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SWFBOOLCMP - Relational Expression (Page in Condition Tree)

SWFMODMV_FOLDERT - Generated Table for View

SWFMODV_CMPTMFLD - Generated Table for View

SWFMODV_FOLDER - Generated Table for View

SWFMOD_ACTION - store temporary information about action for a workflow

SWFMOD_COMP_INFO - Name + type + desc of container elmts for a WS...ID

SWFMOD_COMP_LIST - Component ID and TYPE (ex: WS , 13200029)

SWFMOD_COMP_TMPL - Templates and components for the workflow modeler

SWFMOD_DTEL_VAL_TXT - Possible values and texts for a data element

SWFMOD_ELTTYPE_VAL_TXT - Possible values and texts by elt type (DTEL or Field ref)

SWFMOD_FOLDER - Folders for components, templates and user workflows

SWFMOD_FOLDERT - Folder text


SWFMOD_INPUT_RULE_PARAM - Contains all input parameters for a rule

SWFMOD_MAPPING_KEY - Mapping between tree node key and modeler key

SWFMOD_RANGE_FOLDER - Range structure for folder

SWFMOD_RANGE_FOLDERID - Range structure for folder

SWFMOD_TRANSPORT_DATA - necessary data for transport UI

SWFMOD_TROBJ - Structure for transport

SWFMOD_USER_WKFL - User specific workflows (created in modeler)

SWFMOD_WF - WF structure => Template or Component

SWFPOWLSFORMOBN - Workflow - POWL: Structure for OBN for Notification of Abs.

SWFPOWLSOBJECT - Workflow - POWL: Structure for Objects

SWFPOWLSSUBSTITUTE - Workflow - POWL: Structure for Substitutes

SWFPOWLSSUBSTITUTION - Workflow - POWL: Structure for Substitution

SWFPOWLSUSER - Workflow - POWL: Structure for User

SWFPOWLSWIHEAD - Workflow - POWL: Structure for Work Item

SWFVO - Object Visualization

SWFVOV - Object Visualization Parameter

SWF_OBJECT - WFP: Workflow Pattern complete object with describing texts

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