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SWFSWP_HEADER_ALV - UI Structure for Stopped Workflows

SWFSWRDECIALT - Alternatives of a User Decision

SWFSWRSAGENTS - Workflow: Work Item + Agents

SWFSWRSATTACH - Workflow: Structure for Attaching Attachments

SWFSWRSATTID - Workflow: ID of an Attachment to a Work Item

SWFSWRSATTOBJ - Workflow: Structure WI + SOFM Object (Attachment)

SWFSWRSBASE - Workflow : API Basic Data Such as User, Language...

SWFSWRSCONT - Workflow: Structure WI + Container

SWFSWRSDEADL - Workflow: Deadlines

SWFSWRSDECIKEY - Workflow: Alternative to a User Decision

SWFSWRSDECISION - Workflow: Texts and Alternatives to a User Decision

SWFSWRSFORWINFO - Workflow: Forwarding Information for a Work Item

SWFSWRSIMSG - Internal Format to Display Message in Trace

SWFSWRSMETHOD - Workflow: Methods for a Work Item

SWFSWRSOBJECT - Workflow: Objects for a Work Item

SWFSWRSRESUBMIT - Workflow: Resubmission

SWFSWRSRFCSYS - System Handler: Assignment System ID - RFC Destination

SWFSWRSSELCONTROL - Workflow: Control Structure for Selections

SWFSWRSSTATUS - Workflow: Status of a Work Item

SWFSWRSTEXTAPIRES - Display Table for Testing Text API

SWFSWRSVERSION - Workflow API: Version, Relaease Info

SWFSWRSWIAGENT - Workflow: Work Item/User Assignment

SWFSWRSWIATT - Workflow: Structure with Attachment Details

SWFSWRSWIATTCNT - Workflow: Structure with Attachment Details + Content

SWFSWRSWIPOR - Workflow: Structure WI + POR

SWFSWRSWITEXTS - Workflow: Texts for a Work Item

SWFSWRSXAGT - Workflow: Workitem + Agent (for RFC Calls)

SWFSWRSXCNT - Workflow: Structure WI + Container STREAM

SWFSWRSXDEC - Workflow: User Decisions (for RFC Calls)

SWFSWRSXMET - Workflow: Workitem + Methods (for RFC Calls)

SWFSWRSXOBJ - Workflow: Work Item + Objects (for RFC Calls)

SWFSWRSXTXT - Workflow: Work Item + Text Row (for RFC )

SWFSWRSYSTEM - Workflow System Handler: Assignment ID for Remote Dest.

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