SWFTRCDKEY - Trace: Key Structure for Application Data

SWFTRCENTRY - Trace: Generic Part of a Trace Entry

SWFTRCFDAT - Trace: Generic Data Part for Application Filters

SWFTRCFKEY - Trace: Key Structure for Application Filters

SWFTRCHCOND - Trace: Lines of a Hierarchy Filter Condition

SWFTRCHEAD - Trace: Trace Header Data

SWFTRCHFILT - Trace: Hierarchy Filter (Line)

SWFTRCIDSTRUC - Trace: Structure with Trace ID

SWFTRCID_TREE - Trace ID Structure with Node Key for Trace Catalog Display

SWFTRCLPNT - Trace: Definition of a Logical Date/Time

SWFTRCMSG - Message Structure for Message Display

SWFTRCPCONF - Trace: Configuration of Application-Specific Persistence

SWFTRCSELOPT - Trace: Serialized Select-Options for an Element

SWFTRCSFILT - Trace: Generic List with Select Options for a Field

SWFTRCSTAT - Status of Trace Instance

SWFTRC_CMP_FIL - Filtering Dialog Global Component Activation

SWFTRC_DEMO_CONTEXT - Workflow Trace Demo


SWFTRC_DEMO_OPTIONS - Workflow-Trace Demo

SWFTRC_WF_CTX - Workflow Trace: Application Context Structure

SWFTRC_WF_EVT - Workflow Trace: Enhancement Structure for Events

SWFTRC_WF_EXT - Workflow Trace: Enhancement Structure for Trace Filter

SWFTRC_WF_OPT - Workflow Trace: Select-Option Fields for Trace Runtime

SWFTSISPK - TSI: Service Provider Key

SWFTSITSTDATA - TSI: Test Database Table

SWFTSTRUCT - Structure for Tunneling SIBFLPORBs Through BOR Container

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